Navy SEALs

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What No Easy Day Reveals About the bin Laden Raid

Mark Owen's account differs in details, delivers with drama

(Newser) - The White House may not like Navy SEAL Mark Owen's first-hand account of the bin Laden raid—but judging by a New York Post recap of the book, No Easy Day, it's a heart-thumping description of that fateful night. Owen describes the helicopter crash that marked the SEALs'...

Pentagon May Go After Navy SEAL Author

Osama book violates nondisclosure pacts, it warns

(Newser) - The Pentagon has informed the former Navy SEAL who wrote a book about the Osama bin Laden raid that he might face legal action. The top Defense Department lawyer wrote in a letter transmitted to author Mark Bissonnette that Bissonnette had signed two nondisclosure agreements with the Navy in 2007...

SEAL Book Disses Obama Account of bin Laden Raid

Team wasn't a big fan of president, former SEAL writes

(Newser) - A book from a former Navy SEAL who took part in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden is looking pretty embarrassing for the Obama administration, reports the AP , which has obtained a copy of Mark Bissonette's No Easy Day. Among the revelations:
  • Bin Laden was shot in the

Navy SEAL Who Wrote bin Laden Book Identified

Pentagon officials confirm Fox News report

(Newser) - The former Navy SEAL who wrote a firsthand account of the Osama bin Laden raid did so under a pseudonym and was supposed to remain anonymous for safety reasons. That lasted less than a day: Military officials have confirmed that the author is 36-year-old Alaska native Matt Bissonnette, reports the...

Navy Seal Writes Firsthand Account of bin Laden Raid

'No Easy Day' will be out on Sept. 11

(Newser) - A safe bet for the best-seller lists: A Navy Seal who was on the raid that killed Osama bin Laden has written a book about it that comes out next month—on 9/11, reports the New York Times . The author of No Easy Day, now retired from military duty, is...

Thanks to Ex-SEAL, You Can Re-enact bin Laden Raid

Veteran Larry Yatch lets you take him out ... with a paintball gun

(Newser) - Rounding a corner, gun in hand, you face Osama bin Laden and ... panic? Shoot? Participants at the Sealed Mindset Studios in St. Paul, Minn., get to find out. Run by former Navy SEAL Larry Yatch, the studio charges people $325 to practice at a gun range and re-enact the bin...

Obama Waffled on bin Laden Raid 3 Times

Richard Miniter's upcoming book fires political volley

(Newser) - President Obama took such a cautious approach to killing Osama bin Laden that he actually canceled the mission three times at the urging of advisor Valerie Jarrett, according to an upcoming book. In Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him, author Richard Miniter writes...

Bin Laden's Last Days Plagued By Bickering Wives

Family worried jealous first wife was going to betray Osama

(Newser) - Not all was domestic bliss for Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad: The bickering of three wives haunted the final days of the al-Qaeda leader, who appeared far older than his age at the time of his death, according to a new report. Bin Laden mostly stayed holed up on the...

Ex-Coach: Tiger Woods Wanted to Be Navy SEAL

But golfer's agent rejects Hank Haney's claim

(Newser) - Tiger Woods considered quitting golf at the height of his career to become a Navy SEAL, according to ex-coach Hank Haney. "I thought, 'Wow, here is Tiger Woods, greatest athlete on the planet, maybe the greatest athlete ever, right in the middle of his prime, basically ready to...

Act of Valor Is Glorified Recruitment Ad
 Act of Valor Is Glorified 
 Recruitment Ad 
Movie Review

Act of Valor Is Glorified Recruitment Ad

Reviews not kind for movie shot with real Navy SEALs

(Newser) - Act of Valor certainly has an attention-grabbing premise—it's a fictional war movie, but it stars real Navy SEALs, was shot using live ammo, and says it is based on true events. But critics aren't exactly lining up to salute. Here's what they're saying:
  • "The

Special Forces Boss Seeks Freer Hand

Admiral William McRaven wants more autonomy in deploying special ops

(Newser) - As the US increasingly turns to Special Forces instead of troop deployments to make surgical hits, the admiral in charge of Special Forces Command is looking for more autonomy in positioning his elite units and their equipment around the world, reports the New York Times . Admiral William McRaven, who oversaw...

