
Stories 41 - 55 | << Prev 

¿Como Se Dice ‘Caucus’ En Español?

Nevada's booming diversity makes it a whole new ballgame from Iowa or NH

(Newser) - Iowa and New Hampshire may get most of the crowning glory, but Nevada's demographics make its "First in the West" contest a significant political battleground, the Las Vegas Sun says. As the state caucused today, the hometown paper polishes off the differences between the Silver State and its two...

Latinos the Wild Card in Nevada
Latinos the Wild Card in Nevada

Latinos the Wild Card in Nevada

Immigration debate has unnerved many

(Newser) - Hispanic voters could be key next November because they form a significant  minority of eligible voters in states President Bush won by less than 5% four years ago—Florida, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada. Saturday's Nevada caucus is expected to offer important insight into how Hispanics will vote in November,...

Minorities Denied Potent Painkillers, Study Finds

ER docs prescribe more drugs to whites

(Newser) - Minority patients are less likely than white patients to receive powerful painkillers in hospital emergency rooms, a new study has found. Researchers discovered that 31% of white people in pain were given opioid drugs—narcotic painkillers like morphine and codeine—while Hispanic patients got them 24% of the time and...

Breast Cancer Risk Seen for Latinos, Blacks

Scientists find higher prevalance of mutated gene in new study

(Newser) - A genetic mutation that increases the risk of breast cancer has been linked to Hispanic and young black women, according to a new study. The findings could lead to changes in screening, the San Jose Mercury News reports. In the survey of 3,181 women with breast cancer, 16.7%...

Immigration Fervor Could Burn GOP
Fervor Could
Burn GOP

Immigration Fervor Could Burn GOP

Rollback of Bush’s Hispanic-friendly stance is risky

(Newser) - The GOP contenders embracing anti-immigrant fervor may be sorely miscalculating, Ryan Lizza writes in the New Yorker, in a piece looking at the party's dramatic turn from the Bush strategy of cultivating immigrants in 2000 and 2004. The nativist passions Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani have been fanning appeal to...

Republicans Tone It Down for Hispanics

Candidates temper immigration talk, praise family values

(Newser) - GOP presidential hopefuls walked a delicate line at yesterday's bilingual debate in Miami, toning down their tough immigration rhetoric enough to court a Hispanic audience but not so much as to alienate their primary base. Weathering pointed questions, most candidates focused on praising legal immigrants, Hispanic family values and the...

Garcias Catching Up With Smiths
Garcias Catching Up With Smiths

Garcias Catching Up With Smiths

Hispanics rising in latest surame survey

(Newser) - Smith is still the most common US surname, but Garcia and Rodriguez are hot on its tail, the New York Times says. Those two Hispanic names cracked the Census Bureau’s latest top 10, likely marking the first time a non-Anglo name has been so prevalent. After seeing their ranks...

Martinez Quits Top RNC Post After 10 Months

Fla. senator bucked party on immigration, won't be replaced

(Newser) - Mel Martinez has quit as RNC general chairman after only 10 months in the post. The US  Senator from Florida, a Cuban refugee, publicly split with GOP hardliners over immigration reform. Martinez was also left to explain why the party’s presidential hopefuls were no-shows at a bilingual forum, the...

Schools Report Declining Enrollment
Schools Report Declining Enrollment

Schools Report Declining Enrollment

New immigration laws cited for fewer youngsters

(Newser) - Student enrollment is down at schools across Arizona, California and Texas—especially at those with high Hispanic populations.  Why? Some cite the sudden dearth of construction jobs as the housing boom has petered out. But anecdotal evidence points to immigration crackdowns, and school districts are feeling the effects: Mesa,...

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters
GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

Immigration policy hurting party, says American Prospect

(Newser) - With 69% of Latino voters going Democratic in 2006, anti-immigration sentiment among GOP presidential hopefuls may only serve to turn off the remaining 30. Meanwhile, the Latino population is growing, especially in swing states. "Even Texas could become a swing state a couple of elections from now," the...

Boy Scouts Reach Out to Latinos
Boy Scouts
Reach Out to Latinos

Boy Scouts Reach Out to Latinos

Soccer, Spanish lighting the spark for a new class of scouts

(Newser) - With enrollment down almost 10% in the last 10 years, the Boy Scouts are reaching out to Latinos to fill their ranks. Handbooks, advertisements and bumper stickers are now available in Spanish, and the “be prepared” group has even had permission from ministers to recruit in Hispanic churches, the...

Minorities Become Majority
Minorities Become Majority

Minorities Become Majority

Nonwhites dominate in 10% of counties, new census figures show

(Newser) - Nonwhites account for more than half the population in 10% of all US counties and in nearly one-third of the most populous ones, new census results show. Figures through mid-2006 demonstrate the suburban flight of blacks and Hispanics and fallout from Hurricane Katrina, the Times reports. And in three dozen...

Richardson Makes It Official
Richardson Makes It Official

Richardson Makes It Official

New Mexico governor joins 2008 race, touting his record, Latino ties

(Newser) - Bill Richardson has officially joined the throng of Democrats running for president, and become the first Latino to seek his party's nomination. The New Mexico governor made his announcement, in Spanish and English, in LA last night, touting his record as governor of a divided state and his proximity to...

Racial Generation Gap Opens
Racial Generation Gap Opens

Racial Generation Gap Opens

Whites are older, minorities are younger

(Newser) - The number of non-white Americans has passed 100 million—a third of the current population—for the first time, the Census Bureau reports, and the growing minority population is creating a new racial generation gap. Hispanics had the lowest median age at 27.4, while the median age of whites,...

Illegal Immigrants Flee LA
Illegal Immigrants Flee LA

Illegal Immigrants Flee LA

Republican suburbs hold allure for illegals, but no hospitalilty

(Newser) - Illegal immigrants are draining out of the Hispanic neighborhoods of LA and into  Republican suburbs like San Bernadino, which hold the allure of jobs, but little hospitality.  In a detailed study of the demographic shift, the Economist calls them  them the "canaries in the economic coal mine, sensitive...

Stories 41 - 55 | << Prev