health care reform

Stories 1181 - 1200 | << Prev   Next >>

Poll Reveals Broad Support for Government Health Care

Results suggest partisan divide

(Newser) - Seventy-two percent of Americans support a government-backed health care plan that would compete with private insurance providers, a New York Times/CBS poll reveals. A majority of Americans also believe the government would keep costs down more effectively than private insurers, and 64% think the government should guarantee its citizens health...

Obama? Big Pharma. Here's an $80B Drug Discount

(Newser) - Big Pharma has offered the feds a discount of up to $80 billion on drugs for programs like Medicare, the Washington Post reports. The pledge, which comes at a crucial moment in the health-reform debate, may be a pre-emptive strike before President Obama pushes for a proposed $100 billion price...

US Has Huge Shortage of Primary Care Docs

Health care reform efforts may suffer

(Newser) - Congress may be unable to agree on the details of an overhauled health care system, but there’s one fact on which there’s little debate: America urgently needs more primary care doctors. Experts predict the nationwide shortage of family physicians will reach 40,000 within the next decade, a...

Why Health Reform Will Happen—And Why It Won't

(Newser) - With the Obama administration stepping up its push for health-care reform, Mark Halperin, in Time, lists five reasons why it will, and won't, get done. The pros:
  • The industry is "still on board."
  • "Barack Obama doesn't fail too often."
  • It's a must-win for the entire White

Health Care Nudges Dow Up 58
 Health Care Nudges Dow Up 58 

Health Care Nudges Dow Up 58

(Newser) - Markets were up today on a strong performance from the volatile financial sector and continued gains for health-care stocks, the Wall Street Journal reports. Investors are confident that President Obama's health reform will be whittled down, leaving room for industry profits. The Dow was up 58.42, to 8,555....

Bush Knocks Obama Policies
 Bush Knocks 
 Obama Policies 

Bush Knocks Obama Policies

Says private sector is solution to economic problems

(Newser) - George W. Bush is apparently done holding his tongue. He criticized several of President Obama's major policy issues in a speech yesterday, defending his administration on interrogation, assailing nationalized health care, and saying the private sector, not the government, was key to fixing the economy, the Washington Times reports. “...

Senate Hits Brakes on Health Care

(Newser) - Would-be health care reformers had a bad day yesterday, hitting a series of obstacles that makes hitting President Obama’s August deadline increasingly unlikely, Politico reports. The Senate Finance Committee said it wouldn’t have a package before the July 4 recess, and the Congressional Budget Office slapped a $1....

Daschle, Dole Team Up for Outside Health Care Push

Could-have-been '90s partners finally team up

(Newser) - When the Clintons were trying to pass their health care reform bill in the early '90s, Tom Daschle tried desperately to enlist Bob Dole. Now, 15 years later, he finally has. Daschle and Dole, along with former Republican leader Howard Banker, are leading an outside push for a bipartisan health...

Third Emanuel Brother Key to Health Reform
Third Emanuel Brother Key to Health Reform

Third Emanuel Brother Key to Health Reform

The eldest, Zeke, goes from bioethicist to administration guru

(Newser) - Zeke Emanuel may not get the press brothers Rahm and Ari do, but he’s a figure to watch as the health-care reform debate heats up, the New Republic reports. As head of the National Institute of Health’s bioethics division, Emanuel became one of the most influential bioethicists in...

Obama: Health Care a 'Time-Bomb'

(Newser) - The current health care system is a “ticking time-bomb” for the federal budget, Barack Obama told the American Medical Association today, speaking before a crowd of doctors in Chicago. He sharply criticized the current system, which pays doctors for each test or treatment provided, saying it “has taken...

Obama Offers Docs Backing on Malpractice Suit Limits

President may buck Dems to win over AMA

(Newser) - President Obama is taking his case for overhauling health care to a tough audience today: The American Medical Association, which is holding its annual meeting in Chicago, came out last week against Obama's plan to offer federal insurance to compete with private insurers. But the president privately with AMA officials...

Biden: 'Real Doubts' About Iran Poll Results

 Biden: 'Real 
 Doubts' About 
 Iran Poll Results 


Biden: 'Real Doubts' About Iran Poll Results

Elsewhere, officials spar over pending health care proposals

(Newser) - Vice President Joe Biden this morning expressed “some real doubt” that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad legitimately won re-election in Iran, Politico reports. “There’s an awful lot of questions about how this election was run,” he told Meet the Press. On health care, Biden reiterated President Obama’s reluctance...

Obama Seeks Another $313B in Health Cuts

He wants to reduce Medicare payments to hospitals

(Newser) - In an effort to pay for his ambitious health care plans, Barack Obama today proposed another $313 billion in cuts to government health care spending over the next decade, the Wall Street Journal reports. That brings the total cuts proposed to nearly $950 billion, just shy of the $1 trillion...

Spending on Health Care Lobbying Up 41%

Drug, insurance companies oppose public insurance

(Newser) - As the health care debate heats up in Washington, insurance and drug companies are keeping their lobbyists busy. So far this year, those industries have increased their lobbyist spending by 41% as they fight a proposed public insurance plan, USA Today reports. That's $35 million in the first quarter for...

Obama: Fix Health Care Now or We'll Pay Price Later

(Newser) - President Obama took his push for health-care reform on the road today. Speaking to a town hall meeting in Green Bay, Obama broke no new ground on initiatives but reiterated his goal to have a law through Congress by the fall, the Los Angeles Times reports. He urged people to...

Chemo Will Keep Kennedy Out of Health Care Debate

Senator calls for legislation to go forward as he starts fresh round of chemotherapy

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy is undergoing a new round of chemotherapy and is expected to miss this month's debate on the health care overhaul he crafted, the Hill reports. The senator has been weakened by his brain cancer treatment, but he has insisted the process move forward during his absence from Capitol...

GOP Senator Blasts Obama on Twitter

Grassley angered by health care comment

(Newser) - Sen. Chuck Grassley slammed the president in angry Twitter messages yesterday, saying Barack Obama has "nerve" for declaring "it's time to deliver" on health care while vacationing in Paris. Grassley is a crucial Republican ally on health care reform, which Obama has said needs bipartisan support. But Obama's...

Hillary: Obama 'Absolutely' Able to Handle 3am Call
Hillary: Obama 'Absolutely' Able to Handle 3am Call

Hillary: Obama 'Absolutely' Able to Handle 3am Call

Secretary of state puts Iran, N. Korea on notice

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton made her first Sunday show appearance as secretary of state today, vowing “there would be retaliation” against Iran if it attacked Israel, and that Washington might return North Korea to its state terror list. Clinton, speaking on This Week a year to the day after she ceded...

Private Health Insurers Back Reform

Firms risk losing customers; aim to avoid single-payer plan

(Newser) - Facing a shrinking customer base, private health insurers are backing reform in the industry—a surprise from the same firms that fought President Clinton’s health care effort, the Los Angeles Times reports. Insurers are supporting a proposed mandate backed by the  Obama administration that would require everyone to buy...

Obama: I'm Wading Into Health Debate

(Newser) - Worried that his preferred health care fixes are losing ground, President Obama has decided to wade into the debate with speeches and town-hall-style meetings, the New York Times reports. Reversing his plan to leave health care up to Congress, Obama plans to push for broad principles, not policy points. But...

Stories 1181 - 1200 | << Prev   Next >>