Navy SEALs Boss Told: Shut the Hell Up

Retired general warns all the boasting could be dangerous

(Newser) - The killing of Osama bin Laden was a PR coup for the Obama administration, but one retired general is sick of hearing about it from the Navy SEALs commander. "They’ve been splashing all of this all over the media,” retired Lt. General James Vaught, 85, said at...

Obama&#39;s Exploitation of Navy SEALs Is Dangerous
Obama's Exploitation of
Navy SEALs Is Dangerous

Obama's Exploitation of Navy SEALs Is Dangerous

White House must stop revealing mission details: Leif Babin

(Newser) - President Obama has trotted out the story of how Navy SEALs took down Osama bin Laden quite a few times, and now his administration is doing the same thing with the story of the SEALs rescuing hostages from Somali pirates. It's a disturbing exploitation of the elite unit done...

US Sending 'Mothership' to Gulf for Special Ops

Navy retrofitting warship for commando missions: Washington Post

(Newser) - With the US increasingly relying on targeted special ops instead of large military forces, the Pentagon will send an aging warship to the Gulf region to serve as a "mothership" for Navy SEALs and other special forces fighting Somali pirates, al-Qaeda, and other threats (like maybe this ), reports...

SEALs Raid Sign of US Future
 SEALs Raid Sign of US Future 

SEALs Raid Sign of US Future

Small, special ops teams preferred to large forces

(Newser) - Now that a Navy SEAL Team 6 has rescued two hostages being held by Somali pirates and killed Osama bin Laden , you can expect more of these special forces teams in the future, reports the Washington Post . Instead of large-scale military deployments, the Obama administration's preference is now for...

Rescued Aid Worker Loved Africa

Details emerging on Jessica Buchanan, saved in Navy SEAL raid

(Newser) - Jessica Buchanan, the American aid worker rescued in a Navy SEAL overnight raid , first came to Africa as a student teacher in Nairobi. "That experience just planted in her a love and passion for Africa," says the president of the Pennsylvania Christian college from which Buchanan graduated in...

Obama Learned of SEALs' Success Before SOTU

President had ordered Jessica Buchanan's rescue Monday night

(Newser) - If President Obama was smiling last night, it's partly because just hours before the State of the Union he'd taken a phone call telling him that the Navy SEALs rescue of Jessica Buchanan and a companion had been a success, Politico reports. Some 15 minutes after the speech—...

SEALs Raid Frees Yank, Dane in Somalia

Nine pirates reportedly killed as aid workers rescued by same team who killed bin Laden

(Newser) - Navy SEALs, reportedly the same team that took out Osama bin Laden, launched a daring helicopter raid early today in Somalia, freeing an American and a Danish aid worker held by kidnappers since October , reports MSNBC . Helicopters landed just outside the pirates' camp in the pre-dawn hours, entering the camp...

SEAL Widow's Hunt for Lost Ring Goes Viral on Facebook

Search for missing wedding band goes viral

(Newser) - Kimberly Vaughn is getting some serious help—or at least good wishes—as she looks for her lost wedding ring. Vaughn's husband, Aaron, was a Navy SEAL killed in August when the Taliban shot down a helicopter in Afghanistan. Kimberly noticed her ring was missing on Oct. 1—the...

Hero&#39;s Dog Guards His Coffin
 Hero's Dog Guards His Coffin 


Hero's Dog Guards His Coffin

Hawkeye waits for his master's voice

(Newser) - A loyal Labrador retriever kept a faithful vigil at his master's side this week even as friends and family wept at his human's coffin. "Hawkeye" waited patiently at the Iowa funeral for a word or a whistle from downed Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson, 35, killed with 29...

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