US foreign policy

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Why Afghanistan Is a &#39;Fool&#39;s Errand&#39;
 Why Afghanistan 
 Is a 'Fool's Errand' 
Thomas Friedman

Why Afghanistan Is a 'Fool's Errand'

We cannot export democracy, just support democratic institutions

(Newser) - It's no surprise that US policies are failing in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, and around the region—they're completely missing what makes countries succeed, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times . The key, according to a new book, Why Nations Fail , is developing "inclusive" economic and political...

Romney: I&#39;d Be Like Reagan on Iran

 Romney: I'd Be 
 Like Reagan 
 on Iran 

Romney: I'd Be Like Reagan on Iran

Mitt would pursue 'peace through strength,' he says in 'Washington Post' op-ed

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has an op-ed in today's Washington Post explaining how he'd deal with Iran. The answer? He'd do what Ronald Reagan would, rather than what the "feckless" Barack Obama is doing. In Romney's telling, the Iran hostage crisis ended because "the Iranians well...

Time for US to Let the World Grow Up

Ian Buruma criticizes hawks for over-relying on military, hurting US interests

(Newser) - Sure, the United States has the world's most powerful military. But President Obama's reluctance to use it is hardly a sign of pessimism or weakness, it's "realistic wisdom," writes Ian Buruma at al-Jazeera . "Old-fashioned military dominance is no longer adequate to promote US interests....

First Lady’s Africa Trip Re-Ignites Criticism

Africa advocates say White House overlooks troubled continent

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's trip to southern Africa this week is giving new life to criticism that the Obama administration is overlooking the troubled continent, reports the Washington Post . The president has been to sub-Saharan Africa only once since taking office— a 24-hour trip to Ghana in 2009 —and critics...

Romesh Ratnesar: Pentagon Budget Must Shrink to Fix Deficit
Face It, Washington:
Defense Budget Must Shrink

Face It, Washington: Defense Budget Must Shrink

Pentagon's policies 'outdated'; deficit's the biggest threat: Romesh Ratnesar

(Newser) - The latest budget compromise may have resulted in “sweeping” and “historic” cuts, as the White House, Congress, and the media have claimed—yet “not a solitary penny” was cut from defense spending. Instead, spending will break $700 billion in 2011, which happens to be a post-World War...

Hillary Clinton Drove President Obama's Decision to Use Military Force on Libya
 Clinton Drove 
 Obama Shift on Libya 

Clinton Drove Obama Shift on Libya

Secretary of State secured Arab buy-in, convinced prez to act

(Newser) - President Obama came late to the decision to authorize military force against Libya , but he did so based on the counsel and efforts of Hillary Clinton, reports the New York Times . The secretary of state was herself against intervention until she secured buy-in from Arab nations; she then joined a...

Egyptian Youth to Clinton: Where Was the US?

They complain of sluggish response in online chat

(Newser) - Egyptian protesters got a chance to speak directly to Hillary Clinton for the first time, and they weren't exactly overcome with gratitude. Sample questions she fielded online via an Egyptian site:
  • "Does America really support democracy? If yes indeed, why the US was late in its support for the

US Foreign Policy in Arab World Needs Overhaul
 US Foreign Policy 
 in Arab World 
 Needs Overhaul 


US Foreign Policy in Arab World Needs Overhaul

Better intelligence needed, less realpolitik, fear of Islamism

(Newser) - With Hosni Mubarak finally out of power in Egypt, "It's a new day in the Arab world," writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times —and hopefully here, as well. "The truth is that the United States has been behind the curve not only in Tunisia...

Palin: 3am Call 'Went Right to Answering Machine'

She's 'not real enthused' by Obama's handling of Egypt

(Newser) - Just after pronouncing America "on the road to ruin," Sarah Palin weighed in on the White House's handling of the chaos in Egypt and neighboring countries in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network . "I'm not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done...

Obama Goes Head-to-Head With GOP on Arms Treaty
Obama Goes Head-to-Head With GOP on Arms Treaty

Obama Goes Head-to-Head With GOP on Arms Treaty

Pushes for lame-duck vote ... with big political implications

(Newser) - By urging a lame-duck vote on a new arms-control treaty with Russia, President Obama is setting up a face-off with Senate Republicans that could set the political tone for the next two years, writes Peter Baker in the New York Times . If the treaty is ratified, Obama will prove his...

