Hurricane Katrina

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Gustav May Delay GOP Convention
Gustav May Delay GOP Convention

Gustav May Delay GOP Convention

Storm could raise specter of Katrina, detract from McCain

(Newser) - Republicans are considering delaying the start of next week's convention in Minneapolis if deadly Hurricane Gustav hits big, reports the Washington Post. The storm is on course to nail the Gulf Coast with full force early next week, and party officials don’t want America thinking about President Bush’s...

New Orleans Eyes Gustav, Readies Evacuation Plans

Category 3 Gustav headed for the Gulf

(Newser) - New Orleans has a wary eye on Tropical Storm Gustav and may begin evacuations as early as Friday—the third anniversary of Katrina. The storm's path could yet spare the city, but if it hits this weekend, Gov. Bobby Jindal said he wants to be ready, the Shreveport Times reports....

Trouble the Water Vividly Mixes Katrina, Race
Trouble the Water Vividly Mixes Katrina, Race

Trouble the Water Vividly Mixes Katrina, Race

Documentary traces one couple's story through New Orleans disaster

(Newser) - Trouble the Water, a new documentary, is ostensibly about Hurricane Katrina, centered around home-video footage shot during the disaster by a resident of New Orleans’ Ninth Ward. But the film, which frames Kimberly Roberts’ footage within a larger context, transcends that one event to put forth a peerless discussion of...

Judge Clears New Orleans Cops in Katrina Shootings

Officers killed 2 men walking across bridge

(Newser) - A judge threw out murder and attempted murder charges today against seven New Orleans police officers accused of gunning down two men on a bridge in the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. In quashing the indictments, District Judge Raymond Bigelow agreed with defense arguments that prosecutors violated state law by...

Lover Joined Edwards on Tour to Announce Prez Race

Blogger posts pix of 'inner circle'

(Newser) - John Edwards brought former mistress Rielle Hunter on his campaign plane during his four-day presidential announcement tour, reports the Washington Post. Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, did not accompany her husband. A technology blogger invited along on the 2006 trip has published photographs of Hunter, who was working as a videographer for...

Clinton: Nothing Immune From Bush's 'Waste, Fraud, Abuse'

Cronyism flourishes under Iraq, Katrina

(Newser) - The Bush White House has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on corrupt deals and unaccountable contractors, Hillary Clinton writes in the Wall Street Journal. If America is going to regain fiscal stability, it must "increase transparency" and put an end to practices like "rewarding companies that exploit tax...

US Seeks to Weaken Hurricanes
 US Seeks to Weaken Hurricanes

US Seeks to Weaken Hurricanes

Scientists propose techniques to modify the weather

(Newser) - The Department of Homeland Security is hoping that weather-altering techniques can lessen the devastation caused by hurricanes, the Daily Telegraph reports. A hurricane reduction program likely to begin in October will devote $64 million to efforts such as spreading tiny salt particles in the storms to drain them of much...

Goody Gumbo: Restaurant Reviews Back in New Orleans

City's dining scene is coming back to life after Katrina

(Newser) - Nearly three years after Hurricane Katrina, the Big Easy finally has its restaurant reviews back, the New York Times reports. Judging that the city's famed eateries can now take the heat, the Times-Picayune has revived a ratings scale of 1-5 beans along with reviews. Many see the move as another...

Casino Panel Snagged Aid Intended for Katrina Victims

FEMA sat on donated goods for 2 years, then gave them to state agencies

(Newser) - Household goods donated to help Hurricane Katrina victims instead ended up in the hands of 11 state agencies, including a gaming commission, CNN reports. FEMA stored 121 truckloads of items two years before handing them over to agencies like the Mississippi Gaming Commission. Leaders of groups helping Katrina victims were...

New Orleans Is Fastest Growing City

Population growing fast, but still way down from pre-Katrina levels

(Newser) - New Orleans is the fastest-growing city in the US, the Census Bureau reports, but not fast enough to regain more than half of its size before Hurricane Katrina. Between July 2006 and July 2007, the Big Easy’s population jumped 13.8%, more than any other major city, the Times ...

