
Stories 41 - 59 | << Prev 

America Is Getting Another National Animal

Bald eagles, make way for the bison

(Newser) - The bald eagle's 234-year reign as the sole symbolic animal of the US is about to come to an end. The National Bison Legacy Act passed by Congress—and expected to pass the Senate next week, per CNN —denotes the bison as America's national mammal and a...

After More Than a Century, Bison Are 'Coming Home'

Canadian population will relocate to Montana next month

(Newser) - Descendants of a bison herd sent to Canada more than a century ago will be relocated to a Montana American Indian reservation next month, in what tribal leaders bill as a homecoming. The shipment of animals from Alberta's Elk Island National Park to the Blackfeet Indian Reservation follows a...

Yellowstone Expects to Kill 1 in 5 Bison This Winter

Deal to protect livestock leaves park no choice

(Newser) - Yellowstone National Park proposes to kill roughly 1,000 wild bison this winter—mostly calves and females—as officials seek to reduce the animals' annual migration into Montana. Park officials are scheduled to meet Thursday with representatives of American Indian tribes, the state, and other federal agencies to decide on...

Another Yellowstone Bison Photo Went Terribly Wrong

It's the 5th attack in park this year

(Newser) - There has been a steep rise in bison attacks on humans in Yellowstone National Park this year, which may be connected to a rise in visitors trying to take selfies or other close-up photos of the animals. The latest injured visitor—the fifth this year—is a 43-year-old woman from...

A Yellowstone Bison Photo Goes Terribly Wrong

Tourist was charged, tossed in air

(Newser) - A 62-year-old Australian visitor to Yellowstone National Park has some close-up pictures of an annoyed bison—and some serious but not life-threatening injuries. Park officials say the bison "was already getting agitated" by people crowding around it when the tourist started snapping photos from just 3 to 5 feet...

Yellowstone Bison Gores Girl Posing for Photo

Exchange student suffers non-life-threatening injuries

(Newser) - A 16-year-old Taiwanese exchange student got a little too close to a bison while sightseeing with her host family at Yellowstone National Park, reports CBS News , and was gored by the animal. The National Park Service says the girl was between three and six feet from the bison on Friday...

Why a Bison's Birth Is a Remarkable One

First to be born in wild east of the Mississippi in 200 years

(Newser) - For the first time since Abraham Lincoln was a young man, there are wild bison in Illinois, and ecologists were thrilled to welcome a new calf this week. The baby bison was born at the Nachusa Grasslands prairie restoration preserve just 95 miles west of Chicago, reports the Chicago Tribune...

After 100 Years, Bison Back in Alaska

North America's biggest mammal is being reintroduced to wild

(Newser) - The first of 100 wood bison aimed at re-establishing a species that went extinct more than a century ago in Alaska were flown to a rural village over the weekend ahead of a return to the wild. The 30 juveniles were loaded into specially designed "bison boxes" and trucked...

Herd of Hybrid Bison on Rampage in Grand Canyon

Officials trying to figure out what to do about it

(Newser) - There's a menace on the loose in the Grand Canyon, and it is very large, and very hairy. A herd of between 350 and 450 hybrid bison are running amok in the area, federal and state park officials revealed at a news conference yesterday, announcing a series of public...

Bison to Roam Forests in Germany Again
 Bison Will 
 Roam Forests 
 in Germany Again 
in case you missed it

Bison Will Roam Forests in Germany Again

Prince to free small herd of wisents

(Newser) - This month, a German prince will open the gates of an enclosure on his 30,000-acre spread and make a little history. Prince Richard of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg intends to let loose a small herd of European bison—a bull, five cows, and two calves—a move that will mark the first...

Bison Charges Boy in Yellowstone, Parents Laugh

Parents seem to think it's funny

(Newser) - It wasn't a grizzly, but it could have been as deadly. A seemingly placid bison suddenly charged a young boy after a group of children—encouraged by their videotaping parents—got too close to the beast during a walk in Yellowstone National Park. The bison, which can reach speeds...

Lawmakers Consider 'National Mammal': Bison

Legislators in West want to honor the iconic animal

(Newser) - Western lawmakers want to elevate the Plains bison to a status similar to that of the iconic bald eagle with legislation to declare the burly beasts America's "national mammal." Bison advocates launched a "vote bison" public relations campaign yesterday to coincide with the bill. The National...

Couple Finds Prehistoric Bison in Basement

Skeleton believed to be 10,000 years old

(Newser) - A Yukon couple digging up their basement to install a power line made a find that has excited paleontologists. What the couple initially believed was a dinosaur bone turned out to be the intact skeleton of a bison that had lain there undisturbed for 10,000 years, reports the Globe ...

For America's Bison, Tales of Starvation, Slaughter

Court impounds herd from Florida owner, second Yellowstone herd in limbo

(Newser) - Two depressing stories on the plight of bison starving in the brutal winter:
  • In South Dakota, a court impounded about 5,000 bison on a private ranch because the owner—a real estate developer in Florida—was apparently unwilling or unable to make sure they got food, reports the Bismarck

Hundreds of Yellowstone's Bison May Be Slaughtered

And a $3.3M habitat-expansion program looks doomed

(Newser) - Yellowstone National Park's iconic bison herds are suffering their worst winter in several years, with almost 400 of the animals being held for possible slaughter—as an effort to expand their habitat seems poised to fail, the AP reports. Some 368 bison have been captured and placed in government corrals...

Ted Turner Accused of Bison Grab

Plan lets mogul quarantine Yellowstone buffalo—and keep offspring

(Newser) - Plans to give 74 Yellowstone buffalo a home where Ted Turner roams have sparked a fierce debate over wildlife policy. The billionaire has offered to keep the bison quarantined on his ranch for 5 years, as part of a plan to prevent the spread of the disease brucellosis to cattle....

Bison on Comeback Trail
 Bison on 
 Comeback Trail 

Bison on Comeback Trail

Once nearly extinct, species now approaching 500K

(Newser) - Once facing extinction in North America, bison are well on their way to a stunning comeback, LiveScience reports. After commercial hunting and habitat loss reduced their population to less than 1,100, the estimated bison population is approaching 500,000—thanks in large part to conservation efforts started more than...

32 Bison Shot to Death in Colorado
32 Bison
Shot to Death
in Colorado

32 Bison Shot to Death in Colorado

State authorities investigating possibly illegal hunt

(Newser) - Hunters shot to death more than 30 bison on a Colorado ranch, and state authorities are  investigating whether they had the right to do so, the Denver Post reports. It's legal in the state to hunt bison on private land with the owner's permission, but the scope of the carnage...

Hunters Take Aim in Wyoming
Hunters Take Aim in Wyoming

Hunters Take Aim in Wyoming

Hunters look to thin once-endangered population

(Newser) - Hunters take aim at a symbol of the American West today, as Wyoming’s National Elk Refuge opens the first buffalo season in almost a decade. Officials say they need to lower the population from 1,200 to 500 because of overgrazing and disease. But killing the once-endangered species has...

Stories 41 - 59 | << Prev