Washington Post

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Editor Gets Punchy Over Article&mdash;Literally
Editor Gets Punchy Over Article—Literally

Editor Gets Punchy Over Article—Literally

'2nd worst story' ever pushes vet Post hand to violence

(Newser) - An editorial dispute in the Washington Post newsroom devolved into fisticuffs last week. The item was for the Style section, a department long known for taking an anything-goes attitude toward its reporters. When the story crossed the desk of veteran editor Henry Allen—grumpy about his part-time work and the...

'Nixonian' Applies to Fox, Not Obama
'Nixonian' Applies to Fox, Not Obama
Joe Conason

'Nixonian' Applies to Fox, Not Obama

For starters, Tricky Dick henchman Roger Ailes runs the network

(Newser) - Pundits have been decrying the Obama administration’s “Nixonian” attack on Fox News—and that’s ridiculous, writes Joe Conason of Salon. The president’s within his rights to avoid or criticize an organization that won’t treat him fairly, and that definitely describes Fox. The network is run...

Logical, Ethical Lapses Beset Washington Post
Logical, Ethical Lapses Beset Washington Post
media rare

Logical, Ethical Lapses Beset Washington Post

Op-ed page woes spread to editorial on Nobel Peace Prize

(Newser) - The next-to-last straw was the Washington Post editorial saying Neda Agha Soltan should have won the Nobel Peace Prize, which isn't awarded posthumously. The last straw was today's op-ed raising—but not bothering to answer—the question of whether President Obama can even accept the honor without violating the Constitution....

Leakers Have Agendas&mdash;That Journos Hide
Leakers Have Agendas—That Journos Hide

Leakers Have Agendas—That Journos Hide

From gossip to war, the press is too kind to its sources

(Newser) - In the past few days the New York Times and Washington Post broke three major stories with the help of leaks: John Edwards' readiness to declare paternity, Stanley McChrystal's blunt assessment of the Afghanistan war, and Barack Obama's intervention in the New York governor's race. For Post media columnist...

Post Held Off Afghan Story at DoD Request

Pentagon got one-day delay, and redacted McChrystal report

(Newser) - When Bob Woodward obtained Gen. Stanley McChrystal's classified report on Afghanistan, the Obama administration asked for and got a one-day delay in publication from the Washington Post, the paper reports. Woodward and the Post’s editor met with Pentagon officials Sunday and agreed to remove some sensitive information from the...

Who Leaked to Woodward? Good Luck
 Who Leaked 
 to Woodward? 
 Good Luck 

Who Leaked to Woodward? Good Luck

McChrystal report could help the Pentagon, or the White House, or...

(Newser) - The question du jour in Washington is who leaked Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s report advocating an increased troop presence in Afghanistan to Bob Woodward, Ben Smith writes on Politico. But the outcome of this tried and true “capital parlor game” is far from certain. Some Beltway insiders think the...

The Washington Post Is Odds-On Fave to Survive

Newspaper trimmed staff, and it's paid off: Wolff

(Newser) - Like America's other newspapers, the Washington Post is in pain, operating $86 million in the red after axing 400 reporters. “And yet,” Newser founder Michael Wolff writes in Vanity Fair, “if you had to look for a circumstance out of which a newspaper might have the chance...

Test-Prep Giant Stanley Kaplan Dead at 90

Founder of test-prep firm challenged thinking about SAT

(Newser) - Stanley Kaplan, founder of the test-prep behemoth that bears his name, died this weekend of heart failure at age 90, the Washington Post reports. Kaplan’s company not only helped millions of students level the playing field in what he described as a “poor man’s private school” but...

News Corp. Talks Universal Paywall With Times, Post

(Newser) - Executives at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. have been meeting with rival newspaper publishers about a consortium that would charge for web content. The publishers of the New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times are all believed to have met with Jonathan Miller, the News Corp. officer overseeing digital...

