abortion rights

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Ohio's Abortion 'Heartbeat Bill' Now on John Kasich's Desk

Bill would ban abortions after fetal heartbeat is detected if governor signs it

(Newser) - Gov. John Kasich has a new bill on his desk, and if he signs it, Ohio will have the toughest abortion laws in the US, USA Today reports. The "heartbeat bill," which bans abortions after a fetal heartbeat is found (sometimes as early as six weeks ), doesn'...

Rubio Says No to Abortions for Zika-Infected Women

'Err on the side of life'

(Newser) - Marco Rubio acknowledges that microcephaly, a birth defect associated with Zika virus, "is a terrible prenatal condition" and that children born with it face a "lifetime of difficulties." Nonetheless, the Republican senator from Florida tells Politico that he doesn't believe pregnant women infected with Zika should...

Mom Who Miscarried Could Do More Time for 'Homicide'

El Salvador's anti-abortion laws are some of world's strictest, have jailed women who miscarry

(Newser) - When Maria Teresa Rivera, a 28-year-old factory worker in El Salvador and single mom of a young boy, began to bleed heavily and collapsed, her family called an ambulance. She had just miscarried a baby she didn't even know she was pregnant with, and the next thing she knew...

New Indiana Law: No Abortions for Fetal Defects

Gov. Mike Pence says bill he signed 'affirms the value of all human life'

(Newser) - Republican Gov. Mike Pence signed a bill into law Thursday making Indiana the second state to ban abortions because of fetal genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome. It's due to take effect in July, but Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky says it will ask a court to block...

'Blockbuster' Abortion Case Arrives at Supreme Court

All eyes on Anthony Kennedy

(Newser) - The abortion case being argued in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday isn't only the "biggest case on the topic in nearly a quarter century," the AP notes—it's also the first major case taking place since Justice Antonin Scalia died , and it's happening during...

What Happens When a Woman Is Refused Abortion
What Happens When a Woman Is Refused Abortion

What Happens When a Woman Is Refused Abortion

So-called 'turnaways' don't fare as well as others, study suggests

(Newser) - Are women more likely to have better futures if they can terminate unwanted pregnancies? New research suggests this is in fact often the case: "There is a belief that access to abortion is important for equal opportunities for women and for their financial stability," researchers write in a...

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Major Abortion Case

For the first time since 2007

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is taking on its first abortion case in eight years, a dispute over state regulation of abortion clinics. The justices said Friday they will hear arguments over a Texas law that would leave about 10 abortion clinics open across the state. A decision should come by late...

Activist in Hiding After Starting #ShoutYourAbortion

Amelia Bonow started receiving death threats after starting #ShoutYourAbortion

(Newser) - As the debate about funding for Planned Parenthood continues, one Seattle activist has gone into hiding after a hashtag she created went viral, her address was posted online, and she started receiving death threats, the Los Angeles Times reports. The hashtag: #ShoutYourAbortion . Its mission, per Bonow and co-founder Lindy West:...

One Nation Now Offering Abortions by Phone

Foundation in Australia lets women call in for a kit

(Newser) - Women in one country will soon be getting abortions by phone, with no need to see a pharmacist or a doctor. Their only outside visits will be to medical clinics for ultrasounds and blood tests, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. The Tabbot Foundation in Australia is offering to assess women...

Kasich Says He'd Sign Down Syndrome Abortion Ban

'Of course I would sign that,' says GOP presidential contender

(Newser) - Ohio is hoping to do what South Dakota, Indiana, and Missouri failed achieve last year: pass legislation that would ban abortions performed because the baby would have Down syndrome . Gov. John Kasich had remained mum on whether he would sign such a bill—until yesterday, when he fairly forcefully said...

One State Aims to Ban Down Syndrome Abortions

But pro-choice advocates say it violates Roe v. Wade

(Newser) - Ohio women, take note: Soon you may be unable to get an abortion if you're doing it to avoid having a baby with Down syndrome. The state's legislature—most of which is pro-life—appears poised to approve such a bill this fall and send it to Gov. John...

Planned Parenthood Bill Fizzles in Senate

Republicans aim to block federal dollars in wake of 'gotcha' video

(Newser) - The Senate blocked a Republican drive today to terminate federal funds for Planned Parenthood, setting the stage for the GOP to try again this fall amid higher stakes—a potential government shutdown that could echo into next year's presidential and congressional elections. The derailed legislation was the Republican response...

Abortions Dropping in Nearly All States

Blue and red states alike see abortion-rates falling

(Newser) - Abortions have declined in states where new laws make it harder to have them—but they've also waned in states where abortion rights are protected, an AP survey finds. Nearly everywhere, in red states and blue, abortions are down since 2010. Explanations vary: Abortion-rights advocates attribute it to expanded...

Most Texas Abortion Clinics Shut Down Overnight

Court decision closes 13 of 21 clinics

(Newser) - All but eight of the remaining 21 abortion clinics in Texas were forced to shut down overnight after a federal appeals court upheld the state's tough restrictions on abortion. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decided that the law's requirement for abortions to take place in expensive ambulatory...

Waitress Gave Limbaugh's $2K Tips to Abortion Rights

Merritt Tierce saw it as 'blood money'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh's big restaurant tip ended up where he wouldn't want it: in the hands of a group supporting abortion rights. A writer who used to wait tables tells her story to the Dallas Morning News : Limbaugh came in twice while she was working, and twice left $2,...

Judge Blocks Louisiana's New Abortion Law

Suit says law would force all 5 state clinics to close

(Newser) - A federal judge has temporarily blocked Louisiana from enforcing its restrictive new abortion law, which requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles of their clinics. But lawyers and advocates appeared to disagree about whether the judge's order affects doctors at all...

Judge Halts Texas Abortion Law Targeting Clinics

Restrictions create 'an impermissible obstacle' to women, judge says

(Newser) - A federal judge today threw out new Texas abortion restrictions that would have effectively closed more than a dozen clinics in the state. US District Judge Lee Yeakel sided with clinics that sued over one of the most disputed measures of a sweeping anti-abortion bill signed by Gov. Rick Perry...

Court: Mississippi Can't Close Only Abortion Clinic

Judges: state shouldn't force women to go elsewhere

(Newser) - A law that would have forced the only abortion clinic in Mississippi to close appears doomed after a federal court ruled against it once again. An appeals court panel decided 2-1 that State House Bill 1390, which requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at local hospitals, would shift Mississippi'...

Missouri Governor Vetoes Abortion Waiting Period

Because it has no exception for cases of rape or incest

(Newser) - Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon today vetoed legislation that would have required a 72-hour waiting period for women seeking abortions. The Democratic governor said he vetoed the bill because it didn't include an exception for rape and incest victims, and hence showed "a callous disregard for women who find...

Wendy Davis: I'd Support a 20-Week Abortion Ban

...But only if it gave 'deference' to a woman and her doctor

(Newser) - Wendy Davis may have become famous by filibustering a law that would ban abortions after 20 weeks, but now the would-be governor tells the Dallas Morning News that she could support such a ban—if it were written correctly. Less than 0.5% of Texas' abortions occur that late, and...

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