British Parliament

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British Milestone: Record Number of Women Elected
British Election
Made History
in One Way
the rundown

British Election Made History in One Way

More than 200 female MPs will be in office for the first time

(Newser) - The way Britain's election backfired disastrously on Prime Minister Theresa May is grabbing most of the attention, but the Telegraph takes note of a milestone getting lost in the shuffle: A record number of women were elected to parliament. For the first time, more than 200 female MPs will...

Member of Parliament Being Hailed as Hero in London Attack

Tobias Ellwood tried to save police officer who was stabbed

(Newser) - Tobias Ellwood's brother was killed in a terrorist bombing in Bali in 2002, and on Wednesday, the conservative UK member of parliament found himself in the middle of a terrorist attack on his own home turf. Ellwood was on the scene when a police officer was stabbed in the...

On Parliament Floor, Scottish MP Recounts Her Rape

'I am not a victim; I am a survivor,' says Michelle Thomson

(Newser) - Two women shared extremely personal stories of rape in the UK House of Commons on the United Nations' International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Thursday. Their stories left fellow MPs in tears, but it was Scottish MP Michelle Thomson, who represents Edinburgh West, whose words are being...

Ex-British PM Pulls Surprise, Quits Politics

David Cameron says he doesn't want to be a distraction to new PM's government

(Newser) - Former Prime Minister David Cameron is standing down from his position in Parliament because he doesn't want to be a distraction to the new government headed by Theresa May. Cameron's unexpected announcement Monday will trigger a by-election for his seat in Oxfordshire, the AP reports. Cameron had earlier...

UK to Queen: Get a 'Grip' on Your Budget

She's down to $1.7M, officials say

(Newser) - It's time for Queen Elizabeth to "get a much firmer grip" on her dwindling supply of cash, members of Britain's Parliament say: The royal cash reserve is down to 1 million pounds, or about $1.7 million, according to their report. That's a "historic low,...

Guardian Has Published Just 1% of Snowden Materials: Editor

Alan Rusbridger faces questions over national security

(Newser) - The Guardian has only published about 1% of some 58,000 files leaked by Edward Snowden—and it's unlikely to "publish a huge amount more," says editor Alan Rusbridger. He spoke to a British parliamentary committee as he faces scrutiny over whether the paper had weakened national...

White House Watched as Syria Stockpiled Chemicals

Leaked cables document Syria importing ingredients from Europe, US

(Newser) - It may have taken a while to convince President Obama that Assad had used chemical weapons, but it was no revelation that he had them. Leaked US diplomatic cables and declassified intelligence records show the White House had long been tracking the growing chemical arsenal being amassed by the Syrian...

300K Porn Site Visits Made From UK Parliament

And 52K hits on adultery matchmaking service

(Newser) - Perhaps the UK's new Internet porn block is actually an act of self-restriction? People working in Parliament tried to access porn sites some 300,000 times in the past year alone, the Huffington Post has uncovered via an FOI request. It's not clear, however, which of the 5,...

US Going Solo? Britain Rejects Force in Syria

NYT says Obama prepared to act alone

(Newser) - If the US intends to move forward with a military strike against Syria, it will have to do so without its usual partner: The British Parliament today rejected any use of force, a vote that the AP describes as a "stunning defeat" for Prime Minister David Cameron. The vote...

Brit MP Quits to Be With Metallica Manager

Louise Mensch stepping down to move to US with family

(Newser) - Britain's Conservative Party is losing one of its rising stars to New York City and heavy metal. Louise Mensch has decided to step down as a member of parliament to move to the US with her three children, reports the Daily Mail . She married Metallica manager Peter Mensch—whom...

Britain's Financial Authority Never Policed Libor

As scandal builds, UK parliament decides to hold banking inquiry

(Newser) - The growing scandal over the rigging of benchmark Libor rates raises a fundamental question: Why didn't Britain's Financial Services Authority see anything was amiss? Mainly because the FSA hadn't policed Libor for years, reports the Wall Street Journal . Worse, bank executives had warned the FSA about Libor...

Murdoch: I Didn't Lie, Except About That One Thing

Tells Parliament he was kept in the dark, but did know about a 2008 email

(Newser) - And so begins the grilling of James Murdoch by Parliament, Round 2. Today's theme: I didn't lie. Murdoch once again insisted that he told the truth in regards to his lack of knowledge about the criminal activity that was happening at News of the World. And he pinned...

Prince Charles' Secret Veto Power

'Guardian' investigates the 'secretive constitutional loophole'

(Newser) - Although many think of the British royal family more as figureheads than active participants in governance, government ministers have in fact had to get Prince Charles' permission to pass at least a dozen bills since 2005. The revelation stems from an investigation by the Guardian into what it calls a...

James Murdoch Gets Round 2 Vs. Parliament

UK also summons Les Hinton to testify

(Newser) - James Murdoch will be recalled for a second grilling before Britain's Parliament, a senior lawmaker investigating the phone hacking scandal said today. John Whittingdale told Sky News that his committee was "beginning to reach the end of its deliberations" but wanted to tie up "one or two...

James Murdoch to Stay BSkyB Chairman

Position seen in jeopardy after phone-hacking testimony questioned

(Newser) - James Murdoch will keep his job as chairman of British Sky Broadcasting thanks to a unanimous decision by the company’s board, an insider tells Bloomberg . His position had been questioned after former executives rejected parts of his testimony before Parliament on the phone hacking scandal. “The role of...

Phone Hacking Scandal: James Murdoch Testimony Faces Growing Challenge
 James Murdoch 
 Under Fire for 

James Murdoch Under Fire for Testimony

Parliament may call News International boss back

(Newser) - As the fallout from Britain’s tabloid scandal continues, things could get stickier for James Murdoch in the coming week. The board of British Sky Broadcasting, chaired by Murdoch, has its first meeting since the scandal hit front pages; the firm faces official scrutiny as to whether it is “...

Ex-Execs Contradict James Murdoch Testimony

They say he was told of email revealing extent of hacking

(Newser) - James Murdoch’s testimony to members of Parliament on the tabloid scandal is again being challenged , this time by two former News International executives. An ex-News of the World editor and another exec say that contrary to what the younger Murdoch testified, they “did inform” him of an email...

David Cameron: OK, I Shouldn't Have Hired Coulson

 Cameron: OK, 
 I Shouldn't Have 
 Hired Coulson 

News Corp Scandal

Cameron: OK, I Shouldn't Have Hired Coulson

He ducks questions, meanwhile, on BSkyB

(Newser) - David Cameron gave a defiant speech before parliament today, in which he offered a kinda-sorta mea culpa for hiring ex-News of the World executive Andy Coulson. “With 20-20 hindsight and all that has followed, I would not have offered him the job and I expect that he wouldn't...

Smackdown by Murdoch's Wife Steals the Show

A glimpse into the life of Wendi Deng

(Newser) - When a protester launched a pie at Rupert Murdoch today , his wife leaped to his rescue, pushing others aside before bashing the assailant on the head. Where did 42-year-old Wendi Deng get such guts—and such reflexes? Born in China, she grew up at a tough time in the country’...

Murdoch: 'This Is Most Humble Day of My Life'

Says no evidence 9/11 victims were targeted

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch has concluded his time in the hot seat, with son James by his side. Highlights from today's hearing, a nearly 3-hour-long session in which 10 members of Parliament peppered the duo with questions and a protester chucked a foam pie at Rupert. (Rebekah Brooks is being questioned...

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