John Edwards

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MySpace, MTV Team Up to Grill Candidates

Rivals unite to offer individual chats with presidential contenders

(Newser) - MySpace and MTV will team up to host a series of live discussions with individual presidential contenders, Reuters reports. Held on college campuses, the hour-long sessions will offer questions from the audience as well as those submitted during the event by IM or text message. John Edwards will be the...

Dems Pal Around in Iowa
Dems Pal Around in Iowa

Dems Pal Around in Iowa

Frontrunners dominate Iowa event

(Newser) - In a more-amiable-than-usual war of words, the Democrats debated this morning in Iowa, the locale of the pivotal first primary. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards dominated the 90-minute discussion moderated by ex-Bill Clinton aide George Stephanopolous, the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza reports, playing it safe as the lower-tier...

Edwards Linked to Katrina Foreclosures

Populist candidate has $16M invested in subprime lender

(Newser) - John Edwards, who has railed against "shameful" subprime lenders on the campaign trail, has $16 million invested in a fund that has foreclosed on Katrina victims. A Wall Street Journal investigation has identified 34 New Orleans homeowners facing foreclosure suits from an arm of Fortress Investment Group, which Edwards...

Dems Court Rainbow Vote
Dems Court
Rainbow Vote

Dems Court Rainbow Vote

At Forum debate, Hillary's pink; Obama's on the brink; Edwards, Richardson stink

(Newser) - All of the Democrats who appeared at last night’s gay rights forum touted their support of sponsor Human Rights Campaign—but it was Hillary Clinton who aced the tightrope test, according to Time’s Mark Halperin. Hillary managed to oppose gay marriage without playing defense, all the while supplying...

Edwards Goes All-Out in Courting Labor

Candidate can't count on AFL-CIO but can target individual unions

(Newser) - Even though he can’t expect broad endorsement, John Edwards is pushing hard for labor support, hoping to rack up the backing of a slew of individual unions. The Washington Post reports ahead of tonight’s AFL-CIO-sponsored Democratic forum that union backing is key to the Southerner’s strategy, even...

Candidates Face Liberal Bloggers
Candidates Face Liberal Bloggers

Candidates Face Liberal Bloggers

(Newser) - Political campaigning took another step into the blogosphere today as Democratic presidential hopefuls vied for the support of the netroots community at the Yearly Kos convention in Chicago. Seven of the eight candidates answered sometimes-testy questions from what the AP called "powerful and polarizing liberal bloggers."

GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy
GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy

GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy

'None of the above' leads Republican hopefuls; Dems heavily favor Clinton

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has the support of 21% of Republicans in a new poll—down from 27% in June, which is bad enough, and second to the most popular option: none of the above. John McCain stands fourth, a notch below undeclared candidate Fred Thompson, in the most recent AP-Ipsos poll,...

Kucinich Says Edwards Lacks Integrity

Candidate furious over Edwards's call to limit the field on future debates

(Newser) - Dennis Kucinich took off the gloves yesterday, accusing Democratic rival John Edwards  of showing “a consistent lack of integrity” after Edwards suggested—privately, he thought—to Hillary Clinton that they cut down the field for future candidate forums to a smaller and “more serious” group. The sotto voce...

Dems Raise Big Bucks Online
Dems Raise Big Bucks Online

Dems Raise Big Bucks Online

GOP trails 2 to 1; Obama has the biggest online presence

(Newser) - The three leading Democrats in the presidential race have raised more than twice as much money online as the three leading Republicans, the Times reports. For the first 6 months of the year, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards combined to top $28 million, against $14 million for Rudy...

Obama Draws $32.5M in Campaign Cash

Surges past Hillary's $28M in second-quarter fundraising

(Newser) - Barack Obama raised $32.5 million in total campaign contributions in the second quarter of 2007, handily beating Hillary Clinton's powerhouse fundraising machine to lead the Democratic pack, the Washington Post reports. Some 154,000 contributors, most giving relatively moderate amounts, ponied up for the campaign while Clinton raised an...

