Rudy Giuliani

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Solid Fred Joins Heated Debate
Solid Fred Joins Heated Debate

Solid Fred Joins Heated Debate

Giuliani, Romney have sharp exchanges

(Newser) - In the first debate of his nascent quest for the White House, Fred Thompson stuck to a traditional Republican agenda as the gloves of rivals Mitt Romney and Rudolph Giuliani came off in some of the sharpest clashes so far. The LA Times reports that Thompson, a former senator, appeared...

Rudy, Mitt Mix It Up in NH
Rudy, Mitt Mix It Up in NH

Rudy, Mitt Mix It Up in NH

Giuliani, Romney get serious about pivotal primary state

(Newser) - GOP presidential frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney have been stumping hard in New Hampshire in advance of the primary, desperately trying to highlight their differences. Romney is blasting Giuliani's record as mayor of New York City and claims he backs unlimited government spending. Giuliani, capitalizing on his renown in...

Rudy's Blunt Opinions Ruled NYC Airwaves

Mayor told off callers to radio show, urged others to get therapy

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is a tempered presidential candidate these days, belying the fiery personality displayed on his mayoral radio show in the '90s. Radio Rudy was a loose cannon, known for telling callers to seek psychiatric help, the Times reports. He was unafraid to needle interest groups, once saying “the...

With $11M, Rudy is GOP Top Dog
With $11M, Rudy is GOP Top Dog

With $11M, Rudy is GOP Top Dog

Giuliani edges Romney in third quarter; Thompson not far behind

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani raised $11 million for his presidential campaign in the just-ended third quarter, the AP reports, giving him $16 million total for use in primary contests and general election. Giuliani has used the past three months well, edging Mitt Romney's $10 million to hold his standing as the most...

California Ballot Fight Prelude to Rudy vs. Hillary

Initiative on electoral votes give clues to potential '08 encounter

(Newser) - Battle lines have been drawn in the first major skirmish between the '08 presidential frontrunners, as their supporters wage a proxy war over a ballot initiative to redistribute California's electoral votes. Although both campaigns deny involvement in the initiative, the New York Times reports, the heavy hitters on both sides...

Poll Backs Hill-Bill White House
Poll Backs Hill-Bill White House

Poll Backs Hill-Bill White House

Sen. Clinton extends lead over Giuliani

(Newser) - Former president Bill Clinton is a clear asset in his wife's bid for the White House, the Washington Post reports, with 60% of Americans polled last week saying they would welcome him as first spouse, and two-thirds giving his presidency the thumbs-up. But they don't see Hillary Clinton as a...

Rudy Tells Religious Brass 'I’ll Go It Alone'

Candidate picks direct appeal to voters rather than courting leaders

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is going directly to values voters rather than risking confrontation with their kingmakers, and one aide says Rudy doesn’t need the brass on his side. The socially liberal GOPer hasn’t met with the Arlington Group and is the only Republican who hasn’t responded to a...

Dems Buck GOP in Money Race
Dems Buck GOP in Money Race

Dems Buck GOP in Money Race

Top candidates have grabbed twice the dough of GOP hopefuls

(Newser) - The Republican Party could be at a significant financial disadvantage when next year’s presidential race begins in earnest, according to Politico's Jeanne Cummings. The leading Democratic White House hopefuls have raised $200 million since January—twice what their Republican counterparts have garnered. The trend extends beyond the presidential race...

Rudy Laundered Money, Say Dem Watchdogs

Campaign ally funded attempt to change law in candidate's favor

(Newser) - A Democratic watchdog group has accused Rudy Giuliani of money laundering and breaking campaign-finance laws in an attempt to change California's system of awarding electoral votes. The sole donor to a group called Take Initiative America was top Giuliani adviser Paul Singer, according to a Federal Election Commission complaint filed...

Christian Right Seeks Rudy Alternative

If the faithful can't find a candidate soon, he'll be the winner

(Newser) - The religious right’s failure to coalesce around anyone in the GOP’s top presidential tier could throw the party’s nomination to socially liberal Rudy Giuliani, the Los Angeles Times reports. By favoring unrealistic candidates such as Brownback and Huckabee, and doubting the conservative zeal of Romney and Thompson,...

