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Juror Faces Jail for Friending Defendant

Woman guilty in UK's first contempt of court case involving Internet

(Newser) - A British juror who took empathy for the defendant a little too far may be going to jail for contempt of court. Joanna Fraill used Facebook to find and befriend a woman she had helped acquit on drug charges. Before the jury had reached a verdict on other defendants, the...

Lawyers Use Facebook to Pick Jurors

They vet candidates based on their likes and dislikes online

(Newser) - Here's the latest way Facebook is changing life as we know it: Lawyers snooping for extra information on potential jurors have been looking them up on the site, the Wall Street Journal reports. "It's a waterfall of information, compared to the pinhole view you used to get," says...

How to Get Out of Jury Duty: Know Michael Moore

Donna Gianell bounced from Citigroup trial

(Newser) - A juror found herself bounced from a Citigroup-EMI fraud trial after her connections to liberal filmmaker Michael Moore emerged. Citigroup lawyers played a clip from Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story in court showing juror Donna Gianell’s name in the credits, then asked Judge Jed Rakoff to dismiss her....

Rodney King to Marry Juror
 Rodney King to Marry Juror 

Rodney King to Marry Juror

Wife-to-be Cynthia Kelley 'a godsend,' he says

(Newser) - Rodney King will marry one of the jurors from the civil case he filed in against the city of Los Angeles after being brutally beaten by LAPD officers in 1991, RadarOnline reports. King, 44, will marry Cynthia Kelley, a member of the jury that awarded King a $3.8 million...

Blacks Regularly Excluded From Southern Juries

All-white juries in majority black counties

(Newser) - In the Deep South, DAs strike black college graduates from juries for "low intelligence," black 28-year-olds for being "too young," and black 43-year-olds for being "too old." A new study by the non-profit Equal Justice Initiative finds that potential black jurors are routinely excluded...

Astor Juror Says She Voted to Convict Out of Fear
Astor Juror Says She Voted
to Convict Out of Fear
Felt son was innocent

Astor Juror Says She Voted to Convict Out of Fear

Appeal will argue that holdout juror was intimidated

(Newser) - Anthony Marshall was innocent, a juror in the trial of Brooke Astor's son says now, but she voted to convict him because she felt threatened by another juror. Her statements, along with some 60 emails sent among the jurors, form the basis of an appeal the defense will file today....

Jurors Dodge Duty Amid Financial Fears

Citizens point to recession, unemployment in bid for dismissal

(Newser) - Jury duty has always been a pain, but the tough economy is prompting more and more Americans to ditch their civic responsibility, the New York Times reports. While exact figures aren’t available, officials report that jurors increasingly cite financial worries in bids to get out of duty. “I...

Ex-Juror: Astor 'Knew What She Was Doing'

73-year-old who was removed from jury says Brooke 'no dummy'

(Newser) - Frank Waring, the 73-year-old alternate juror removed last week from the trial of Brooke Astor’s son, doesn’t think Anthony Marshall tricked the Alzheimer sufferer into bequeathing her fortune to him. “The woman was no dummy,” he tells the New York Times. “That tells me she...

Jurors' Rapport Swung Spector Conviction: Lawyers
Jurors' Rapport Swung Spector Conviction: Lawyers

Jurors' Rapport Swung Spector Conviction: Lawyers

Lack of 'persnickety' people helped retrial avoid second deadlock

(Newser) - Twelve agreeable jurors made all the difference between Phil Spector's two murder trials, lawyers from both sides tell the Los Angeles Times. The jurors who this week voted unanimously to convict heard the same evidence as the jury that deadlocked in 2007, prosecutors and the music legend's lawyer say, but...

Astor Trial Crawls as Lawyers Squabble

Would-be jurors plan for 3-month commitment

(Newser) - As the second week of jury selection in the Brooke Astor trial began today, with potential jurors being asked if they can sit still for a 3-month trial, the judge upbraided the lawyers for bickering and grandstanding as if they never wanted it to end, the New York Times reports....

Judge Blasts Juror-Seducing Mom

Undercover recordings outing juror won't vacate murder trial verdict

(Newser) - A judge has put a halt to efforts by a convicted murderer to have his verdict vacated—because the man's mom acted as a "vigilante" when she flirted with a juror in an attempt to get information out of him, the New York Times reports. After plying Juror...

Tweeting Juror Prompts Motion for New Trial

(Newser) - A defendant found liable for $12.6 million in an Arkansas civil matter asked for a new trial because one juror Tweeted about the case from the courtroom, the Springdale Morning News reports. “Juror Jonathan’s” Twitter entries included “Oh and nobody buy Stoam,” the foam/steel hybrid...

Juror Booted for 'Sitting in Hell' Facebook Post

Ohio man's Facebook message prompts calls for mistrial

(Newser) - An Ohio man inadvertently discovered a new, high-tech way to get out of jury duty: write about it on Facebook. A judge in a high-profile civil lawsuit booted Barry Price from service after the plaintiff’s attorney discovered his Facebook status: “Barry Price is sitting in hell… aka jury...

Mom Hatches Sexy Plan to Free Convicted Son

46-year-old woos juror into confession

(Newser) - A Brooklyn mother's bid to have her son's murder conviction overturned reads like a Hollywood script. The married 46-year-old got a makeover, hit the gym, rented an apartment under an alias, then strutted around a juror's neighborhood in six-inch heels and a push-up bra. She taped their flirtatious encounters and...

Death in Juror's Family Puts Stevens Trial on Hold

Jury sent home as deliberations grind closer to Election Day

(Newser) - Deliberations in the corruption trial of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens were halted again today when the judge sent the jury home following the death of a juror’s father, Politico reports. The juror flew to California, and it’s unknown whether she’ll return for deliberations. This latest delay pushes...

Stevens Jury Wants Difficult Member Out

Woman's 'violent outbursts' sending deliberations off course

(Newser) - The jury in the Ted Stevens trial today asked that one of its number be removed, the Anchorage Daily News reports. A note from the foreman indicated juror No. 9 “is being rude, disrespectful and unreasonable. She has had violent outbursts with other jurors and that's not helping anyone....

Jury Selection Turns to Facebook, Blogs, Data

Experts mine online profiles for background on jurors' views

(Newser) - Get called for jury duty these days, and you can expect attorneys to know a lot more about you than they let on. Trial consultants who used to specialize in legwork—visiting neighbors and friends to gather clues to potential jurors' views—are now expert Web surfers, tracing things like...

Judge: Stevens Can Skip Court, But Jury Won't Know Why

Lawyers asked that Senate duty be noted

(Newser) - If Ted Stevens leaves court to attend to the current financial crisis, a federal judge warns he won't relay details to the jury, reports the Anchorage Daily News. Jurors in the corruption trial would simply be notified of the senator's absence and told that there is nothing wrong with it,...

The View From Inside the Uma Jury

Member explains how panel reached stalking verdict

(Newser) - A Wall Street Journal reporter who served on the jury that convicted Uma Thurman’s stalker yesterday looks back today, recalling just over a week of debate, junk food, and weird dreams. “The fact that she was a famous movie star made us partly charmed, partly suspicious," writes...

Spector's Cash His Best Defense
Spector's Cash His Best Defense

Spector's Cash His Best Defense

It was money, not celebrity, that aided the producer’s case

(Newser) - Phil Spector’s money mattered more than his celebrity in convincing two jurors of his innocence in this week’s mistrial on second-degree murder charges. Several jurors had never heard of the record producer—so it was his ability to hire a pricey team of lawyers, forensic experts, and private...

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