Democratic nomination

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Obama Erases Clinton's Lead With Speech

New Gallup poll puts Dems on equal footing; both trail McCain

(Newser) - A new Gallup poll puts the two Democratic presidential candidates on even footing nationally, with Barack Obama holding a statistically negligible 1-point lead over Hillary Clinton. The poll, conducted after Obama's widely praised speech on race, suggests that the Illinois senator has erased the damage done by the Jeremiah Wright...

Obama Wins in Iowa, Again
Obama Wins
in Iowa, Again

Obama Wins in Iowa, Again

He nets 7 delegates over Clinton as Edwards backers shift in second-round voting

(Newser) - Barack Obama netted seven more delegates in Iowa tonight, two months after the state held its caucuses, the AP reports. How so? Some of the delegates who originally backed John Edwards shifted to Obama during the state's county conventions, the second part of Iowa's election process. These are generally of...

'SNL' Staffers Not Laughing at Hillary Bias Claims

Show tries to be equally unfair to all candidates

(Newser) - “Saturday Night Live” staffers are getting serious over accusations of a pro-Clinton bias, with producer Lorne Michaels telling the Los Angeles Times any perception of bias is a "major concern" and assuring “there’s no agenda.” The show’s send-up of a media crush on Barack...

Dems Queue Up Keystone Plans
Dems Queue Up Keystone Plans

Dems Queue Up Keystone Plans

Clinton to spend less, get personal; Obama to stump elsewhere, but hopes time helps in Pa.

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have staked out very different strategies ahead of the April 22 Pennsylvania primary—with the pre-vote lull the longest the Democrats have faced since the run-up to Iowa. Camp Clinton won't shower Pennsylvania with the same lavish expenses it did in Hawkeye country, instead focusing...

Dem Fight Risks Fracturing Party's Base

McCain's GOP support grows even as Clinton, Obama numbers split

(Newser) - The continuing squabbling between the Democratic presidential candidates is taking a toll within the party and dividing groups considered crucial to a victory in November, polls show—even as more Republicans are lining up behind John McCain, the Wall Street Journal reports. "It is alarming and sickening," one...

Hill's Bad Press Rallies Women
Hill's Bad Press Rallies Women

Hill's Bad Press Rallies Women

Women support Clinton when going gets tough

(Newser) - The press may be ganging up on Hillary Clinton—but that’s good news for her campaign, writes Deirdre Depke in Newsweek. When women sense an affront to the senator, they come out for her in droves, as they did in New Hampshire, Ohio, and Texas. The best course for...

Superdelegates Waiting to Pick Sides

Batch of party elites could pick the next nominee

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton lost Wyoming yesterday, but today the Washington Post has some welcome news for the Democratic underdog: Many superdelegates say they’ll wait until the end of the primaries to chose a candidate. “You’re going to see a lot of delegates remaining uncommitted,” said one neutral...

Long Fight Threatens Dems
Long Fight Threatens Dems

Long Fight Threatens Dems

Clinton victories in Texas, Ohio presage ugly, costly contest

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's victories in Texas and Ohio herald a long, ugly scrap for the Democratic nomination—and the big loser may be the party, reports Newsweek. It remains unknown how many delegates the New York senator won last night, but Clinton can now brush aside calls for her to end...

How Hard Will He Hit Back?
How Hard Will He Hit Back?

How Hard Will He Hit Back?

Clinton's attack plan worked; Obama must respond

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton scored her dramatic comeback in last night's primaries by getting tough—even nasty—with her opponent, Josh Marshall writes on TPM, and the question is now whether Barack Obama has it in him to fight that kind of fight. "Can he take this back to Hillary Clinton,...

Clinton: Dream Ticket Is Possible
Clinton: Dream Ticket Is Possible

Clinton: Dream Ticket Is Possible

But, of course, we still have to decide who's on top

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton today hinted that she’d be willing to bury the hatchet and share a ticket with Barack Obama, the AP reports. “That may be where this is headed,” Clinton told CBS’ The Early Show, “but of course we have to decide who is on the...