Rudy Tells Moral Critics: 'Cast the First Stone'

And he leads among churchgoers

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has compared critics of his personal life to the biblical villagers Jesus rebuked when he said, “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.” The Republican frontrunner cited the parable in a Christian Broadcasting Network interview, saying those...

Why GOP No-Shows Are Dissing Minorities

Critics say that top contenders focused on core white base

(Newser) - The African-American audience watching tonight's GOP presidential debate will see four empty lecterns representing the front-runners who declined to participate. Since the top three also declined a Spanish-language forum, the Los Angeles Times wonders why they're snubbing minority voters. Scheduling-conflict excuses don't cut it; more plausible is fear of alienating...

Rudy, Mitt in Dead Heat in NH
Rudy, Mitt in Dead Heat in NH

Rudy, Mitt in Dead Heat in NH

Giuliani Catches Romney in run up to New Hampshire primary

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's early lead in the GOP race for New Hampshire has evaporated; Rudy Giuliani is now in a dead heat with the former Massachusetts governor in a new CNN-University of New Hampshire poll. Though Giuliani has been the nationwide frontrunner, Romney had a 14-point lead in NH in July....

Rudy Less Than Thrilled to Be $9.11 Candidate

Calls suggested donation amount ‘unfortunate’

(Newser) - A spokeswoman for presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani is calling an appeal from private fundraisers for $9.11 donations “an unfortunate choice.” During tomorrow’s national house party night, top GOP rainmaker Abraham Sofaer will host an event aiming to net that telltale amount from attendees, the AP reports.

Revisiting Rudy's Record as Terror-Fighter

Impressive after 9/11, Giuliani underplayed the threat before

(Newser) - Candidate Giuliani is pitching himself as a terrorist-slayer, but until 9/11 he downplayed threats and offered traditional law enforcement as the solution, the Washington Post reports—an approach he now condemns. In an analysis of the former mayor's track record on terror before the attacks, the Post notes decisions that...

We Goofed on Petraeus Attack Ad: Times Editor

Public editor takes paper to task on 'personal' attack

(Newser) - The public editor of the New York Times slammed the newspaper yesterday for violating its own policies when it ran the now notorious "General Betray Us" ad. The ad, placed by, was a personal attack on General Petraeus, which is prohibited by the Times standards for acceptable...

Mitt's Blasts at 'Broken' Washington Risk GOP Ire

Romney distances himself from the president

(Newser) - White House hopeful Mitt Romney is distancing himself from President Bush in his TV ads and public statements—risking the ire of Republican primary voters who still support the president's most controversial policies. Romney's new theme is that the Republican party has been led off course, reports the Los Angeles ...

GOP Top Dogs Take Different Paths on Trail

Still no clear favorite among Republican contenders

(Newser) - The race for the GOP nomination remains unsettled, with evangelical voters yet to pick a favorite and Thompson's late entry failing to capture the Republican imagination. Contenders are adopting radically distinct strategies to establish some clarity, the New York Times reports. But the race isn't about to "sugar off"...

Rudy Takes Call During NRA Speech
Rudy Takes
Call During
NRA Speech

Rudy Takes Call During NRA Speech

Did the missus really phone as he massaged the 2nd Amendment?

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani, former gun control-lover,  wasn't exactly killing with a speech to the National Rifle Association today when he interrupted his remarks at the podium—to take a phone call from his wife. After a little lovey-dovey with Judith ("OK, have a safe trip, bye-bye. Talk to you...

In London, Giuliani Picks Up Cred and Cash

Hopeful meets with three PMs and no shortage of donors

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani left behind the cornfields of Iowa for cosmopolitan London yesterday, where he met with campaign contributors and no fewer than three prime ministers. After a visit to Tony Blair's new offices and to Gordon Brown at No. 10, Giuliani got his most desired photo-op of all, writes the...

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