sex scandal

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Secret Service Agent Named
 Secret Service Agent Named 
prostitution scandal

Secret Service Agent Named

Arthur Huntington at heart of the probe: unnamed source

(Newser) - Looks like it's time to name names in the Secret Service prostitution scandal. An insider tells CNN that the agent who argued over pay with an alleged hustler is one Arthur Huntington, who has left the Service. He won't talk to reporters, but his neighbors say the 41-year-old...

Inside the Sex Club Where Obama's Agents Got Wild

Secret Service agents 'had huge egos': hotel staffer

(Newser) - Welcome to a shabby Colombian bar called the Pley Club. This windowless, one-story brick building with a tacky neon sign outside is located in a poor area of Cartagena. Little black tables cover a gloomy dance floor. Dancers in tight dresses show off leg and cleavage on a white stage....

Megachurch Leader Steps Down After Sex Accusations

Sex, money scandals have rocked church

(Newser) - One of the most successful preachers in America announced yesterday he is stepping away from the pulpit—temporarily—following a series of sex scandals with men as young as 15 , reports the New York Times . The news comes on the heels of another announcement: That his wife of 21 years...

Grand Jury Investigating Bill Richardson

Over allegations he used campaign funds to pay off mistress

(Newser) - A federal grand jury is looking into allegations that Bill Richardson violated campaign finance laws during his 2008 presidential run—most salaciously by having supporters pay off a woman who threatened to reveal an extramarital affair with the former New Mexico governor, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . The sources...

Penn State Scandal: Janitors, Parents Also Knew

'We as a society don't know what to do': professor

(Newser) - With Joe Paterno and Penn State's president both fired —and assistant coach Mike McQueary on "administrative leave" —has everyone who kept quiet about on-campus child abuse been publicly outed? Not by a long shot, reports McClatchy . Parents, janitors, and other school supervisors also knew or suspected...

Paterno Cleared in Penn State Sex Scandal

But one columnist says he must resign

(Newser) - Looks like legendary football coach Joe Paterno is off the hook in Penn State’s sex abuse scandal , but other officials aren’t nearly so lucky. Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly told reporters today that two school administrators who resigned today "allowed a child predator to continue to victimize...

8 Charged With Supplying Berlusconi Hookers

Wiretap dishes yet more dirt on Italian PM

(Newser) - Pimps, prostitutes, wiretaps, and blackmail: It's another week for the Berlusconi administration. Italian prosecutors have charged eight people with supplying prostitutes for sex parties at the prime minister's residence, reports the BBC . The ring was allegedly run by businessman Giampaolo Tarantini, who is already behind bars on charges...

Businessman Blackmailed Berlusconi: Cops

Italian PM ready to leave his 'shitty' country

(Newser) - The “bunga bunga” fallout continues: Police nabbed an Italian businessman for allegedly blackmailing Silvio Berlusconi in the sex scandal that’s clouded his tenure as prime minister. Giampaolo Tarantini has acknowledged recruiting women for Berlusconi’s alleged sex parties, but he’s maintained that the PM didn’t know...

Michel Rocard: Dominique Strauss-Kahn Is Mentally Ill
 Former PM: DSK 'Mentally Ill' 

Former PM: DSK 'Mentally Ill'

Michel Rocard writes off fellow Socialist's political career

(Newser) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been handed back his passport , bid farewell to the IMF , and, according to Socialist Party leader Martine Aubrey, will soon be returning to France—where controversy awaits. Michel Rocard, France's prime minister from 1988 to 1991, has told a French TV station that DSK's repeated...

Puerto Rico Senator Resigns in Wake of Photo Scandal

Roberto Arango quit yesterday, but no word about Grindr pics

(Newser) - Puerto Rico lawmaker Roberto Arango hasn't confirmed or denied whether lewd photos of a man resembling him on popular gay cruising app Grindr are, in fact, of him—but he has resigned from the territory's Senate all the same. The San Juan Republican sent a letter of resignation...

GOP Pol Linked to Nude Pics on Gay Site

Puerto Rican conservative issues non-denial of racy photos on Grindr

(Newser) - Another day, another politician who cannot keep his clothes on around cell phones. This time, the exhibitionist seems to be Puerto Rican conservative Sen. Roberto Arango, who had several anatomically vivid pics show up on popular gay cruising app Grindr , reports Gawker . When asked about the photos by a Puerto...

House Ends Page Program
 House Ends 
 Page Program 

House Ends Page Program

Boehner, Pelosi say technology has outdated $5M program

(Newser) - Gone are the days of House pages dashing furiously scribbled notes across the Capitol to their rep's legislative friends or foes: John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi today announced the end of the House's storied Page Program. Though Boehner and Pelosi hailed pages' "unique role" in the "...

Time's Up for Tiger Woods, Tag Heuer

Swiss watch firm ends sponsorship deal after sex scandal

(Newser) - If you thought the fallout from Tiger Woods' sex scandal had long since ended, well, you'd be wrong. Tag Heuer has become the sixth firm to end a sponsorship deal with Woods following the revelation of his many affairs , the Telegraph reports. The Swiss luxury watch maker reportedly exited...

Rep. Wu Officially Resigns

Another Dem steps down in wake of sex scandal

(Newser) - Oregon Democrat David Wu has made his resignation from the House official, reports Roll Call . Wu—who announced his attention to step down after he was accused of having an "unwanted" sexual encounter with the teen daughter of a campaign donor—is the fourth member of Congress this year...

NJ Pol Resigns Over—You Guessed It—Nude Photos

Woman gives naughty shots to Lou Magazzu's political enemies

(Newser) - Can we call it "getting Weinered"? Yes, another politician has been brought low by snapshots of his junk, and, as if to prove that even the little guys can have sex scandals, this time the embarrassed party is Lou Magazzu, a member of the Cumberland County Freeholder Board,...

David Wu Sex Scandal: House Democrat Won't Seek Reelection
 Dem Wu Won't Seek Reelection 

Dem Wu Won't Seek Reelection

Hasn't decided whether to serve out remainder of term after sex allegation

(Newser) - Surprise! Mere hours after Nancy Pelosi called for an ethics investigation into a young woman's claim that she had an "unwanted sexual encounter" with tiger-suit-wearing David Wu, the Oregon Democrat is confirming that he won't seek reelection. Wu apparently hasn't decided whether to serve out the...

Weiner's Toughest Female Critic Isn't His Wife...

Ex-congressman in therapy, wants Hillary Clinton to know he's doing better

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner says there's one woman in his life he's going to have trouble convincing he's "cured"—his wife's boss, Hillary Clinton. The former congressman says he's in therapy for sex addiction, but getting Clinton's approval could be more difficult than being...

What Now for Unemployed Weiner?

Cable TV, Clinton foundation could be options for shamed congressman

(Newser) - This is a tough time to be out of a job, and it's never a good time to be a national laughingstock, so what now for Anthony Weiner? The congressman, who resigned yesterday , has held elected office since 1991, but the chances of him getting another job in politics...

Weiner Resigns, Apologizes to Wife

Congressman announces he is done at press conference

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner stuck to script : He resigned his congressional seat this afternoon as expected. Weiner again apologized, "particularly to my wife, Huma," and said the "distraction that I have created" by his sexting scandal made it impossible for him to stay in office, reports CNN . (Read the...

John Edwards’ Smiling Mug Shot Is Out

Former senator's booking photo released

(Newser) - Does that look like the face of a guilty man? Former senator John Edwards may have allegedly spent more than $1 million to hide his affair, but no cash can help him hide his mugshot— CNN obtained the photos through a Freedom of Information Act request. Edwards pleaded not guilty...

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