health care reform

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Daschle Will Play Hardball on Health Reform

Incoming HHS Secretary will avoid Hillary's pitfalls

(Newser) - Tom Daschle, Barack Obama's incoming Director of Health and Human Services, has an aggressive strategy for reforming health care, and no intentions of seeing it fizzle the way the Clintons' efforts did in 1993, reports the Los Angeles Times. The key will be reeling in major health-care interest groups, along...

Daschle to Head Health Services, New Reform Office

Move seen to signal Obama's focus on issue

(Newser) - As expected, President-elect Barack Obama today nominated Tom Daschle as Secretary of Health and Human Services, CQ Politics reports. Daschle will also head the new White House Office of Health Reform, geared toward providing near-universal health care to Americans. Daschle “will be responsible not just for implementing our health...

Daschle Begins Push to Reform Health Care

Would-be secretary will ask Americans to contribute ideas

(Newser) - Although his nomination as health secretary hasn't yet been announced, Tom Daschle is already beginning his push for a comprehensive overhaul of the system, the Wall Street Journal reports. In a speech today, Daschle will emphasize that the economic downturn makes it all the more important to lower health care...

In Health Reform, Obama Returns to Grass Roots, Tech

Dem's team give Web activists chance to weigh in on efforts

(Newser) - In an effort to jump-start health care reform, Barack Obama is returning to the social networking tools that got him elected, the Washington Post reports. Likely Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Daschle is starring in YouTube videos and taking massive conference calls with supporters interested in the subject. “...

Now You Can Buy Insurance for Insurance

Think you'll lose health coverage? Firm will insure your right to it

(Newser) - Healthy and insured but afraid you might someday lose your medical coverage? UnitedHealth has just launched a new product that lets consumers pay now for the guarantee that they’ll be able to get insurance later—even if they get sick, the New York Times reports. Critics are skeptical of...

Signs of Consensus Emerge on Universal Health Care

Government action is needed, but plan details remain murky

(Newser) - Washington is approaching a broad consensus: It’s time for the government to step in to create universal health care, the Los Angeles Times reports. Both left and right have abandoned pet plans in favor of a middle ground that maintains the current employer-based system, while driving down costs and...

US Health Care Bleeds $1T, But Can Be Saved

Preventative model could save taxpayers billions

(Newser) - What America needs is another preemptive strike, executives say—in the world of health care. As Barack Obama gears up to reform the industry, several health care leaders say that up to half of the nation's $2.3 trillion health budget is wasted. In a broad consensus, they call for...

New Congress' Key Fights Could Be Dem-on-Dem
New Congress' Key Fights Could Be Dem-on-Dem

New Congress' Key Fights Could Be Dem-on-Dem

Party split ideologically, geographically on major issues

(Newser) - The Democrats have amassed so much power in Congress their internal conflicts may matter more than their fights with the GOP. In Politico, Martin Kady II takes a look at some likely intra-party fault lines:
  • Californians against rust-belters on the environment: “The Midwestern Democrats—Sherrod Brown, Evan Bayh, and

Next Stab at Health Reform Looks More Promising

Industry claims to be ready to compromise

(Newser) - If health care reform passes this time, a major factor will be that its erstwhile enemies are now rooting for it, the Wall Street Journal reports. An industry roadblock killed the Clinton administration’s attempt in the early 1990s, but this time, insurers are playing ball. “You see a...

Kennedy Returns to Work on Capitol Hill

Senator anxious to pass stimulus, health care legislation

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy returned to the US Senate today, having undergone 6 months of extensive treatment for a brain tumor, the Boston Globe reports. Accompanied by his wife, Vicki, and their dogs, Kennedy was greeted by applause from his family and staff in the Russell Caucus Room under a banner that...

Chronically Ill Worse Off in US Than Elsewhere: Study

Health costs, medical errors scare more than in other rich nations

(Newser) - Chronically ill Americans are more likely to forgo medical care because of high costs or bad experiences than counterparts in a number of other rich nations, a study finds. Researchers interviewed 7,500 adults with conditions like cancer, arthritis, depression, and diabetes, and the Americans led the complaints. Dutch patients...

Senate Dem Unveils Broad Health Reform

Baucus proposal would guarantee insurance for all citizens

(Newser) - Barack Obama made health care reform a key plank of his campaign, but even before he's been inaugurated Congressional Democrats are introducing legislation to transform the system. Leading the charge is Max Baucus, the Montana senator who leads the finance committee. His plan, which he'll introduce today, guarantees health insurance...

Kennedy: Fix Health Care Now
 Kennedy: Fix Health Care Now 

Kennedy: Fix Health Care Now

Don't let economic crisis blind us to broken system

(Newser) - The economy may be gasping, but that doesn’t give us a prescription to neglect health care, Ted Kennedy writes. “We must forge ahead with this urgent priority. The system is broken,” he writes in a Washington Post op-ed. The liberal lion points to recent signs that reform...

Elizabeth Edwards Back on Stump—for Health Reform

3 months on from scandal, attorney returns to public life, alone

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards is cautiously reemerging into public life—sans wedding ring—after her husband's headline-grabbing affair, the Washington Post writes. She declines to play the role of the wronged wife and avoids interviews. But she's giving speeches again, a physically fragile but fierce advocate of a more fair health care...

From Sickbed, Kennedy Crafts Health Plan

Bipartisan effort includes industry; goal is universal coverage

(Newser) - Even as he undergoes cancer treatment, Ted Kennedy is coordinating bipartisan meetings with colleagues and lobbyists in an effort to produce health care legislation that includes universal coverage, the Washington Times reports. The meetings—involving labor unions, insurers, drug companies, and hospitals—“are a testament to how people feel...

Health Care Should Be More Like Baseball
Health Care Should Be More Like Baseball

Health Care Should Be More Like Baseball

We need better statistics to make sound judgments

(Newser) - If the US health care industry were a baseball team, it’d be “a hidebound, tradition-based ball club that chases after aging sluggers,” write Billy Beane, John Kerry, and Newt Gingrich in the New York Times. The US spends egregiously on health care but gets little in return,...

Prospect of 'McCaincare' Terrifies Krugman
Prospect of 'McCaincare' Terrifies Krugman

Prospect of 'McCaincare' Terrifies Krugman

Republican's plan spells free-market catastrophe for the sick and poor

(Newser) - John McCain’s health care plan seems designed for “comforting the comfortable while afflicting the afflicted,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times. McCain “wants to blow up the current system” by junking the tax break for employer-provided insurance. To compensate for the lost insurance, McCain...

Toughest Hurdle Is Trust: Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards says she's focusing on advocacy and family

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards is reentering the public eye with her attention fixed firmly on her three children and her health care advocacy, the Detroit Free Press reports, but can’t avoid questions about husband John’s extramarital affair. “There's a lot of adjustment to make,” she said in her...

With Economy Uncertain, So Is Obama's Plan
With Economy Uncertain, So Is Obama's Plan

With Economy Uncertain, So Is Obama's Plan

Presidential hopeful's top priorities would cost hundreds of billions

(Newser) - Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama promises change, but if he’s elected in the current uncertain economy, those changes may come later rather than sooner, the Wall Street Journal reports. Obama’s big economic priorities–government-sponsored health care for millions, greenhouse-gas reductions, and tax increases—leave the government with...

Obama Health Care Cure May Prove Elusive

Quick reform isn't likely, say analysts

(Newser) - In a campaign that has made several big promises, perhaps Barack Obama's most ambitious vow is that he will bring down health care premiums by $2,500 by the end of his first term as president. But whether he can deliver that is an open question, writes the New York ...

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