New Hampshire

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Autopsy Can't Find Cause of Death in NH Case

Officials will keep investigating Celina Cass case

(Newser) - An autopsy conducted on the body of 11-year-old girl Celina Cass was unable to determine how she died, authorities said today. Senior Assistant Attorney General Jane Young said further study is required. Celina's death has been deemed suspicious, based on what divers found when they pulled her body from...

Family, Friends of Celina Cass Await Autopsy for Answers

With a criminal investigation pending autopsy results, NH town waits

(Newser) - Investigators hope an autopsy set for today on an 11-year-old New Hampshire girl will shed light on her disappearance and death. After nearly a week of massive searches and volunteers handing out fliers with photos of missing fifth-grader Celina Cass, residents in this small New Hampshire town are absorbing the...

Missing NH Girl Found in River

Celina Cass' death considered suspicious; autopsy set for tomorrow

(Newser) - Authorities say the body of an 11-year-old New Hampshire girl who disappeared nearly a week ago has been found in a river less than half a mile from her home. Divers found Celina Cass' body this morning near a hydroelectric dam that spans the Connecticut River between her hometown of...

Divers Search Pond for Sign of Missing NH Girl

Celina Cass, 11, was last seen one week ago, playing computer games

(Newser) - Divers searched a pond in northern New Hampshire yesterday for clues to the disappearance of 11-year-old Celina Cass , who was last seen in her bedroom last Monday night. State Fish and Game Department divers explored Back Pond for any sign of the fifth-grader; the small pond is less than a...

FBI Offers $25K Reward for Missing NH Girl

Celina Cass hasn't been seen since Monday

(Newser) - The FBI says it isn't giving up the search for 11-year-old Celina Cass of New Hampshire , who hasn't been since Monday night. The agency offered a $25,000 reward today, on top of a $5,000 reward offered by a private citizen, for information leading to the girl,...

FBI Joins Search for Missing NH Girl

11-year-old Celina Cass vanished from bedroom

(Newser) - The disappearance of an 11-year-old girl has left a small town in northern New Hampshire shaken and mystified. Celina Cass was last seen playing on a computer in her bedroom around 9pm Monday night. There's no clear indication that she ran away or was kidnapped, and there are no...

Hottest Ride to Summer Camp: Private Plane

Forget the station wagon—we've got a Cessna

(Newser) - More parents are going to luxurious extremes so their kids can rough it. Wealthy families are increasingly riding private jets to get to and from remote summer camps in Maine, New Hampshire, and upstate New York. Over the past weekend—a common date for camp visiting days—private jets clogged...

NH Council Defunds Planned Parenthood

Group no longer able to dispense low-cost birth control after contract axed

(Newser) - In New Hampshire, a five-member council has overruled the state legislature and cut off $1.8 million in funding to Planned Parenthood. The state's Republican-dominated Executive Council, which must approve all state contracts greater than $10,000, has axed state funding for the group and removed its authority to...

A Cheat Sheet to Tonight's GOP Debate

Among the things to watch for: Will Weiner make an appearance?

(Newser) - Tonight’s New Hampshire debate marks the “informal kickoff” to the 2012 GOP race, with nearly all the major candidates appearing. Joshua Green of the Atlantic breaks down the seven things to watch for:
  • Romney in the lead? He’s topping the polls; will he shine in this performance?

Romney Launching Bid in NH Next Week

GOP front-runner making 2012 run official

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is making his run for the White House official next week. The former Massachusetts governor—who is the GOP's front-runner in the latest Gallup poll —plans to formally announce his candidacy at a barbecue hosted by Republican stalwarts in New Hampshire next Thursday, the Union-Leader reports.

Sportswriter Turns Pimp After Pay Cut

Set up 'side operation' prostitution ring to supplement dwindling wages

(Newser) - A New Hampshire sportswriter whose pay was slashed decided to try his hand at moonlighting. But cops say he should have stuck to baseball games instead setting up a prostitution business. Former New Hampshire Union Leader reporter Kevin Provencher, 52, has been sentenced to more that two years in prison...

Oops, Bachmann Fails History in New Hampshire

She mixes up her Concords while citing Revolutionary War

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is making the rounds in New Hampshire today and said she'll probably decide in the summer whether she's running for president in 2012. But her first visit to the state didn't start well, notes Politico . "You're the state where the shot was heard around the world at...

NH Lawmaker: Send Mentally Ill to Siberia

91-year-old Martin Harty supports eugenics, fears overpopulation

(Newser) - A 91-year-old New Hampshire lawmaker said he wished America had its own Siberia to send "defective people" to. Then "the mentally ill, the retarded, people with physical disabilities and drug addictions" could "freeze to death and die and clean up the population,” state representative Martin Harty...

New Hampshire Weighs 'Birther Bill'

 NH Weighs 'Birther Bill' 

NH Weighs 'Birther Bill'

Nothing to do with Obama, lawmakers insist

(Newser) - Ineligible candidates aiming to sneak into the White House won't make it past the New Hampshire primary under a proposal being considered by the state House. The chairman of the state's election law committee, a Republican, says a bill is being considered that would require presidential hopefuls to provide a...

'Bigfoot' Files Free Speech Suit

Costumed filmmaker says NH stomped on his rights

(Newser) - An amateur filmmaker kicked out of a state park while impersonating Bigfoot says his rights have been stomped on. Jonathan Doyle dressed up as the mythical creature, ran around New Hampshire's Mount Monadnock, then shed the disguise and interviewed hikers about what they'd seen. Park rangers barred him from filming...

GOP Sparks Fight Over College Kids' Voting Rights

NH, Wisconsin, North Carolina could make it trickier for students to vote

(Newser) - Republican state legislators across the US are stirring up controversy with proposals to tighten voting laws in ways that would affect college kids. The Washington Post points to a particularly heated bill in New Hampshire that would bar out-of-state students from voting in their college towns. Opponents say the efforts,...

Mitt Romney Slams Obama's 'Misery Index'

And calls for a new president, at a speech to be given in New Hampshire

(Newser) - Mitt Romney isn't pussyfooting around: At what Politico is calling his "unofficial kickoff of his Granite State campaign," the Republican plans to lay into Obama. Romney, who will keynote the Carroll County Republican Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner tonight, has this to say, according to his prepared remarks: "Senator...

NH Bill Would Make Some TSA Workers Sex Offenders

Full-body scans, pat-downs would be considered sexual assault

(Newser) - New Hampshire lawmakers debated a bill last night that would classify airport security pat-downs and full-body scans performed "without probable cause" as sexual assault, and punish any TSA employees who conducted them. "Let’s put their name on the sex offender registry, and maybe that will tell them...

Romney Beats Obama in NH Poll

Of course, 78% of potential GOP voters haven't entirely made up their mind

(Newser) - The 2012 presidential race is already heating up: A new poll shows that Mitt Romney is the frontrunner in New Hampshire, beating President Obama in a hypothetical race by 49% to 41%. Romney, not surprisingly, is also the leading Republican, coming out well ahead of other potential candidates. While a...

Romney Keeps His Distance From Tea Party

Analysis: He's being Mr. Mainstream, but it's a risky strategy

(Newser) - Unlike the other big-name Republicans in the conversation for 2012, Mitt Romney is keeping a careful distance from the Tea Party, writes Matt Viser in the Boston Globe . There's still plenty of time for things to change, of course, but for now he's essentially freezing out representatives of the movement...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>