
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Bloomberg Under Fire for Clergy-Free 9/11 Ceremony

Mayor 'pretending we're a secular society': Southern Baptist leader

(Newser) - This Sunday’s 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York City won’t include any speakers from the clergy—and both religious and political figures aren’t happy about it. “We’re not France,” says a Southern Baptist leader. “Mr. Bloomberg is pretending we’re a secular society,...

Rick Perry Leads Prayer for US

Texas governor gets spotlight with evangelicals

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent a strong message to the nation's evangelicals today: He is a member of the important constituency for Republicans that he soon may call upon to help him secure the GOP presidential nomination. The state's longest serving governor hosted what he called a national...

Bible &#39;Obey&#39; Edict Raises Issue for Bachmann Presidency
Bible's 'Obey' Edict Snarls
Bachmann Presidency

Bible's 'Obey' Edict Snarls Bachmann Presidency

Who would be in charge: Michele or her hubby?

(Newser) - "The Lord says be submissive. Wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands," Michele Bachmann has said. So if Bachmann believes wives should always obey their husbands, who would be in charge if she becomes president? Bachmann? Or hubby Marcus? That's what the Daily Beast wants...

Evangelicals Slam New Gender-Neutral Bible

New translation cuts down on the 'he's'

(Newser) - God is still the Father in the latest version of the world's most popular Bible, but conservative Christians aren't happy with gender-neutral language elsewhere in the 2011 New International Version Bible. The new translation—which Biblical scholars say is a more accurate interpretation of the original Greek and Hebrew—uses...

Boy, 12, Held in Parents' Killings

He was the 'sweetest kid,' says church member

(Newser) - A home-schooled 12-year-old Colorado boy described as "the sweetest kid" is in police custody following the fatal shooting of his deeply religious parents and the stabbing of two younger siblings. Stunned police are trying to piece together the bloody rampage inside the boy's home in the quiet community of...

Mormon Parents Banned From Scout Leader Positions

Evangelical NC church blocks parents because they're not 'real Christians'

(Newser) - Holy religious wars! Mormon parents have been banned as Cub Scout leaders in a North Carolina troop after they were told their views are "not consistent with Christianity." Jeremy and Jodi Stokes enrolled their two young sons in a pack operating out of an evangelical Presbyterian church near...

Obama's Secret Weapon on Immigration: Evangelicals

Pro-reform Hispanic evangelicals a growing political force

(Newser) - President Obama's push for immigration reform has brought him some allies he's not likely to partner with on many other issues: evangelical Christian leaders, many of whom embrace a path to legalization for illegal immigrants. Growing evangelical support for immigration reform reflects the recent work of politically active Hispanic pastors,...

&lsquo;Son of Sam&rsquo; Has Mega Fan Club ... of Christians
 ‘Son of Sam’ 
 Has Mega 
 Fan Club ... 
 of Christians 


‘Son of Sam’ Has Mega Fan Club ... of Christians

Followers of born-again David Berkowitz run a website and business for him

(Newser) - While imprisoned serial killers often attract letter-writing admirers, no other convicted murderer has amassed a following quite like the 'Son of Sam.' David Berkowitz's claims to be a redeemed born-again Christian have yielded him fans across the world who act as unpaid assistants, running the serial killer's website and...

Mike Huckabee, Evangelical Insurgent

 Mike Huckabee, 
and new florida resident

Mike Huckabee, Evangelical Insurgent

Is he the GOP's best answer to Obama—and Palin?

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee is putting on weight, literally as well as politically, and the former Arkansas governor is now registered to vote in Florida, which offers some advantages to the man who may be the GOP's best shot at grabbing the White House in 2010. In a New Yorker profile, Ariel...

Churches Counsel Porn-Addicted Women

In new frontier for evangelicals, women pray to resist porn

(Newser) - "Every time I'm tempted" to look at porn, says Kelsie, 17, "I'll just let everything out to God." Kelsie is a member of a support group for women addicted to pornography that meets at an evangelical megachurch in Kansas. While churches have long offered men Christian counseling...

