health care reform

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Obama: 'Unelected' Justices Shouldn't Kill ObamaCare

President warns Supreme Court of 'judicial activism'

(Newser) - President Obama stood up for health care reform today and took a swipe at "unelected" Supreme Court justices who might rule against Obamacare, the Washington Post reports. “Ultimately, I am confident the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law...

Next for ObamaCare: The Waiting Game

Supreme Court will decide soon, but it won't tell us

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will probably decide the fate of President Obama's health care reform law in the next 48 hours, but the rest of the country won't know for months. That's because the justices will spend months crafting their written opinions, the Washington Post explains. Once oral...

Today&#39;s Arguments Suggest Health Care Law Will Stand
Final Day's Arguments
Might Help ObamaCare

Final Day's Arguments Might Help ObamaCare

Justices flummoxed about what happens if mandate falls: Lyle Denniston

(Newser) - Court watcher Lyle Denniston at SCOTUSblog thinks today's arguments at the Supreme Court bode well for President Obama's health care law. His reasoning? Most justices seemed worried that if they struck down the central part of the law—the individual mandate requiring everyone to buy insurance—it would...

Justices Debate ObamaCare if Individual Mandate Falls

Most seem inclined to let parts of it stand

(Newser) - If the individual mandate is deemed unconstitutional , should the rest of President Obama's health care reform die with it? Supreme Court justices wrestled with that question today in the third and final day of arguments, with the challengers' lead attorney stating his case simply: “If the individual mandate...

Go Ahead, Supporters, It's 'ObamaCare'

Campaign is cool with term designed as insult

(Newser) - At first, there was an unofficial ban among supporters of President Obama's health care overhaul on referring to it as "ObamaCare." But, as of last Friday, the ban was no more: An email to supporters proclaimed, "Happy birthday ObamaCare," and declared "ObamaCare … something...

Romney: No Insurance for Preexisting Conditions
Romney: No Insurance for Preexisting Conditions

Romney: No Insurance for Preexisting Conditions

Greg Sargent bashes frontrunner for 'nonsensical' Tonight Show talk

(Newser) - If you're uninsured and have a pre-existing condition, Mitt Romney doesn't think you should be able to get health insurance. Romney told Jay Leno as much last night , in a clip pointed out by Greg Sargent of the Washington Post . If "they show up, and they say,...

As Day 3 Dawns, Where the Battle for ObamaCare Stands

Supreme Court could well strike down controversial law

(Newser) - Yesterday's oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court went well for opponents of President Obama's health care law. "The government had in my view as bad a day as it reasonably could," the founder of SCOTUSblog says. "It won't cause the government to...

Health Care Reform Dead? Not So Fast, Everyone
Health Care Reform Dead?
Not So Fast, Everyone

Health Care Reform Dead? Not So Fast, Everyone

All this hot air is meaningless until the court actually rules: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Based on the breathless commentary after the Supreme Court's oral arguments today, it might have seemed as if the court had already decided to rule against health care reform. Sorry to spoil the fun, but it's way too early for either side to think this is a done...

Today Was 'Train Wreck' for Health Reform Law

(Very) early analysis suggests bad news for White House

(Newser) - The insta-analysis from today's oral arguments at the Supreme Court doesn't bode well for the health care law, mostly because of Anthony Kennedy's apparent skepticism about the individual mandate. Samples:
  • Jeffrey Toobin, CNN: Today was a "train wreck" for the White House, said the network's

Kennedy Skepticism Signals Trouble for Health Law

Anthony Kennedy, other conservative doesn't sound sold on individual mandate

(Newser) - The gist going into today's arguments on health care reform seemed to be that the law would be upheld. But the tone in coverage looks to be shifting after swing vote Anthony Kennedy voiced skepticism about the individual mandate during two hours of oral arguments at the Supreme Court....

Day 2: SCOTUS Weighs Individual Mandate

Supreme Court will hear arguments on health care law's individual mandate

(Newser) - Today's the big day: The Supreme Court will hear arguments on the focal point of the challenge to President Obama's health care law, the individual mandate. If the mandate is upheld, everyone in the US will be required to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty; it's...

Day 1 of ObamaCare Hearings Done

Supreme Court will likely not delay a decision until 2015

(Newser) - The first day of Supreme Court hearings on President Obama's controversial health care law is over, and it appears the justices will not be putting off a decision until 2015 . If the justices deemed the penalty for not purchasing insurance to be a tax, then an obscure 1867 law...

For Lawyers, Health Case an Exhausting Marathon

Long arguments will require 'enormous endurance'

(Newser) - It's a big day in Washington as the Supreme Court prepares for the opening arguments over President Obama's health care law . Teams of lawyers on both sides have been deep in preparation, staging mock arguments that have nearly drained the city of attorneys up for playing the role...

As ObamaCare Hearings Begin, 5 Things to Watch

Today's the day at the Supreme Court

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will hear three days of arguments on the constitutionality of President Obama's health care law starting today, and Politico offers up five things to keep an eye on:
  • Do politics enter the discussion? It will be difficult for the justices to ignore the political debate that

Santorum Calls Out NYT Reporter's 'BS'

He's still on the defensive after Mitt Romney comments

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has been on the defensive ever since stating that President Obama would be better than Mitt Romney, the Etch a Sketch candidate. But last night he'd apparently had enough. After stating that "RomneyCare" is too similar to "ObamaCare" and makes Romney "the worst Republican...

Obama Health Rules Could Survive Court Rejection

Justices hear case Monday as health reform turns 2 years old

(Newser) - It's two years to the day since health reform became law, but with a Supreme Court case ahead, its future is murky. It remains unpopular enough that President Obama isn't making any live appearances to celebrate the anniversary, an aide tells the Wall Street Journal . Still, even if...

Health Care Reform Faces Its &#39;Reckoning&#39;
Health Care Reform
Faces Its 'Reckoning'

Health Care Reform Faces Its 'Reckoning'

Pundits weigh in ahead of Monday's Supreme Court hearing

(Newser) - The Supreme Court hearings on President Obama's health care reform start Monday morning, which means you'll be hearing a lot of arguments about government overreach and/or the limits of the Commerce Clause. Some opinions today:
  • Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post : He lays out his objections in a column headlined

67% Oppose Health Law&#39;s Individual Mandate
67% Oppose Health Law's Individual Mandate

67% Oppose Health Law's Individual Mandate

Majority of Americans want it tossed out by Supreme Court

(Newser) - As the Supreme Court prepares to open hearings on the constitutionality of the federal health care law next week, a new poll finds that Americans oppose the law 52% to 41%. And an even higher percentage—67%—want the court to either throw out the entire Affordable Care Act, or...

Romney Turns 65, Takes a Pass on Medicare

He accuses Obama of trying to destroy 'Medicare as we know it'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney turned 65 yesterday, but unlike most Americans of his vintage, he won't be enrolling in Medicare or Social Security. A campaign aide confirmed that Romney will be keeping his private insurance plan. The candidate's Medicare policy statement says he believes wealthier seniors should receive less support,...

5 Other Things Employers Should Have to Provide
5 Other Things Employers Should Have to Provide

5 Other Things Employers Should Have to Provide

Birth control is great, but why not a salad bar?: Allysia Finley

(Newser) - For too long, employers have insisted on determining for themselves which employee benefits to offer, but President Obama's "2,000-page health law" cuts that conceit off at the pass, writes Allysia Finley in the Wall Street Journal . Now the government decides, and the government wants employees to get...

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