Election Day

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Dead Guy Cruising to Re-Election in Wash. State

Roger Freeman died last week from cancer, but it looks like he defeated opponent

(Newser) - Election results are still trickling in in Washington state (it's a vote-by-mail-only state, KOMO News reports), but it looks like voters are giving Democratic Rep. Roger Freeman of Federal Way a second term with about 53% of the vote, NBC News notes. There's just one problem: The 48-year-old...

GOP Has More Than 70% Chance of Taking Senate

 GOP's Chances 
 of Taking Senate: 
 More Than 70% 

GOP's Chances of Taking Senate: More Than 70%

McConnell says Obama rollback starts today

(Newser) - It's Election Day, and Democrats' chances of retaining control of the Senate look pretty slim, according to election models at the Washington Post , the New York Times , and FiveThirtyEight, which put the chances of a GOP victory at 96%, 73%, and 76%, respectively. The Post notes that all three...

Small Town Forgets About Election Day, Twice

Officials in Wallsburg, Utah, forgot about organizing one again

(Newser) - Let's see, there was something the residents of tiny Wallsburg, Utah, were supposed to do on Election Day earlier this month. What was it again ... ah, yes, they were supposed to vote and, in fact, elect a new mayor and council members. The problem—as the Salt Lake Tribune ...

6 Biggest Election Day Races
 6 Biggest Election Day Races 

6 Biggest Election Day Races

Governor's races in Virginia and NJ, and more

(Newser) - It's Election Day, and the media appear to agree that the biggest story is the Virginia governor's race. Democrat Terry McAuliffe is up against Republican Ken Cuccinelli; McAuliffe has been leading in the polls, but it's very close—we're talking a single digit margin, for the...

Oops: Broward County in Florida Finds 1K Ballots

Box was misplaced in a warehouse

(Newser) - Florida's making it a little too easy now for the voting jokes: WSVN reports that Broward County officials have turned up a box with nearly 1,000 uncounted paper ballots in a warehouse. But it's this line in particular that stands out in the report: "The supervisor...

Man Admits Burglarizing Pelosi's Home—Twice

Kevin Michael Hagan, 21, returned to the scene of the crime

(Newser) - A 21-year-old man has admitted to burglarizing Nancy Pelosi's California home on Monday ... and then again on Tuesday, reports NBC Bay Area . Police were tipped off to the first break-in by the House minority leader's alarm system, which was triggered on Monday after the glass doors to her...

Chris Matthews 'So Glad' for Superstorm

And Bill O'Reilly weighs in on minorities, women who 'want stuff'

(Newser) - Not surprisingly, Election Night came with its share of memorable media moments:
  • MSNBC host Chris Matthews wrapped up his post-election thoughts by noting, "I'm so glad we had that storm last week." He quickly added that he was just glad "politically … not in terms of

Was Diane Sawyer Totally Drunk Last Night?

Plus: Brian Williams slams Donald Trump

(Newser) - If you were watching ABC's election coverage last night, there was probably just one question on your mind: Is Diane Sawyer really drunk, or just tired? Gawker has an amusing video montage that seems to support what many assumed: She was smashed. The video pieces together clips of Sawyer...

Election Day: Romney Stumps, Obama Shoots Hoops

Bball is an Election Day superstition for the prez

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and President Obama are taking two very different approaches on how they'll spend their last few hours as candidates, reports CNN . Obama will follow presidential candidate tradition and hunker down in his hometown of Chicago to await an outcome, as well as his personal tradition of playing...

An Hour-by-Hour Guide to Election Night

Things start cooking at 6pm EST

(Newser) - Today's the day ... but not much will happen until tonight. An hourly rundown of what to watch for in the quest for the big 270 (all times EST):
  • 6pm: And the polls start closing! Indiana and Kentucky are the first to close a portion of their polls. The states

In 1st Town to Vote: Obama, 5; Romney, 5

Split result a 1st for Dixville Notch, New Hampshire

(Newser) - The result from one of the first two towns in America to vote suggests the election will be very close indeed. President Obama and Mitt Romney got five votes apiece in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, reports USA Today . This is the first tie in the history of the tiny town,...

4 Ways Election Day Could Go Horribly Wrong

Chances of 2000-style debacle high, experts say

(Newser) - Election Day is almost here and experts fear that the chances of a 2000-style mess that prevents the winner from being known for days or weeks are higher than ever this time around. NBC runs through some of the worst-case scenarios.
  • Provisional ballots could make it impossible to determine the

The Biggest Issues, Races on Today&#39;s Ballots
The Biggest Issues, Races
on Today's Ballots
election day

The Biggest Issues, Races on Today's Ballots

Lawmakers will be watching closely for clues to voter mood heading into 2012

(Newser) - It’s Election Day, and the AP rounds up the most important (or just plain interesting) contests and issues around the country:
  • Governorships: They’re up for grabs in Mississippi and Kentucky, but in both states the incumbent party (Republican in the former; Democrat in the latter) is expected to

5 Common-Sense Bills We Need to Pass
 5 Common-Sense 
 Bills We Need to Pass 
ezra klein

5 Common-Sense Bills We Need to Pass

Here's two: Let's vote on weekends and stop making pennies

(Newser) - Ezra Klein uses his Washington Post column to give a push to what he sees as logical bills languishing for lack of "partisan passion." Among his first No-Brainer Awards:
  • Weekend voting: A bill from Rep. Steve Israel and outgoing Sen. Herb Kohl would end the outdated silliness of

Why Do We Have to Vote on a Tuesday?

 Why Do We Have 
 to Vote on a Tuesday? 

Why Do We Have to Vote on a Tuesday?

It ain't 1845 anymore, folks

(Newser) - Pop quiz: Why do we have to schlep to the polls on a Tuesday? Answer: Because it seemed convenient in 1845. Back then, the weekends were verboten for religious reasons, and since you needed to allow at least a day for horse and buggy travel, and Wednesday was market day,...

Both Parties Get Ready to Recount

Teams of lawyers, flacks ready to roll anywhere

(Newser) - With races from Alaska to Nevada to Florida looking to go down to the wire and beyond, Politico reports that both parties have been readying SWAT teams of lawyers, PR people, and political operatives for quick dispatch to any number of recounts. While recounts can drag on for months, experts...

Election Predictors Who Got It Wrong

Many pundits ruled out Obama victory early

(Newser) - With the election over, what's more fun than calling out all those whose predictions were off—way off. Der Spiegel lists some highlights:
  • "He cannot win, Bill. He cannot win." Hillary Clinton, on Barack Obama
  • "We'll win Florida." Rudy Giuliani
  • "Virginians are really getting fired

McCain Graciously Concedes
 McCain Graciously Concedes 

McCain Graciously Concedes

Senator warmly congratulates Obama, calls for national unity

(Newser) - John McCain ended his long fight for the presidency with a generous concession speech, warmly congratulating Barack Obama and hailing a historic moment for America. “I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president,” McCain told a crowd of supporters in...

the presidential race


Early results likely to set tone

(Newser) - Barack Obama won the crucial battleground states of Florida, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to clinch victory over John McCain and secure his place in history, MSNBC reports. The 47-year-old Illinois senator will become the nation's first black president when he succeeds George W. Bush in January. Obama reached the 270...



(Newser) - Barack Obama started his push to 270 with few surprises, taking Vermont—and then most of New England, including major wins in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida. Here's a rundown on the states the Obama/Biden ticket clinched on its road to victory:
  • Vermont (3)
  • Massachusetts (12)
  • Delaware (3)
  • DC (3)

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