John Edwards

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Dems Pitch Own Mortgage Plans
Dems Pitch Own Mortgage Plans

Dems Pitch Own Mortgage Plans

They say Bush's freeze falls short

(Newser) - Democratic candidates are criticizing President Bush's plan to bail out homeowners in the subprime mess for not going far enough and have outlined their own, more ambitious, proposals, the New York Times reports. "It appears that the president is pushing a freeze for a very narrow group of borrowers,...

Lesbian Gossip Trumps Mideast Peace Plan

Tabloid buzz draws more readers from hard news; CJR upset

(Newser) - Sure, Condoleezza Rice is trying to broker Mideast peace, but isn't she really gay? Like Hillary Clinton? And isn't John Edwards having an affair? A recent spate of articles has swung the political spotlight on gossip, the Times of London reports—and the Columbia Journalism Review is so concerned that...

'08 Race Adds Google Pilgrimage
'08 Race Adds Google Pilgrimage

'08 Race Adds Google Pilgrimage

Candidates embrace chance to flex high-tech cred, even as technology influences campaign

(Newser) - Where Detroit once beckoned to any candidate who would be president, the 2008 field is making increasing pilgrimages to the Googleplex to showcase their tech savvy, reports the New York Times. And YouTube, which didn't even exist in the last presidential election, has launched YouChoose ’08, a modern version...

Clinton Shifts to Aggressive Campaign Style

More direct criticism of Obama, Edwards as Iowa race tightens

(Newser) - Facing a tightening race in Iowa and increasing criticism from chief Democratic rivals John Edwards and Barack Obama , Hillary Clinton has shifted from an above-the-fray style when she led more comfortably in polls to a more aggressive approach, the LA Times reports. Her new TV ads defend her electability and...

Clinton, Obama Duel Over His Experience

She says he hasn't got foreign policy smarts; he says he's lived it

(Newser) - Clinton and Obama exchanged volleys on the campaign trail yesterday over Obama's foreign policy experience, Reuters reports. After Obama said the years he spent living abroad as a child give him a better perspective on international affairs, Clinton fired back that her experience as senator and first lady better prepares...

'04 Defeat Begat '08 Edwards
'04 Defeat
'08 Edwards

'04 Defeat Begat '08 Edwards

'Sunny centrist' now the fighter the ticket needed, say loyalists

(Newser) - The John Edwards of the 2008 campaign is a changed man from the VP-candidate who stumped across America with John Kerry four years ago, notes the New York Times, and Kerry loyalists can't help being frustrated watching Edwards displaying the aggression they pined for then. "A lot of what...

Too Close to Call for Dems in Iowa
Too Close
to Call for
Dems in Iowa

Too Close to Call for Dems in Iowa

Barack wrests slim 4% lead from Hillary

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential candidates are pulling close numbers in Iowa polls, with Barack Obama making key gains while Hillary Clinton is slipping on issues such as how to handle the Iraq war. Obama currently leads in the crucial battleground, backed by 30% of Iowa Democrats most likely to caucus, with...

Edwards Could Lose Millions in Matching Funds

$4.3M in ActBlue web donations may violate election law

(Newser) - A tricky online fundraising format could dent John Edwards’ clean donations reputation—and cost him millions in federal funds. Edwards is the only top-tier Democrat accepting public financing, which matches individual donations up to $250. The system's exclusion of  funds “drawn on the account of a committee” may imperil...

Clinton Strikes Back at Rivals
Clinton Strikes Back at Rivals

Clinton Strikes Back at Rivals

Senator accuses Obama, Edwards of distorting her record

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton accused her main Democratic rivals of twisting her words and slinging mud during a testy debate in Las Vegas tonight. "When somebody starts throwing mud, at least we can hope it's accurate and not right out of the Republican playbook," she said at one point. Barack...

Obama a Hit at Google Town Hall
Obama a Hit at Google Town Hall

Obama a Hit at Google Town Hall

Senator touts age, prods Clinton in California swing

(Newser) - Barack Obama is enjoying a resurgence in the polls as Hillary Clinton's "inevitability" seems to chip away, and the revived buzz was evident yesterday in a town-hall-style meeting at Google headquarters and in other San Francisco-area stops. Obama reiterated his campaign's central claim—that he is the "change...