A Call for Separation of Church and Sports

 A Call for Separation 
 of Church and Sports 

A Call for Separation of Church and Sports

Football players leave much to be desired as Christian role models

(Newser) - Christian evangelicals must be pretty amped up by the high profile of their religion in professional sports, David Gibson writes, but the "cozy coupling" of church and sport has its dark side. First, there’s what commentator Shirl James Hoffman recently called the “cheap grace” of athletic faith....

Baptist Pastors Prayed for Obama Death on Presidents Day

Preacher: 'Ask God to make his children fatherless'

(Newser) - While a handful of Americans might have taken a few minutes to reflect favorably on George Washington and Abe Lincoln on Presidents Day, some evangelical leaders devoted their time to praying for Barack Obama's death. The "Imprecatory Prayer" is a favorite of Arizona’s Baptist preacher Steven L. Anderson...

Air Force Builds Wiccan Center; Someone Erects a Cross

So much for efforts to boost religious tolerance at academy

(Newser) - The Air Force Academy's newly opened outdoor worship area for Wiccans was supposed to signal a new era of religious tolerance at an institution long plagued by complaints of Christian bias. Until, that is, a cross was planted in the middle of it two weeks ago. Now angry religious freedom...

Voodoo High Priest: Christians Hogging Haiti Aid

Robertson 'devil pact' slur reflects 200 years of prejudice

(Newser) - Evangelical Christians are blocking much-needed aid from reaching Haiti's many voodoo practitioners, says the religion's top leader. "The evangelicals are in control and they take everything for themselves," high priest Max Beauvoir tells the Daily Telegraph as he points to the first aid shipment to arrive in his...

Haitian Slams Robertson for Devil Pact Diss

Ambassador tells Rachel Maddow US benefited from Haiti 'devil pact'

(Newser) - So, the Satanic curse that Pat Robertson blames for Haiti's current suffering? The Haitian ambassador to the US begs to point out that Americans might not want to be so quick to join the televangelist in equating the island nation's fight for independence from France to a pact with the...

Dem Agenda Hijacked by Christian Conservatives
Dem Agenda Hijacked by Christian Conservatives

Dem Agenda Hijacked by Christian Conservatives

Shadowy 'Family' behind Stupak-Pitts abortion amendment

(Newser) - The US Council of Catholic Bishops is getting credit for the 11th-hour inclusion of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment in the House health bill last weekend, but the real force is the shadowy alliance of evangelicals and Democratic lawmakers called the Family, Jeff Sharlet writes on Salon. Though Stupak—a Dem and...

Holy Hell: Churches Squeezed by Economy

(Newser) - The hallelujahs are strained in US churches these days as donations plunge at the same time demand for aid is skyrocketing, reports the Wall Street Journal. Congregations across the nation are slashing budgets and even laying off staff, including pastors. Churches and synagogues usually weather downturns well, but not this...

Forget Chastity: Marry Earlier, Say Evangelicals

(Newser) - The evangelical stress on abstinence until marriage is fantastic, writes Mark Regnerus—himself devout—in Christianity Today, "but promoting it has come at a cost." Doing so has "turned our attention away from the damage that Americans are doing to the institution of marriage by discouraging it...

Evangelical Leader 'Married' 8-Year-old Girl: Ex-Wife

(Newser) - An emotional ex-wife of an Arkansas evangelical sect leader testified yesterday that he forced underage girls  to "marry" and have sex with him, reports the Telegraph. The woman, who said she herself was forced into her marriage at the age of 15, said she began having serious doubts about...

Obama's Health Czar Brings God Into Lab
Obama's Health Czar Brings
God Into Lab

Obama's Health Czar Brings God Into Lab

Choice of geneticist a breakthrough for evangelicals: Gerson

(Newser) - Francis Collins, President Obama's nominee to lead the National Institutes of Health, is a pioneering biologist who led the team that mapped the human genome. He's also an evangelical Christian—a rarity among scientists, only 7% of whom say they believe in God. For Michael Gerson of the Washington Post,...

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