Richardson Fundraising Heats Up
Richardson Fundraising Heats Up

Richardson Fundraising Heats Up

NM governor raises $7 million and his profile in 2nd quarter

(Newser) - Democratic contender Bill Richardson raised $7 million in the second quarter of this year, beating  his first quarter take, the AP reports, and giving him a solid fourth place in the competition for funds. The New Mexico governor, who has benefited from clever advertising, has also gained in polls in...

Elizabeth Edwards Calls Out Coulter
Elizabeth Edwards Calls Out Coulter

Elizabeth Edwards Calls Out Coulter

Candidate's wife asks columnist politely to back off the nastiness

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards tried to coax conservative hellcat Ann Coulter into toning down the personal attacks on political candidates yesterday, calling in to "Hardball with Chris Matthews" while Coulter was on. Edwards entreated Coulter to cut the character assassination and focus on issues. Coulter shot back that Edwards' call was...

Elizabeth Edwards Backs Gay Marriage

But John's 'conflicted'

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards became the first potential White House resident yesterday to support gay marriage at an event kicking off San Francisco's Gay Pride Parade. Edwards declared she's "completely comfortable" with the idea, even though her husband isn't, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. John Edwards supports civil unions, but opposes...

Edwards Org Tested Meaning of ‘Charity’

Nonprofit not just soapbox, but financial platform for '08 run

(Newser) - After the Kerry-Edwards loss in 2004, John Edwards launched two nonprofits, ostensibly to fight poverty—but one of  them was devoted primarily to keeping Edwards himself in the public eye. The New York Times asks whether Edwards crossed a legal line, using the foundation, the Center for Promise and Opportunity,...

NH Voters Like What They See of Clinton

Post-debate numbers show senator surging ahead in Granite State

(Newser) - In the race for New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton has shot ahead of her Democratic opponents, opening a 14-point lead over Barack Obama since the June 3 debate. With the primary 7 months away, Clinton is overwhelmingly considered the strongest leader, thumping a list of rivals that includes Al Gore. And...

Democrats Focus Intently on Iraq
Democrats Focus Intently on Iraq

Democrats Focus Intently on Iraq

Debate centers on single issue as frontrunners stake out their territory

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential field already has three leaders, and they're so eager to distinguish themselves by staking out their Iraq stances that the other five candidates can barely get a word in. The Politico looks at last night's debate in New Hampshire and finds Barack Obama, John Edwards, and Hillary...

Health Care Isn't a Third Rail Anymore

Dems eady to tackle universal health care again—and GOP is notably silent

(Newser) - Thirteen years after Hillary-Care, politicians are ready to think big again about the US health care system, the Wall Street Journal reports. Skyrocketing costs and the rising ranks of the uninsured are combining to form a climate where candidates feel that they can tackle the issue without political backlash—even...

Hillary Sticks With Iowa Strategy
Hillary Sticks With Iowa Strategy

Hillary Sticks With Iowa Strategy

Candidate overrules senior aide's advice to snub Hawkeye caucus

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton rejected a top adviser's plan to bypass the Iowa caucuses, the New York Times reports, and she'll visit the state this weekend. An internal memo suggested focusing money and time on February 5's 20-state Super Tuesday instead of the January 14 caucuses. All but one of the last...

Edwards Tops Iowa Poll
Edwards Tops Iowa Poll

Edwards Tops Iowa Poll

Darkish horse slips past Obama and Clinton in crucial caucus state

(Newser) - Presidential hopeful John Edwards ranked first in a poll of voters from Iowa, home of January's pivotal caucus and the first step to the Democratic ballot. Edwards landed 29 percent of the vote in the Des Moines Register poll, compared to erstwhile frontrunners Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who took...



From private equity to speaking tours: how the candidates made their money

(Newser) - No surprise that they're wealthy—at least 10 of this year's presidential candidates are millionaires. But how they brought in the big bucks is the focus of the Washington Post 's analysis of their latest financial disclosure forms and other documents. Rudy Giuliani, for instance, made $11 million last year...

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