Hillary, Rudy in a Dead Heat in Nevada

Clinton leads Dems, but looks to steady ship at tonight's debate

(Newser) - Presidential frontrunners Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani are tied in a head-to-head Nevada matchup, according to a CNN poll taken just ahead of tonight's Dem debate in what is now an early-primary state. But Clinton dominates her rivals for the party's nod, with 51% to Barack Obama’s 23% and...

Obama, Edwards Take Aim
Obama, Edwards Take Aim

Obama, Edwards Take Aim

Hillary counters accusation of a 'poll-driven' campaign

(Newser) - Obama accused Hillary of dodging questions and running a "poll-driven" campaign before a crowd of thousands at an Iowa fundraising dinner yesterday, the New York Times reports. “Not answering questions because we’re afraid our answers won’t be popular just won’t do it,” Obama said....

Hillary Vulnerable in National Poll
Hillary Vulnerable in National Poll

Hillary Vulnerable in National Poll

Democratic frontrunner in dead heat with Giuliani

(Newser) - Americans want a Democratic president, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows—but they're not as sure they want it to be Hillary Clinton. Though respondents favored a Democrat to replace President Bush, 50% to 35%, Clinton runs in a dead heat with Republican frontrunner Rudy Giuliani. “I...

Dems Run Risk With Costly Green Reforms

Could win suburban support, but price tag will draw GOP attack

(Newser) - The leading Democratic candidates are committed to far-reaching environmental pledges, surely fueling future GOP attacks—and potentially turning next November in either party’s favor. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards have all signed on to 80% cuts in greenhouse gases by mid-century, the Post reports, which could mean...

On the Trail, Simmering Gender War Heats Up

Perceived attack on Clinton sharpens focus

(Newser) - That Hillary Clinton is breaking the gender barrier in the presidential primaries is not news, but fallout from last week’s Democratic debate is bringing to a head questions of how to campaign as a woman and how to campaign against one. Supporters saw discrimination even as critics accused Clinton...

Small Bloggers Cut a Wide Swath in NH

Candidates come calling as locals' influence widens

(Newser) - Average Joes moonlighting as political bloggers are wielding the power of kingmakers in tiny New Hampshire, and candidates—at least the second-tier—are noticing. Says a high school Latin teacher of his Blue Hampshire blog: “One minute I'm in the teachers' lounge making copies and the next I'm spending...

Hillary Backs Licenses for Immigrants
Hillary Backs Licenses for Immigrants

Hillary Backs Licenses for Immigrants

Plants flag in effort to recoup after embarrassing forum fumble

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton came out in support of drivers licenses for illegal immigrants today, in an effort to separate herself not so much from her competitors but her own flubbed answer to a question about them at Tuesday night's candidate forum. At the forum she drew gleeful opprobrium from the other...

Dem Hopefuls Pile On Clinton
Dem Hopefuls Pile On Clinton

Dem Hopefuls Pile On Clinton

Edwards, Obama target front-runner in pitched confrontation

(Newser) - The knives were out for Hillary Clinton in the seventh and most confrontational of the Democratic presidential debates last night. John Edwards and Barack Obama led the attack on the frontrunner, criticizing her positions on Iran and illegal immigrants, and questioning her credibility and electability, the New York Times reports.

Nader Sues Dems, Claiming '04 Conspiracy

Suit says Dems and Kerry-Edwards blocked him from state ballots

(Newser) - Ralph Nader jumped into the political fray today, suing the Dems for a "vast Democratic Party conspiracy" to block his 2004 election, McClatchy Newspapers reports. He accused the Democratic Party, Kerry-Edwards 2004, and other groups of keeping him from state ballots "as a means to drive into deep...

Obama Looks for Gospel Lift
Obama Looks
for Gospel Lift

Obama Looks for Gospel Lift

But tour isn't attracting the young believers who fueled his early campaign

(Newser) - Barack Obama's three-city South Carolina gospel tour kicked off over the weekend, with hopes that a little soul would lift his swooning numbers along with spirits. If the goal was, as one local supporter put it, to "get these young folks re-fired up," it wasn't happening at the...

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