Post Kills 'Mouthpiece' Video Series After Hillary Joke

(Newser) - "Mouthpiece Theater" is no more. The Washington Post today killed the video-spoof series hosted by political reporters Dana Milbank and Chris Cillizza after they drew flak for suggesting that Hillary Clinton drink "Mad Bitch" beer. The reporters offered separate apologies and promised to stick to their strengths—print....

Post Pulls Reporters' Video After 'Mad Bitch' Hillary Joke

(Newser) - Washington Post political writers Dana Milbank and Chris Cillizza are taking a drubbing over a video spoof in which they suggest brands of beer for the top names in politics—including "Mad Bitch" for Hillary Clinton. When bloggers drew attention to that line, in particular, the Post pulled the...

Media Should Learn From Cronkite: Grow a Backbone

Today's press too cozy with Washington

(Newser) - It wasn’t Walter Cronkite’s “avuncular persona” or his reaction to the JFK assassination that made him “the most trusted man in America,” Frank Rich writes in the New York Times—it was his willingness to challenge the halls of power. That’s become increasingly rare...

Wire Creator Simon: NYT, Post Must Charge for Web

(Newser) - How to save newspapers and, in fact, journalism itself? Wire creator (and former newspaperman) David Simon implores the publishers of the New York Times and the Washington Post to start charging for their websites. “Content matters," he writes in the Columbia Journalism Review. "And you must find...

Post Not the Only Paper Selling Access

(Newser) - As they wipe the egg off their face, Washington Post executives are probably wondering why they got slammed so badly for selling access to Washington bigwigs and Post reporters at "salons" at the publisher's home. At least two other news organizations—the Wall Street Journal and the Economist—are...

Post Cancels Off-the-Record 'Salons'

'Overzealous marketing execs' pushed fliers, paper says

(Newser) - Washington Post publisher Katharine Weymouth today nixed the “salons” aimed to sell lobbyists access to off-the-record gatherings of administration officials, members of Congress, and Post journalists, the paper reports. “This should never have happened," said Weymouth. Fliers advertising the meetings "got out and weren't vetted. They...

Post Sells Access to Officials, Reporters

For $25,000, lobbyists can meet with lawmakers, WaPo staff

(Newser) - Lobbyists who pay $25,000 to $250,000 can attend off-the-record Washington Post gatherings with administration officials, members of Congress, and members of the paper's staff, Politico reports. The offer, described on a flier passed along by a lobbyist, “essentially turns a news organization into a facilitator for private...

Times Nearly Scooped Post on Watergate

37 years later, reporter reveals FBI chief Gray tipped him off

(Newser) - The Watergate scandal made the careers of Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who broke the story. But the Post nearly got scooped by the New York Times, according to ... the New York Times. Nearly 37 years after the fact, a reporter briefly at the Times says he...

Krauthammer: Right's Thorn in Obama's Side
Krauthammer: Right's Thorn in Obama's Side

Krauthammer: Right's Thorn in Obama's Side

Post columnist the only coherent voice in a fractured opposition

(Newser) - In 2006, Charles Krauthammer urged Barack Obama to run for president, guaranteeing he’d lose. That didn’t exactly work out, but Obama’s rise has been good for the Washington Post columnist, who has become the central anti-Obama voice, writes Ben Smith in Politico. His writing drips with a...

Post Story on Arctic Calls Out Post Columnist Will

(Newser) - George Will takes a fair amount of flak for his view that global warming is a bunch of hooey. Now he's taking it from the news pages of his own paper, writes David Roberts in Grist. A story today in the Washington Post cites evidence showing a decline in Arctic...

Times Cuts Salaries, Jobs; Post Offers More Buyouts

(Newser) - The economic crisis and outdated business models are forcing steep cuts at three venerable news organizations. The New York Times today announced a 5% pay cut for all employees, who were offered 10 extra days off as compensation, "in a spirit of shared sacrifice and as a way to...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>