Michael Jackson

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No Jackson Concert Tonight, But Hundreds Gather Anyway

(Newser) - Hundreds of fans are camped out in the front of the O2 arena in London where Michael Jackson was to begin his 50-concert stand today, the BBC reports. “I want to feel a bit closer,” said one of the approximately 600 fans. “We’ve been reminiscing and...

Joe Plans 'Jackson 3' Tour
 Joe Plans 'Jackson 3' Tour 

Joe Plans 'Jackson 3' Tour

Plus, ubiquitous biographer publishes another shocking book, more

(Newser) - Joe Jackson wants to turn his grandchildren into the “Jackson 3,” Michael’s biographer tells the Sun. “Joe wants the children to go on a world tour in 2010. He has also already offered recording contracts to two of Michael’s kids,” Ian Halperin tells the...

Like Most Humans, Jacko's Bubbles Retired in Fla.

(Newser) - He sat in the studio as the "Bad" album was recorded, dined with countless celebrities, and was once perhaps the world's most famous chimp. But like so many oldsters, today Michael Jackson's onetime pal Bubbles lives a quiet life in the retirement haven of Florida, reports the Miami Herald....

Era of Celeb Endorsers Is Dying Along With Celebs

Iconic ads are history as audience splinters

(Newser) - There was a time viewers couldn't turn on the TV without seeing the King of Pop opening a Pepsi or hearing Karl Malden warning everyone not to leave home without an American Express card. But the recent death of mega sellers like Jackson, Malden, Farrah Fawcett, and Ed McMahon signals...

Was Jackson Healthy or On the Brink? Yes.

Drug-addled or ready to rock, his inner-circle tells it from all sides

(Newser) - Was Michael Jackson happy and healthy, or drug-addled and depressed in his final days? Depends who you ask. The AP compiles a list of contradictory reports from the star’s inner circle:
  • Concert promoter Randy Phillips initially told reporters Jackson was "a healthy, vibrant human being,” but later

La Toya: 'Michael Was Murdered'
 La Toya: 'Michael Was Murdered'

La Toya: 'Michael Was Murdered'

(Newser) - Michael Jackson was "murdered" by a shadowy entourage of handlers who were after his money, says his angry sister La Toya. "I believe Michael was murdered. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people," she tells the Daily Mail. "Michael was...

Jackson Doc Gives LAPD the Brushoff
Jackson Doc Gives LAPD
the Brushoff

Jackson Doc Gives LAPD the Brushoff

Murray may face manslaughter charge if linked to anesthetic

(Newser) - The doctor by Michael Jackson's side when he went into cardiac arrest may face manslaughter charges if the LAPD concludes he gave the pop star a powerful anesthetic, TMZ reports. Dr. Conrad Murray isn’t cooperating with authorities, sources say, but investigators have evidence linking him to Propofol, a drug...

Jacko Kid Custody Delayed; Mom, Grandma to Talk

(Newser) - The grandma and baby mama of Michael Jackson's three kids have secured another custody hearing delay, hoping to reach an agreement on their own, E! Online reports. Grandma Katherine Jackson will retain custody of Prince Michael I, 12, Paris, 11, and Prince Michael II, 7, until the newly scheduled hearing...

MJ Popped 10 Xanax a Night
 MJ Popped 10 Xanax a Night 

MJ Popped 10 Xanax a Night

Plus, family argues over remains, and more

(Newser) - Michael Jackson was taking 10 Xanax pills a night, but that was an improvement—he “was doing better because he was down from 30 to 40” pills, according to a confidential document obtained by CNN. Among other details: To get prescriptions, he used his employees’ names and traveled to...

Joe Eyes Kids for Showbiz: 'Blanket, He Can Really Dance'

Jacko's dad also plans kids' showbiz careers

(Newser) - Joe Jackson suspects foul play in the death of his son, saying he "just couldn't believe what was happening to Michael"—and he tells ABC News, “I do believe it was foul play. I do believe that. Yes.” The Jackson patriarch, whose interview airs on Primetime:...

Jacksons Told Death May Be Crime, Med Files Subpoenaed

(Newser) - The Los Angeles coroner has subpoenaed all of Michael Jackson's medical records, and his family has been told that the investigation into his death could become a criminal prosecution, a source tells CNN. Detectives have spoken to several of Jackson's past and present doctors, and they will decide whether to...

No House Resolution Praising Jacko: Pelosi

(Newser) - The House of Representatives will not consider a resolution praising Michael Jackson’s humanitarianism, the Boston Globe reports. “A resolution, I think, would open up to contrary views to—that are not necessary at this time to be expressed in association with a resolution whose purpose is quite different,...

In Estate Planning, Take a Lesson From MJ

He knew what he was doing—and we should follow his example

(Newser) - Michael Jackson wasn't known for his financial prudence, but he got one thing right: his estate planning, writes Jane Bennett Clark for Kiplinger. Here’s how to follow his good example:
  • Write a will: Two-thirds of Americans don’t. Jackson’s is concrete: His kids get 40% of his

Inside Paris Jackson's Weird World

Though she led a restricted life, she loved her dad

(Newser) - Paris Jackson captivated the world with her tribute at Michael Jackson’s memorial Tuesday, but her own life is as weird as it is enchanting. The Mirror takes a look at Jackson’s middle child, starting from the moment he “snatched her and just went home with all the...

Moon Crater Named After Moonwalker
 Moon Crater 
 Named After 

Moon Crater Named After Moonwalker

Plus, more details from two of his doctors

(Newser) - Not only was he the King of Pop—Michael Jackson was also one of the biggest landowners on the moon. To memorialize the moonwalker, the Lunar Republic Society—an organization that wants to develop the moon for mankind—named a crater Michael Joseph Jackson, reports the Sun. More Jackson news:

31.1M Watched Jackson Memorial

(Newser) - Michael Jackson had a big audience for his final show. Nielsen numbers show that 31.1 million people tuned in on 19 TV networks across the US, reports the Washington Post. The stats are especially impressive considering the memorial aired on a weekday afternoon, unlike the funeral for Princess Di,...

Blanket Jackson Sees the Light of Day

(Newser) - The carefully guarded children of Michael Jackson made a rare public appearance at his memorial yesterday, but for one of them it was even more revolutionary: Prince Michael Jackson II—aka Blanket—was seen fully for the first time, Fox News reports. Blanket, who was famously dangled by his father...

King of Pop Still Reigns on Charts

Album sales up 90% from first week

(Newser) - Michael Jackson is still dominating the Billboard charts, with his solo albums selling 800,000 copies in the first full week after his death and 2.2 million songs downloaded. His Number Ones collection is the top-selling album in the US as well as No. 1 on Billboard’s Top...

Jacko Doc Hedges on Whether He's Bio Dad
 Jacko Doc 
 on Whether 
 He's Bio Dad 

Jacko Doc Hedges on Whether He's Bio Dad

Plus, LiLo's latest career tragedy, and more

(Newser) - Michael Jackson’s longtime dermatologist—and the rumored biological father of his two elder kids—told Good Morning America today, “To the best of my knowledge, I am not the father of these children.” Arnold Klein also denied prescribing any of the dangerous painkillers Jackson allegedly took. Elsewhere:...

Jacko Proves Stumbling Block for House Dems

Resolution saluting 'global humanitarian' sets off controversy

(Newser) - The King of Pop is causing a headache for some House Democrats after one lawmaker very publicly called for a resolution honoring Michael Jackson as a “global humanitarian," Politico reports. Sheila Jackson-Lee displayed the resolution at yesterday's memorial; Dems now have to weigh supporting it in light...

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