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UN Pleads for $500M in Food Aid
 UN Pleads for $500M in Food Aid 

UN Pleads for $500M in Food Aid

May cut food shipments to 73M hungry

(Newser) - A United Nations food program has issued an extraordinary emergency plea for an extra $500 million in aid, warning that shipments to the world's hungry may be rationed if the money can't be raised over the next month, reports the Financial Times. The World Food Program feeds some 73 million...

Leonard Cohen to Tour
 Leonard Cohen to Tour 

Leonard Cohen to Tour

Gloomy balladeer hits road for first time in 15 years

(Newser) - The man Lou Reed called “one of the most important songwriters of our time” will hit the road this summer. Leonard Cohen, 73, will kick off his first tour in 15 years in his native Canada and then head to Europe, the Independent reports. So far, there are no...

Dextre Moves Into Place, Awaits First Call

Gigantic robot successfully added to space station

(Newser) - The giant space robot Dextre moved into his new digs last night, and now resides outside the International Space Station's Destiny lab awaiting his first marching orders. Back at Mission Control the mood is buoyant, reports the Houston Chronicle. "That really was the kind of spacewalk that when it's...

Deserters Fleeing War Go North—Again

In Canada, AWOL troops join forces with Vietnam draft-dodgers

(Newser) - Iraq war deserters aren't crossing the Canadian border in VW buses, but they are trickling across—and connecting with Vietnam draft dodgers who made the same trek 4 decades ago. About 200 Iraq resisters have migrated north, the Washington Post reports. Some grew disillusioned in Baghdad; others went AWOL from...

Spacewalkers Give Dextre Arms
 Spacewalkers Give Dextre Arms 

Spacewalkers Give Dextre Arms

7-hour spacewalk brings handyman robot closer to completion

(Newser) - Dextre the space robot now has arms. Astronauts attached them in an overnight spacewalk outside the International Space Station, the second of three that will be needed to bring the $209 million robot fully to life, the Houston Chronicle reports. On Monday, astronauts will give Dextre a tool belt, lights,...

Dextre Lives! Space Robot Gets Power

NASA solves glitch; astronauts continue assembly tonight

(Newser) - Dextre's finally getting some juice. Astronauts aboard the international space station solved a glitch last night and got power flowing to their partially built robot, the AP reports. Now they can go ahead with a spacewalk tonight to finish assembling it. “There was obviously some real concern over the...

Canada's US Envoy Urged to Resign Over NAFTA-Gate

Ambassador admits speaking to reporter

(Newser) - The scope of the Barack Obama NAFTA memo scandal widened again yesterday, with Canadian opposition legislators calling for the resignation of Canada's ambassador to the US after he was implicated, the Globe and Mail reports. Michael Wilson admitted speaking to the reporter who broke the story that the candidate was...

Canadian Convoy Bombed in Afghanistan

Attack precedes Canada's vote on unpopular operation

(Newser) - A suicide attack on a Canadian convoy in Afghanistan killed a civilian, injured at least one soldier, and set ablaze a nearby home less than half a mile from the Canadian base of operations in Kandahar. The Taliban took credit for the attack, which comes just as Canada is about...

Tourism Busts Pre-9/11 Record
Tourism Busts Pre-9/11 Record

Tourism Busts Pre-9/11 Record

57 million foreign visitors traveled to US

(Newser) - Nearly 57 million foreign tourists visited the US last year, pumping more than $123 billion into the economy, Reuters reports. It's the first time a tourism record has been broken since the 9/11 attacks staggered the industry. Some 17.7 million visitors traveled from Canada and 15 million from Mexico....

Shuttle to Launch Giant Robot Into Space

It's 12 feet tall, and its name is Dextre

(Newser) - When the shuttle Endeavour launches at 2:28am tomorrow, it will carry what has been pure sci-fi until now: a giant space robot. After astronauts assemble it, Canada’s Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, known as “Dextre,” will roam the outside of the International Space Station completing repairs considered...

