Keiko Fujimori

2 Stories

Lefty Leads Fujimori Scion in Peru Vote

Ollanta Humala leads by roughly 5%; recount could loom

(Newser) - Peru went to the polls today in a heated presidential election that put a leftist former military officer in a slight lead over the daughter of jailed ex-president Alberto Fujimori, reports Reuters. Early returns gave Ollanta Humala roughly a 52% lead over Keiko Fujimori's 47%, but overseas votes could...

Ex-President Extradited to Peru for Human Rights Trial

Fujimori remains defiant, touts new 'legal armor'

(Newser) - Ex-president Albero Fujimori was extradited today to Peru, where he will face charges related to death-squad killings during his administration's fight against a Maoist uprising, the AP reports. Fujimori seemed unconcerned, touting the “legal armor”—he can only be tried on the two rights charges and five corruption...

2 Stories