$85M in Katrina Supplies Never Got to Victims

FEMA gave them to Miss. and other states for general use

(Newser) - Household and cleaning supplies worth $85 million never reached Hurricane Katrina victims because FEMA kept them in storage for 2 years, CNN reports. Louisiana didn't ask for them, the federal agency says, so coffee makers, dinnerware sets, clothes, and other items went to Mississippi and 15 other states—which doled...

Star Lawyer Gets 5 Years in Bribery Rap

Class-action leader Scruggs 'could not be more ashamed'

(Newser) - Disgraced Mississippi lawyer Dickie Scruggs was sentenced to the maximum 5 years in prison today in a judicial bribery scheme; at the hearing, the class-action pioneer said, “I could not be more ashamed than I am today.” The judge hinted he might shave some time off if Scruggs...

Big Easy's Streetcars Finally Full Speed

Line disconnected by Katrina can runs its course again

(Newser) - Streetcars clang-clanged their way down South Carrollton Ave. yesterday, and for many, the sound was as sweet as New Orleans jazz, the Times-Picayune reports. For the first time since Hurricane Katrina, the whole St. Charles Ave. streetcar line is running, and it should bring both tourism and a sense of...

Red Cross Disaster Fund Is Broke

As economy wreaks havoc with donations, relief agency down 'to zero'

(Newser) - The American Red Cross, reeling from dealing with catastrophic floods in the Midwest, is facing its own disaster as it runs out of money to pay for relief aid. The charity has raised just $3.2 million to pay for shelters, food, and other costs—a fraction of the $40...

Storm Warning: Hurricanes May Drive Gas to $6

Disruptive Atlantic season could upset already dicey market

(Newser) - This year’s hurricane season—which started yesterday—could spawn a dozen or more named storms, potentially disrupting flow of gasoline across the nation and pushing gas prices beyond $5 or even $6 a gallon, reports CNNMoney. Traders already appear to be including a hurricane premium of 10 cents per...

'Disaster Fatigue' Shuts US Wallets

Burma, China donations pale compared to tsunami, Katrina charity

(Newser) - Americans’ donations to disaster relief this year fall far short of money given to victims of the 2004 tsunami and Hurricane Katrina—and it’s likely due to “disaster fatigue," say experts. With tragedies like Burma’s cyclone and China’s earthquake quickly piling up, people may feel...

Warming Will Reduce Hurricanes: Study

New research refutes megastorms fears

(Newser) - Climate change is likely to trigger fewer hurricanes and tropical storms off the Atlantic coast, not more, according to new research that contradicts an earlier study. But future hurricanes will probably be more powerful, according to the research published in Nature Geoscience. The number of tropical storms will likely decline...

McCain's Lead Dog Isn't Afraid to Bark, or Bite

Mark Salter rides the media hard, thinks he knows where Obama is soft

(Newser) - Mark Salter has the honor of being John McCain’s “chief creator, shaper and enforcer,” the Wall Street Journal reports of a man who rides the press corps hard and thinks he knows Barack Obama’s soft spots. A McCain confidant of two decades, the goateed, chain-smoking Salter...

McCain Blasts Katrina Response

GOP candidate calls Bush team's efforts 'disgraceful'

(Newser) - John McCain slammed the Bush response to Hurricane Katrina as “terrible and disgraceful” today after a tour of New Orleans’ Ninth Ward. "Never again, never again” will a disaster be handled so poorly, said McCain, making his most distinct break yet from the current administration, the Washington Post ...

New Fear for Katrina Victims: Collectors

Company claims it overpaid on some rebuilding grants

(Newser) - A contractor responsible for doling out federal rebuilding money to Katrina victims is seeking another company to collect what may amount to hundreds of millions of dollars from Katrina victims. ICF International claims it overpaid some applicants in a rush to get $11 billion out the door; meanwhile, a third...

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