Canadian PM Widens Probe of NAFTA Leak

Harper's chief of staff accused of releasing Obama memo

(Newser) - Amid cross-party outcry, the prime minister of Canada says he'll expand an investigation into the NAFTA leak that may have contributed to Barack Obama's loss in Ohio, reports the Globe and Mail. The opposition is calling for the head of Ian Brodie, PM Stephen Harper's chief of staff, who is...

Obama, Media Spar Over Coverage
Obama, Media Spar Over Coverage

Obama, Media Spar Over Coverage

Reporters turn tables on candidate, say Clinton got raw deal

(Newser) - One day after a grueling press conference, Barack Obama told reporters they were buying into flimsy grievances about media bias, the New York Times reports. “I am a little surprised that all the complaining about the refs has worked,” he said of the Clinton camp's gripes. Indeed, journalists...

3 Takes on Today's Showdown
3 Takes on Today's Showdown

3 Takes on Today's Showdown

Writers try calling the race ahead of time

(Newser) - March 4 has been a long time coming, and now political writers can’t be bothered to wait until the polls close in Ohio and Texas. Three early takes on today’s results:
  • Josh Marshall sees a late-in-the-game turn in Hillary Clinton’s favor, and expects “minor or major

Gitmo Lawyers Probe Cheney Link to Leak

VP's office accused of tampering with high-profile trial

(Newser) - Lawyers for a Canadian held at Guantanamo Bay since 2002 are investigating allegations that Dick Cheney's office defied a court order and leaked a damning video about their client to "60 Minutes," the National Post reports. The footage, which appears to show Omar Khadr building a roadside bomb,...

Blind Guitarist Healey Dead at 41
Blind Guitarist Healey Dead at 41

Blind Guitarist Healey Dead at 41

Celebrated Canadian musician recalled for versatility

(Newser) - Acclaimed guitarist Jeff Healey died of cancer at 41 yesterday after battling the disease throughout his life, the Globe and Mail reports. Healey, who lost his eyesight as a child to retinoblastoma, a rare form of cancer, sold more than a million albums in the US, racking up hits such...

Clinton Slams Obama Over Nafta Talk

Report: Aide assured Canada the candidate was only 'positioning'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton hammered Barack Obama today over reports that his chief economic adviser privately told Canadian officials anti-Nafta talk was “more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy.” The simmering story lurched forward today when the AP obtained the Canadian memo, reports Talking Points Memo. Obama's...

Family, DNA Cast Doubt on JFK Love Child

His mother says she never met Kennedy; hair sample no match

(Newser) - A Texas-born investment banker's claim to be the love child of JFK is suddenly looking far less credible. The person who would know—his mom—says she never met John F. Kennedy, or any Kennedys for that matter, ABC News reports. Jack Worthington's reputable career and resemblance to Kennedy has...

Canadian Pols Call for Bribery Probe

Cancer-stricken MP rejected offer to trade vote for insurance: book

(Newser) - Canadian Liberals are demanding investigations of bribery allegations against Conservative officials, the Toronto Star reports. In 2005, a new book says, two Conservatives approached independent legislator Chuck Cadman, who was suffering from terminal cancer, and offered him a $1 million life insurance policy if he voted to oust PM Paul...

EU Probes Chocolate Price Fixing
EU Probes Chocolate Price Fixing

EU Probes Chocolate Price Fixing

Hershey, Mars, others suspected of conspiracy

(Newser) - The European Commission suspects candy giant Hershey of conspiring with other chocolate and candy manufacturers in an industry-wide price-fixing scheme, AP reports. Both Hershey and rival Mars recently received requests for information from the commission after some 50 civil lawsuits in the US have alleged price fixing. The two companies...

New Afghan Bombing Kills 37
New Afghan Bombing Kills 37

New Afghan Bombing Kills 37

Target was a NATO convoy

(Newser) - Terrorists targeting a Canadian NATO convoy today in southern Afghanistan killed at least 37 when they detonated a massive car bomb in a crowded marketplace, the Guardian reports. At least 30 more were wounded, including three soldiers. Like yesterday’s bombing, which claimed 100 lives and was the deadliest since...

Stories 1581 - 1600 | << Prev   Next >>