Clinton: Our Foreign Policy Is Working

 Clinton: Our 
 Foreign Policy 
 Is Working 
'new american moment'

Clinton: Our Foreign Policy Is Working

It's time to seize 'New American Moment'

(Newser) - The Obama administration's approach to foreign policy is beginning to pay important dividends, Hillary Clinton asserted today, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations. "We are advancing America's interests," she said. "Today we can say with confidence that this model of American leadership works, and...

Obama Scrambles to Save Sudan

Administration risks losing gains of 2005 deal

(Newser) - Barack Obama came to power promising to help Sudan, and he's been scrambling in recent days to do just that, as the country threatens to backslide into civil war: The US is beefing up its presence in the war-torn country ahead of January's crucial independence referendum, and has doubled America's...

Obama Is Failing Sudan
 Obama Is 
 Failing Sudan 
Nick Kristof

Obama Is Failing Sudan

Even Bush was better, Kristof writes

(Newser) - When is comes to Sudan , Barack Obama has been worse than even George W Bush, argues Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times , who despite his many failings, managed to secure the 2005 deal that ended Sudan's 20-year civil war. Obama's "incoherent, contradictory and apparently failing Sudan policy" is...

Obama Must Unleash Hillary
 Obama Must 

Obama Must Unleash Hillary

Campaign feud gets in the way of foreign policy

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton visited Armenia last week, trying to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh disagreement and resolve the country's dispute with Turkey over the massacres of 1915. “You’ve got to salute Hillary,” writes Roger Cohen of the New York Times . “It’s a heck of a job being secretary...

China, US to Work Together on Iran Sanctions

Countries 'share the same overall goal,' China says

(Newser) - President Barack Obama's nuclear summit has yielded quick results: China agreed to work with the US on possible sanctions against Iran, and Ukraine announced it would rid itself of weapons-grade enriched uranium. Both moves are putting some wind in Obama's sails as he presses global leaders to join him in...

Obama's Nuke Plan Is 'Insane'
 Obama's Nuke Plan Is 'Insane' 
charles krauthammer

Obama's Nuke Plan Is 'Insane'

The president's approach is 'strategically loopy' and 'morally bankrupt,' too

(Newser) - Obama's new approach to nukes is fundamentally flawed, writes Charles Krauthammer. Under the old doctrine, would-be aggressors faced the threat of a cataclysmic nuclear response. Now, even if America is attacked by bio-weapons, we can't use nukes unless the attacker failed to comply with treaty obligations. The plan is "...

Obama, Medvedev Sign Historic Nuke Pact

Treaty reduces the number of long-range nuclear weapons

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Dmitri Medvedev today agreed to trim their nuclear arsenals to the lowest level in 50 years, reports the New York Times . If ratified, the treaty would limit each country to 1,500 strategic warheads. The Treaty of Moscow, signed in 2002, limited them to 2000 apiece. Each...

India Peeved as Obama Cools Relations
India Peeved as Obama
Cools Relations

India Peeved as Obama Cools Relations

President in danger of undoing predecessors' successes

(Newser) - Barack Obama is neglecting the US relationship with India and could undo the diplomatic progress made by the previous three administrations between the world's biggest democracies, writes Sumit Ganguly. Indian diplomats are annoyed as the US cozies up to Pakistan and backpedals on a deal to sell nuclear technology, but...

Godlessness Hampers US Foreign Policy

Report says America ignores world religions at its own peril

(Newser) - President Obama needs to close the "God gap" in foreign policy, or the US will surely continue to feed religious extremism and undermine peace efforts around the world. So claims a report delivered to the White House yesterday, which warns that the "uncompromising Western secularism" of those at...

Iran Seethes Ahead of Revolution Anniversary
Iran Seethes Ahead of Revolution Anniversary

Iran Seethes Ahead of Revolution Anniversary

February 11 will test regime, international community

(Newser) - Feb. 11, the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, promises to bring tests for all parties with a hand in the nation's fate, writes Gerald Seib. Big marches traditionally herald the anniversary, and members of the opposition movement that has bloomed since last June's election will undoubtedly come...

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