Fla. Governor, DNC Chair Talk Primary Do-Over

Crist, Dean agree on importance of seating delegates

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Charlie Crist wants to redo his state’s Democratic primary, and DNC chair Howard Dean is “very willing to listen to the people of Florida.” Crist, a Republican, isn't committing any funding, however, and officials have said the state won’t pay for a $4 million...

Obama Up by 4 in Texas; Clinton Leads by 1 in Ohio

Both states 'way too close' to call: pollster

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton trails Barack Obama by 4% in Texas and holds a statistically meaningless 1-point lead in Ohio just two days ahead of what could be defining contests in both states, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Houston Chronicle poll released today. But "it's way too close in both states to say...

Clinton Stumps on SNL
Clinton Stumps on SNL

Clinton Stumps on SNL

Dem pokes fun at herself, campaign

(Newser) - She was supposed to be campaigning in Ohio last night—but instead Hillary Clinton was live from New York. Like last week, Saturday Night Live opened with a debate sketch parodying a recent Clinton-Obama debate, with the Dems played by SNL regulars. The real Hillary appeared immediately after with an...

Obama Rakes in $50M, Clinton $35M in February
Obama Rakes in $50M, Clinton $35M in February

Obama Rakes in $50M, Clinton $35M in February

Democrats flush with cash heading into crucial primaries

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign will have raised roughly $50 million by the time February ends, the New York Times reports. The record figure overshadows Hillary Clinton's tally of about $35 million for the month, her highest total yet. "It's an extraordinary number for us," said Clinton's campaign chief. The...

Dem Debate Oddly Like 'SNL' Parody
Dem Debate Oddly Like
'SNL' Parody

Dem Debate Oddly Like 'SNL' Parody

Clinton sees Barack coddling; NYT writer says she has a case

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton was so taken by last week's "Saturday Night Live" sketch that had moderators fawning over Barack Obama in a debate between the two candidates that she brought it up in the real debate last night. And the debate lived up to the SNL spoof, Alessandra Stanley writes...

Obama Surges in National Poll
Obama Surges in National Poll

Obama Surges in National Poll

He opens 16-point lead, seen as having best shot against McCain

(Newser) - Barack Obama has opened up a lead of 16 points over Hillary Clinton among voters nationwide and is seen as the candidate with the best chance to beat John McCain, according to a new poll from CBS and the New York Times. Obama had a lead of 54% to 38%...

3 in 4 Voters Expect Obama Nomination: Poll

Dems prefer him by 12 points in national survey

(Newser) - A whopping three in four US voters say the Democrats will pick Barack Obama as presidential nominee, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll released today. Expectations for the Illinois senator beat the poll's error margin for the first time and even bested John McCain's numbers over Mike Huckabee: Only 61%...

Dems Need a 'Superconvention'
Dems Need a 'Superconvention'

Dems Need a 'Superconvention'

Earlier superdelegate event could fix Dems' drama: Politico

(Newser) - With a tight race and a “crazy quilt of anti-democratic rules” that govern the Dems’ race for the nomination, we need a fair and transparent way to settle the matter. How? Try a July “superconvention,” writes Dan Gerstein in Politico. Superdelegates would gather to hear speeches from...

Clinton Spending Vexes Donors
Clinton Spending Vexes Donors

Clinton Spending Vexes Donors

Supporters ask why consultants are paid so much for failing campaign

(Newser) - The $25,000 Hillary Clinton's sputtering campaign dropped at Vegas' posh Bellagio last month is raising eyebrows among those cutting her the checks, reports the New York Times. Add $5 million for the very strategists who engineered her string of recent failures, and donors looking over her latest campaign finance...

Clinton Fails to Turn Tide in Debate
Clinton Fails
to Turn Tide
in Debate

Clinton Fails to Turn Tide in Debate

She needed a big night, but it's mostly business as usual

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had to tread a difficult line in last night's debate—make a dent in Obama's credibility and momentum without sounding too negative—and she seemed to fall short of making any real headway, writes Wayne Slater of the Dallas Morning News. Clinton tried repeatedly to make the case...

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