
3 Stories

Appetite-Control Hormone May Cut Alzheimer's Risk

High leptin levels linked to lower rates of disease

(Newser) - High levels of a hormone that regulates appetite has been linked to a much lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in new research. Scientists probing the connection between obesity and Alzheimer's found that out of the 198 volunteers studied, those with the highest levels of leptin were four times less...

New Treatment Resurrects Weight-Loss Drug

Leptin, once written off, could make comeback in combination treatment

(Newser) - Researchers may have found a way to treat obesity with leptin—the appetite-suppressant once hailed, then dismissed, as a cure to America’s bulging belly. An area of brain cells seemingly stressed by obesity allowed the obese to build up resistance to leptin, Reuters reports, but by injecting drugs to...

Researchers Fight Fat With Baby Formula

Introducing hormone in infancy trims down rats, sparks controversy

(Newser) - The battle to keep pounds off may start with a baby bottle, say a team of British scientists who found that feeding large doses of the appetite-controlling hormone leptin to baby rats led to svelte adult rats. If those results translate to humans, a baby formula that chemically alters metabolism...

3 Stories
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