Rudy Giuliani

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Giuliani Backtracks on Representing Trump

He says being a 'witness' disqualifies him

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani—who called for "trial by combat" at the Trump rally that preceded the Capitol riot—won't be representing the president in his trial by Senate on a charge of inciting an insurrection. "Because I gave an earlier speech, I am a witness and therefore unable...

Giuliani Says He's Working on Impeachment Defense

The Trump campaign says no decisions have been made regarding legal representation

(Newser) - Despite reports that he’s on the outs with President Trump, Rudy Giuliani says he’s gearing up to defend the president in his historic second impeachment trial allegeding that he incited insurrection in Washington DC during a Jan. 6 rally. “I'm involved right now,” Giuliani told...

Trump Appears to Be Angry With Giuliani
Trump May Be Having
Trouble With Legal Team
the rundown

Trump May Be Having Trouble With Legal Team

Reports of friction with Giuliani, struggles to line up lawyers for impeachment fight

(Newser) - Is Rudy Giuliani on the outs with President Trump? Multiple reports suggest as much, asserting that the president has instructed aides to stop paying the fees of his personal attorney. The friction comes as Trump attempts to assemble a legal team to defend him in the Senate's impeachment trial....

Giuliani Could Be Expelled From NY Bar Association

'We cannot ... allow those intent on rending the fabric of our democracy to go unchecked'

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is facing possible expulsion from the New York State Bar Association over incendiary remarks he made to President Trump's supporters before they violently stormed the US Capitol last week. The organization said Monday that it has opened an inquiry into whether Giuliani should remain a member. Its...

Dominion Staffer Sues Trump Campaign: I Want My Life Back

Eric Coomer says he's had to go into hiding due to conspiracy theories about election 'rigging'

(Newser) - A high-ranking employee for a company that provided election equipment and software in 28 states has been subjected to harassment and death threats so alarming that he was forced to go into hiding a week after the election. Now, Eric Coomer says he wants his life back, and he's...

Giuliani 'Better Than Ever' After COVID, Heading to Georgia

Trump's lawyer thanks the president after being released from DC hospital

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's Tuesday update that he was doing much better after being admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 now has a further update. The former New York City mayor, now a personal lawyer for President Trump, was spotted giving the thumbs-up as he left MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in...

Giuliani Updates the World on His COVID Treatment

Trump's personal lawyer says he's receiving a potent cocktail of experimental drugs

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani called into his own radio show Tuesday and revealed how his COVID-19 treatment is going—pretty well, it turns out. Speaking from his hospital room at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC, Giuliani said he's getting some of the same drugs that perked up President Trump: a...

Another Positive Test Worries White House Staff

Reports say attorney Jenna Ellis has coronavirus

(Newser) - Jenna Ellis, a lawyer on President Trump's election team, is not the most popular person in the White House right now. She's told associates that she's tested positive for the coronavirus, Axios reports. CNN also reports that she tested positive. It's not clear when she got...

Giuliani Met for 10 Hours With Ariz. Lawmakers. Now, a Shutdown

State House and Senate closed for the week after Trump lawyer tests positive for COVID-19

(Newser) - Whether Rudy Giuliani brought down the house during his testimony last week on alleged election fraud is debatable—but he did succeed in shutting down the House, and the Senate, in Arizona after he tested positive Sunday for COVID-19. The Arizona Republic reports the state legislature is closing shop for...

What We Know About Giuliani's Coronavirus Diagnosis

Sources say he was showing symptoms; Trump campaign says not while traveling

(Newser) - The Giuliani family has confirmed Rudy Giuliani does indeed have COVID-19 , and the Wall Street Journal reports that he has been admitted to a DC hospital. The former New York mayor and Trump's personal lawyer first retweeted President Trump's announcement, then posted his own tweet reading, "Thank...

Giuliani Has Tested Positive for COVID-19, Trump Says

'Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on,' Trump tweets

(Newser) - President Trump tweeted Sunday that personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has COVID-19. Giuliani "has tested positive for the China Virus," Trump wrote in a tweet that heaped praise on the former New York City mayor. "Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!" USA Today notes that...

Giuliani Claims &#39;Big Win for Honest Elections&#39;
Judge: You Can Analyze
Those Voting Machines
the rundown

Judge: You Can Analyze Those Voting Machines

Rudy Giuliani calls it a 'big win,' but that might not be true

(Newser) - A judge ruled Friday that forensic photos can be taken of Dominion vote tabulation machines in one Michigan county, a move hailed by Rudy Giuliani—although it's unrelated to the presidential election, the Detroit News reports. The judge said a voter had complained about three ballots allegedly being ignored...

SNL Goes to Town on Giuliani's Hearing

A 9-minute parade of witnesses spoofing Michigan circus

(Newser) - Kate McKinnon's Rudy Giuliani returned again to Saturday Night Live to romp through what Mashable calls a "fart-filled election hearing" in Michigan that blurs the line with reality. McKinnon trotted out witnesses including Cecily Strong as "barely intoxicated" Dominion Voting Systems IT contractor Melissa Carone who told...

Giuliani Dismisses Report About a Pardon as 'Lies'

Article said Trump and his lawyer discussed the possibility

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani dismissed a New York Times report Tuesday that he had talked with President Trump about receiving a pardon. "#FakeNews NYT lies again," Giuliani wrote on Twitter . "Never had the discussion they falsely attribute to an anonymous source. Hard to keep up with all their lies....

Trump to Pa. Lawmakers: 'We Have to Turn the Election Over'

He canceled trip after adviser tested positive

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday called off his first trip outside Washington, DC, since the election after a campaign adviser tested positive for COVID-19. The president had not officially confirmed that he would be attending the event at a Gettysburg, Pa., hotel with attorney Rudy Giuliani and state Republican lawmakers, but...

Judge Tosses Trump's Bid to Block Pa. Vote Certification

Says campaign presented 'strained legal arguments without merit'

(Newser) - Pennsylvania officials can certify election results that show Joe Biden winning the state by more than 80,000 votes, US District Judge Matthew Brann ruled Saturday, dealing President Trump’s campaign another blow in its effort to invalidate the election. In his ruling, Brann said the Trump campaign presented “...

Giuliani Son Tests Positive, May Affect Father's Work

Exposure could require Rudy Guiliani to hole up away from Trump

(Newser) - Another White House staffer has tested positive for COVID, and this one has a very familiar last name. Andrew Giuliani, son of Rudy, announced his diagnosis Friday on Twitter and said he has only mild symptoms, reports Politico . The younger Giuliani serves as a special assistant to President Trump, but...

Stylists Aren't Sure That Was Hair Dye on Giuliani's Face

He may have touched up sideburns with mascara

(Newser) - In a lawyers' press conference that President Trump said would set out a clear "path to victory," what got the most attention were the streams of dark liquid on a clear path from Rudy Giuliani's hair to his collar. Giuliani had been sweating heavily as he alleged...

Giuliani Channels My Cousin Vinny in New Allegations

He alleges coordinated fraud, while president makes a key invite to White House

(Newser) - President Trump has invited top Republicans from Michigan to the White House on Friday as he and his allies press their effort to turn the election in his favor, reports the Hill . The invitation comes after Trump called two election officials in Michigan , and both later rescinded their votes to...

Report: Giuliani Asked to Be Paid $20K a Day

He alleges voter fraud in Pennsylvania court appearance

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's courtroom skills may be a little rusty—an election case in Pennsylvania Tuesday was his first appearance in a federal court since 1992, according to court records—but sources say he's still seeking an extremely high price for his services. Insiders tell the New York Times...

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