Nicolas Sarkozy

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Peace Deal Opened Door to Russian Advance
Peace Deal Opened Door
to Russian Advance

Peace Deal Opened Door to Russian Advance

Russian 'peacekeepers' given wide latitude in new pact

(Newser) - A Russian convoy was headed deeper into Georgia within hours of a new peace deal thanks to a big loophole in the agreement, Andrew E. Kramer writes in the New York Times. The deal brokered by French President Nicolas Sarkozy allows Russian peacekeepers to implement unspecified "additional security measures,...

Russia Demands Territories in Peace Proposal

Moscow tells Georgia to leave Abkhazia and South Ossetia

(Newser) - Russia is demanding that Georgia give up the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in exchange for peace, the Telegraph reports. Moscow wants Georgia to permanently remove all its troops from the regions and sign a pledge never to use force there again. The demands emerged after a day...

Russia Agrees to Withdrawal Plan
 Russia Agrees to
 Withdrawal Plan

Russia Agrees to Withdrawal Plan

Sarkozy will present deal to Georgia

(Newser) - The Russian and French presidents negotiated conditions today for ending fighting in Georgia, endorsing a plan that calls for both Russian and Georgian troops to move back to their initial positions. The plan endorsed by Dmitry Medvedev and Nicolas Sarkozy calls on Russia and Georgia to end all hostilities and...

Russia Orders End to Georgia War

Medvedev announces halt to military operations

(Newser) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered a halt to military operations in Georgia, according to a Kremlin statement. The declaration came moments before Medvedev was to meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy to discuss an international peace plan after five days of fighting. While Georgian officials claimed that the Russian...

French Relations With China 'Set Right,' Sarkozy Says

President talks human rights with leaders hosting Beijing visit

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy says the relationship between France and China had been “set right again” in talks today with the Chinese leadership, AFP reports. "I had a lunch and a meeting with the Chinese president and a meeting with the prime minister. I talked about human rights, I handed...

New McCain Ad Says Obama Like Britney, Paris

He's a celebrity but unqualified to lead, it says

(Newser) - A new ad from the McCain campaign deems Obama the “biggest celebrity in the world” while flashing images of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, Time reports. While mocking his rock-star status with other images from his trip to Europe, it asks, "But is he ready to lead?" The...

In City of Light, Bruni a Bright Bulb Indeed

From model to wife of French president Sarkozy, VF profiles multi-faceted Carla

(Newser) - Who could have imagined that Italian supermodel-singer Carla Bruni would find love with a right-wing French president? Maureen Orth takes a look at France’s First Lady in Vanity Fair: her education in art and architecture, admiration of women's-libbers Simone de Beauvoir and Françoise Sagan, and her husband's reaction...

Europe Swoons Over Obama
Europe Swoons Over Obama

Europe Swoons Over Obama

'You must want a cigarette after that,' Dowd tells candidate after fawning reception

(Newser) - While all of Europe—even the right-wing Nicolas Sarkozy—goes ga-ga over Barack Obama, the would-be president is keeping it real, writes an uncharacteristically un-scathing Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. “If you start believing your own hype, which I rarely do, things’ll turn on your pretty...

Obama and Sarkozy Rendezvous in Paris

Dem attends press conference with French president in brief visit; London next

(Newser) - Barack Obama received an enthusiastic Paris reception today from President Nicolas Sarkozy, who said, “The French have been following him with passion”—and that the Democrat’s “adventure … rings true in the hearts in minds” of his country. The two men discussed cooperation on climate change,...

Obama Hits Paris
 Obama Hits Paris

Obama Hits Paris

Candidate holds meeting, press conference with 'pal' Sarkozy

(Newser) - Barack Obama has arrived in Paris, where the candidate is holding talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy before a joint news conference. Sarkozy rushed back from a summit in the southwest of France to meet Obama at the presidential palace, reports AP. The two first met in 2006 when Sarkozy...

France Bids Adieu to 35-Hour Work Week

More hours piled on in boost to businesses

(Newser) - The French parliament has passed landmark legislation eliminating the 35-hour cap on the work week, Reuters reports. President Nicolas Sarkozy has long blamed the short week for France's economic struggles. Most employees work longer, but accumulate overtime pay or vacation days for the extra hours. Tens of thousands of French...

Sarkozy 's Reform Bill Passes By a Hair

Move to rewrite French constitution has critics crying 'monocracy!'

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy hailed the passing yesterday of a constitutional reform, fulfilling a key campaign pledge. The overhaul of parliamentary and executive powers passed in the assembly and senate by a single vote, capturing 539 votes when it needed 538, the BBC reports. The opposition says the change will...

Barack: Don't Tell Europe What It Wants to Hear

Careful change is what Europe wants to believe in

(Newser) - The vast majority of Europeans are hoping Barack Obama will be elected president, according to polls that give him as much as 86% support among voters in France, Britain, and Germany. The overwhelming support reflects a hope for a new era of unity with the US, writes Roger Cohen in...

Sarkozy Puts France on Speed
 Puts France
 on Speed 

Sarkozy Puts France on Speed

Sarkozy is 'the most important European leader of his time,' writes Cohen

(Newser) - His love life may be distracting and his poll ratings may be low, but Nicolas Sarkozy is "a tonic to his country and the most important European leader of his time," writes New York Times columnist Roger Cohen. In just 14 months the French president has led a...

New Mediterranean Union Eyes Mideast Peace

'Gesture of peace' launches new 43-nation group

(Newser) - The inaugural meeting yesterday of the Union of the Mediterranean, which brought together the 27 EU countries and their neighbors to the south, kicked off discussions about a number of mutual projects. But French President Nicolas Sarkozy used it as an opportunity to flex some diplomatic muscle by bringing Syrian...

Bush Stuns G8 With 'Biggest Polluter' Boast

President leaves other leaders open-mouthed with defiant farewell

(Newser) - George Bush concluded the last G8 summit of his presidency with a defiant final joke: "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter," he quipped. The president then punched the air, his mouth fixed in a huge grin, the Daily Telegraph reports. Bush, who has faced international condemnation for years...

Sarko Won't Boycott Beijing
 Sarko Won't
 Boycott Beijing 

Sarko Won't Boycott Beijing

French president confirms he's going to the games after all

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy is backing off his threats to boycott the Beijing Olympics to protest China’s treatment of Tibet, the BBC reports. Sarkozy met with China’s president at the G8 summit, and now confirms that he will attend the opening ceremony. The French president said he made the decision...

China, India Reject G8 Carbon Plan

Developing countries show impotence of conference

(Newser) - Neither China nor India agreed to adopt the G8's targets for cutting carbon emissions by 2050 at their joint meeting today. Asia's two big developing economies, joined by Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa, said carbon reductions would endanger their growth and exacerbate poverty, and that rich nations should clean up...

Fashion, Politics Unlikely Mix
 Fashion, Politics Unlikely Mix 

Fashion, Politics Unlikely Mix

Carla Bruni's outfits something of an obsession, though there's a flip side

(Newser) - Move over, Hollywood—these days, fashion designers are dying to get their wares on a new kind of celebrity: politicians. The last time Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy visited London, Dior issued no fewer than five press releases on their outfits, and Louis Vuitton has even hired Mikhail Gorbachev as...

Oh Napoleon: Tiny Leaders Rule G8

Five don't pass the 5'6'' mark

(Newser) - The leaders at this week's G8 summit are all political big shots, but they're pretty diminutive face-to-face—five don't even make it past 5'6''. Russia's Dmitry Medvedev brings up the short end of the stick at 5'2'', and Canada's Stephen Harper is the only one to pass the 6' mark....

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>