Harry Reid

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Senate Kills Bill to Reverse Hobby Lobby Ruling

As GOP announces plans to introduce its own contraception bill

(Newser) - Senate Democrats' attempt to nullify the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision has met its end—at least for now. Republicans yesterday blocked the motion, which fell four votes short of the 60 it needed to proceed to the House. The bill, defeated 56-43 on a procedural vote, would have...

Utah Busts 2 Ex-AGs on Bevy of Corruption Charges

John Swallow, Mark Shurtleff were subjects of lengthy bribery investigation

(Newser) - Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill said two former Utah attorneys general, John Swallow and Mark Shurtleff, were arrested today after a bribery probe that stemmed from their cozy relationships with several businessmen during their time in office. Swallow was booked on four felony charges, including receiving or soliciting...

Secret Drone Strike Memo to Be Released

Move comes as fight over Barron nomination looms

(Newser) - The Obama administration has decided to release a secret memo explaining its justification for killing American citizens in drone strikes overseas, sources tell the AP . The decision comes as the Senate prepares to vote on the nomination of the memo's author, David Barron, to the 1st US Circuit Court...

Senate Republicans Shoot Down Minimum Wage Hike

Vote fails to clear filibuster, 54-42, with all but one Republican dissenting

(Newser) - Senate Republicans today blocked a Democratic bill that would boost the federal minimum wage, handing a defeat to President Obama on a vote that is sure to reverberate in this year's congressional elections. The legislation by Sen. Tom Harkin would have gradually raised the $7.25 hourly minimum to...

Take That: Russia Bars Boehner, Reid, McCain

After US sanctions, Moscow singles out 9 American officials

(Newser) - Russia got Crimea , but the US is dominating in the sanctions department. After President Obama ramped up strong economic penalties against 20 prominent Russians (but not Vladimir Putin), Moscow fired back by telling nine American officials (but not Obama) that they weren't welcome in Russia, reports the Hill . The...

Bring Back the Bipartisan Senate of Yore: McConnell

Minority leader offers 3 tips for a better chamber

(Newser) - The Senate can be "the greatest legislative tool we have" to resolve partisan feuding: Its rules essentially "require" bipartisanship on major decisions, and we've seen that cooperation throughout the past century, from Medicare to the Americans With Disabilities Act, writes Sen. Mitch McConnell at Politico in a...

Dems Raising a Ruckus Over Jobless Benefits

President Obama plans to keep issue in the news

(Newser) - President Obama plans to climb the bully pulpit this week and hammer Congress—but really, just congressional Republicans—for failing to extend long-term unemployment benefits. The White House has concocted a plan to keep the issue in the news on a daily basis, Politico reports. Tomorrow, Obama will invite a...

Harry Reid Out of Hospital for Exhaustion

Senate majority leader, 74, went today as a precaution

(Newser) - Harry Reid is out of the hospital after spending much of the day there suffering from exhaustion. The Senate majority leader finally went home after doctors cleared him to return to work, his spokesman said this evening. Reid was admitted to George Washington University Hospital early in the day after...

Reid Used Clout to Overturn Ruling on Casino Investors

Washington Times: He got visas sped up; agency staffers cry foul

(Newser) - A newspaper report suggests that Harry Reid exercised improper political clout on behalf of a casino in his home state of Nevada. The Washington Times reports that Reid personally intervened when a government agency—the US Citizenship and Immigration Services—rejected a request to speed up visa applications for foreign...

Stewart Skewers Hype Over &#39;Nuclear Option&#39;
 Stewart Skewers Hype 
 Over 'Nuclear Option' 

Stewart Skewers Hype Over 'Nuclear Option'

In the real world, it's a sensible fix; in DC, it's the 'Hiroshima of voting'

(Newser) - Harry Reid's change of Senate filibuster rules for most presidential nominations has been breathlessly labeled the "nuclear option," but Jon Stewart has a different phrase in mind to describe Reid's figurative pushing of the big red button. "Deciding to allow 'majority rules' to incrementally...

Reid Passes 'Nuclear Option,' Changes Rules on Filibuster

Historic vote means presidential nominees need simple majority

(Newser) - The so-called "nuclear option" just happened: The Senate voted to weaken filibusters and make it all but impossible for Republicans to block confirmation of the president's nominees for judges and other top posts, reports the AP . While the filibuster can't be used on those nominations, it's...

Obama Camp Was Serious About Biden-Clinton Switch

Plus other 2012 revelations, like who leaked Mitt Romney's tax info

(Newser) - The sequel to Game Change is here, or, at least, in the hands of the New York Times . Journos Mark Halperin and John Heilemann take us inside the 2012 race with Double Down, and the Times shares a few juicy reveals.
  • Obama's camp seriously considered losing Biden and replacing

Tom Coburn: Harry Reid Is 'an Absolute A--hole'

Comment ignites war of words

(Newser) - So much for playing nice in the Senate sandbox: At a New York Young Republican Club gala on Monday, Tom Coburn reportedly trash-talked Harry Reid. When asked about his relations with opponents in the Senate, the Republican senator replied that some Democrats are easier to get along with than others....

It's Over: House Passes Senate-Backed Deal

Obama signs bill: We need to stop 'governing by crisis'

(Newser) - Federal workers, prepare to rejoin the morning commute. The Senate tonight passed its bill to end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling by a vote of 81-18, the AP reports; the House backed the bill 285-144, just hours before the Treasury would have lost its authority to borrow...

Senators Close to Deal, But Do They Have Time?

Cruz, allies may try delay tactics

(Newser) - With the collapse of the House's attempt to end the shutdown and avoid a government default, the Senate is having another crack at it, but it is far from certain that it will be able to pass anything before the Treasury's borrowing power expires tomorrow and the government...

House to Buck Senate, Pass Own Bill
 Dems Lash Faltering 
 House GOP Bill 

Dems Lash Faltering House GOP Bill

Boehner says 'no decision has been made'

(Newser) - House Republicans don't look ready to fall in behind Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell's plan to end the shutdown, and Democrats are lining up to take a swing at their effort. The House leadership today proposed an alternative plan that would include extra changes to ObamaCare, including a...

Shutdown Deal Near—With Minor ObamaCare Tweaks

House GOPers slam 'Senate surrender caucus'

(Newser) - After talks that lasted late into the night, Senate lawmakers sound hopeful that they might soon be part of a fully functioning country again. "We've made tremendous progress," said Harry Reid, hinting that a bipartisan deal could be unveiled after he and Mitch McConnell powwow with their...

Obama Postpones White House Crisis Meeting

It will be the first full-cast affair since Oct. 2

(Newser) - Stop us if you've heard this one before : President Barack Obama today scheduled a meeting with Congressional leaders at the White House, only to delay it to give Senate leaders more time to resolve the government's twin fiscal crises. A new day or time for the meeting wasn'...

DC Leaders Wait for Markets' Verdict on Shutdown

China calls for 'de-Americanized world '

(Newser) - As the government shutdown enters its third week, Senate leaders appear to be waiting for world financial markets to give them a jolt before they make a deal, the Washington Post reports. Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell had a conversation yesterday that Reid says left him "optimistic about the...

5 Shutdown Exit Strategies
 5 Shutdown 
 Exit Strategies 

5 Shutdown Exit Strategies

GOP moderates having trouble coming to the rescue

(Newser) - There's still no end in sight for the government shutdown. But if an end were in sight, what might it look like? CBS breaks down the possibilities:
  • Moderate Republicans to the Rescue? Rep. Peter King has been leading meetings of his moderate colleagues. King has been an outspoken critic

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