Nicolas Sarkozy

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'Highly Intimate' Bruni Photos Stolen

Police fear thieves will post online, or sell, hundreds of pics

(Newser) - Hundreds of “highly intimate” pictures of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy with her ex-lover, the father of her child, were stolen Sunday, the Daily Mail reports. The photos were taken from the house of Raphael Enthoven’s brother, where the philosopher—who was married when he started seeing the French first lady,...

Economy Saps Sarkozy's Approval Ratings
Economy Saps Sarkozy's Approval Ratings

Economy Saps Sarkozy's Approval Ratings

'Action-man president' looks powerless on crisis

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy should be well positioned to gain political capital from the global recession, having warned against capitalist excess years before the crisis quashed pro- deregulation argument. But the French president’s approval rating keeps dropping, the Economist reports. It fell another 2% in April, to 36%. As the crisis...

Sarko: Obama's Not So Hot
 Sarko: Obama's Not So Hot 

Sarko: Obama's Not So Hot

(Newser) - Someone sounds a little jealous the international media has found a new darling. Nicolas Sarkozy sniped today at President Obama for being inexperienced and indecisive, the Times of London reports. While praising Obama's "clever" mind, the French president complained to party members that "he was elected two months...

Assembly Votes Surprise Non on French Web Piracy Law

(Newser) - The French legislature has put a stop—for now—to an anti-piracy law that would deny Internet access to repeat offenders, AFP reports. The law, a pet of President Nicolas Sarkozy, would deal the ultimate blow to illegal downloaders after three strikes, and replace the current regime of fines and...

British Execs Released After Latest French 'Bossnapping'

(Newser) - In the latest demonstration of French employees refusing to take job losses sitting down, workers at a glue factory took 3 British execs and their French manager hostage last night, and released them today, the BBC reports. The “bossnappers” demanded a renegotiation of their severance package from Scapa, which...

Sarko: Butt Out of Turkey's EU Bid, Obama

Franco-US relations sour over Turkey tiff

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy put an end to Barack Obama's European honeymoon when the US leader pushed for Turkey's membership in the European Union, reports the Times of London. The move would signal that Muslims are "our friends, neighbors and partners," Obama suggested. Sarkozy, who opposes Turkey's membership,...

Obama Plays Shrink to Europe: Dowd
 Obama Plays Shrink 
 to Europe: Dowd 

Obama Plays Shrink to Europe: Dowd

President brings "psychological finesse" to the G20

(Newser) - Therapists could learn a thing or two from the "psychological finesse" Barack Obama showed in Europe this week, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times. Obama's upbringing taught him how to "slip in and out of different worlds," and that legacy was on display at...

On Tough EU Trip, French Oddly Likeable

Obama has headaches on both sides of Atlantic

(Newser) - How's Obama doing on his first big diplomatic foray? Americans are relieved to have a president who doesn't embarrass us—no more spontaneous massages for German Chancellor Angela Merkel. But Europe is positively swooning. Perhaps EU leaders are secretly loving President Obama's "willingness to be a good loser,"...

Michelle Gives Carla a Guitar
 Michelle Gives Carla a Guitar 

Michelle Gives Carla a Guitar

(Newser) - Michelle Obama presented her new amie Carla Bruni with a hard-rockin', all-American gift today: a Gibson guitar, People reports. The two first ladies, who first met yesterday, kissed hello and held hands briefly during a tour of a cathedral and museum in Strasbourg. Obama also agreed to help the...

Obama, Sarko Pledge United Front

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy and President Obama pledged cooperation today on a host of international issues, from Afghanistan to Iranian nukes, the AP reports. “It feels really good to work with a US president who wants to change the world,” said Sarkozy at their press conference. It’s a “...

Screaming Crowds Greet Obama in France

Ahead of NATO summit, president sits down with Sarkozy

(Newser) - Barack Obama left Britain for France today, arriving to cheering crowds in Strasbourg along the Franco-German border. Ahead of this weekend's NATO summit, Obama held a meeting with Nicolas Sarkozy, who recently returned France to full membership of the military alliance after decades on the sidelines. Obama will be pushing...

No 'First Wives Club' For Bruni
 No 'First Wives Club' For Bruni 

No 'First Wives Club' For Bruni

Carla snubs G20

(Newser) - There was a noticeable no-show at the “first wives club” meeting in London—and at the G20 in general. France's Carla Bruni, perhaps the world’s most glamorous first lady, has skipped the summit altogether, the Daily Mail reports—a move largely seen as a snub of British PM...

G20 Leaders Close to Deal
 G20 Leaders Close to Deal 

G20 Leaders Close to Deal

French, German demands for regulation are final sticking point

(Newser) - G20 leaders have nearly completed an agreement to confront the global financial crisis, reports the Times of London. Gordon Brown opened the summit by saying that the draft communique already prepared reflected "a high degree of consensus between us." The British PM said that the leaders needed to...

Sarkozy: World Growth Must Come First

French prez urges G20 to work for better kind of capitalism

(Newser) - Today's G20 talks must focus on restarting global growth through a better-regulated form of capitalism, Nicolas Sarkozy writes in the Washington Post. The international financial system needs urgent restructuring, writes the French president, and confidence cannot be effectively restored unless reforms are carried out with a greater sense of morality...

Sarko Threatens to Walk Out of G20 Summit

French prez seeks tough financial regulations—or else

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy may walk out on the G20 summit if things don't go his way, the Times of London reports. The French president—who blames "Anglo-Saxons" for the financial crisis—is pushing for tougher global financial regulation and has told his ministers that he will abandon the talks if...

Obama to Travel to Normandy for D-Day Anniversary

Washington, Paris on good terms, Sarkozy aide says

(Newser) - President Obama will travel to Normandy for the 65th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, the New York Daily News reports. An aide to Nicolas Sarkozy spilled the beans on Obama’s June 6 visit after a reporter claimed the relationship between the two presidents was distant. “Relations are excellent...

No, Bloggers: Obama Doesn't Think Chirac Is French Prez

(Newser) - The tone of a letter from President Obama to Jacques Chirac has some in the blogosphere wondering if Obama knows that Chirac is no longer the president of France, writes Jimmy Orr in the Christian Science Monitor reports. “Doesn’t Obama ever consult his staff before acting?” one concerned...

African Union Suspends Madagascar

Pressure mounts against coup government

(Newser) - International pressure is mounting against the new government of Madagascar, installed this week via coup, the BBC reports. The African Union has suspended the island nation’s membership, calling the takeover “unconstitutional,” and South Africa said it might impose sanctions. France likewise condemned the takeover, and the US...

French Mock Sarkozy by Reading Book He Hates

La Princesse de Cleves gets a boost of unexpected popularity as a protest symbol

(Newser) - France is in the grip of a nationwide strike, but dissatisfaction with Nicolas Sarkozy’s reforms is also taking a more cultured form: the reading of a classic 17th-century book the president has said he hates. The book has become an odd symbol of dissent. Sales are climbing as Sarko’...

Striking French Workers Defy Sarkozy

Nationwide strike cripples transport, shuts schools

(Newser) - France is in the grip of the second nationwide strike in 2 months today as unions protest the Sarkozy administration's economic policies, reports AFP. Air and rail transport has been disrupted, and half of primary school teachers have not come into work. The strikers are demanding a higher minimum wage,...

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