health care reform

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Socialist? Worse, He May Be a 'Corporatist': Frank Rich

(Newser) - Republicans sometimes trot out the word "socialist" to slam President Obama, but they've got it exactly backward, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times. The bigger fear—the one causing disillusionment and justified cynicism among his supporters—"is that he might be just another corporatist, punking voters...

No Rules in Place at 'Town Halls'

(Newser) - With health care town hall meetings around the country turning into shouting matches and even brawls, you might be wondering if there are any rules governing these things. But there aren’t, explains Christopher Beam of Salon. Political town halls are just informal gatherings, with no set format on who...

Obama: Ignore Reform 'Rumors'

(Newser) - President Barack Obama asked Americans to put no stock in "outlandish rumors" that health care reform will "promote euthanasia, or cut Medicaid, or bring about a government takeover of health care," in his weekly radio and Internet address today. "That's simply not true." Politico noted...

Palin: Obama's Health Plan Is 'Downright Evil'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has denounced the Obama administration's plans for health care reform as "downright evil" in a posting on her Facebook page, TPM reports. "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand...

GOP 'Flat-Out' Lying About Health Care
 GOP 'Flat-Out' Lying 
 About Health Care 

GOP 'Flat-Out' Lying About Health Care

Republicans trying to scare US out of discussion

(Newser) - When it comes to health care reform, Republicans have become “political terrorists,” trying to scare Americans in an effort to block consensus, writes Steven Pearlstein for the Washington Post. “There is no credible way to look at what has been proposed and conclude that these will result...

'Racial Anxiety' Fuels Town Hall Protesters

(Newser) - The mob-like scenes at recent town halls are "something new and ugly," writes Paul Krugman, who notes that 2005's protests against Social Security privatization never saw baying crowds and congressmen hanged in effigy. The New York Times columnist is unconvinced that the mobs are in the pay...

Noonan to Dems: Heed 'Mob,' Hold Reform

(Newser) - Americans everywhere are storming town halls to heckle their congressmen over health care, and that shouldn't come as a surprise. “They hired a man to represent them in Washington,” explains Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal. “And all they ask in return is that he see...

Tampa Town Hall on Health Turns Ugly

Forum turns into rowdy shouting, shoving match

(Newser) - Rowdy protesters turned a Tampa town hall meeting on health care reform into a near-riot last night, reports the St. Petersburg Times, whose reporter at the scene likened the atmosphere to a wrestling cage match. Local Democratic Rep. Kathy Castor was shouted down by audience members crying "Tyranny!"...

Progressives' Memo: Here's How to Outwit Righty Protesters

Memo urges civil discourse, chanting

(Newser) - A progressive organization is trying to turn the tables on conservative protesters who have been interrupting Town Hall discussions on health care reform, Talking Points Memo reports. Health Care for America Now has released a memo outlining tactics for defusing shouting matches and allowing lawmakers to actually answer questions. First...

5 Lies Right Wing Uses to Kill Health Care Reform

(Newser) - Conservatives are pulling no punches as they attack health care reform, but their scare tactics rely “on a notably elastic approach to the truth,” writes Mike Madden of Salon. Here are the top myths circulating:
  • Obama wants to kill your grandma: The tiny kernel of truth here is

Grass Roots or Astroturf? Protests Disrupt Town Halls

Dems come home to hecklers swinging at health care legislation

(Newser) - Many Democrats' August recess is off to a noisy start, as conservative dissenters flood town-hall meetings to protest health care legislation, the Boston Globe reports. Using tactics and questions prescribed online, hecklers do their best to disrupt the events, yelling questions and shouting out while videotaping the exchange. Republicans say...

Baucus & Co to Meet Obama for Health Care Talk

Today's chat signals prez is still looking for bipartisan compromise

(Newser) - Barack Obama will meet with all six key negotiators on the Senate Finance Committee today at the White House to discuss the effort to draft a compromise bill that could win some GOP support, the New York Times reports. It’s the first time he’s met with the six—...

Dodd, Kill Yourself With Pills and Whiskey: Protester

(Newser) - Connecticut Republicans protesting health care reform outside a Chris Dodd event yesterday mocked the senator with references to his newly diagnosed cancer, reports Talking Points Memo. “How come we just don't give Chris Dodd painkillers?” one shouted. “Like a handful of them at a time! He can wash...

Slimming Down US Won't Cut Health Costs

Or reject 'collectivist thinking' and let people make own choices

(Newser) - The Obama administration claims the anti-obesity bent of its health care plan will lower overall costs by making America thinner. “It won’t,” Jacob Sullum writes in Reason. Even if the government succeeds in slimming down the US—unlikely in Sullum’s opinion—the longer-lived result will actually...

Malkin: Left Tries to Stamp Out Civil Dissent
Malkin: Left
Tries to Stamp Out Civil Dissent

Malkin: Left Tries to Stamp Out Civil Dissent

Foes of health care reform aren't out of control—liberals are

(Newser) - The same “Democrat Masters of Astroturf” who delight in liberal activism are crying foul about the perfectly valid rabble-rousing of Tea Party activists, writes Michelle Malkin on her blog. Conservative activists have been told to pack Democratic events and heckle them, something one liberal blogger describes as “civic...

Gov't Health Plan Would Cover Abortion

Both sides get ready to rumble over incendiary funding

(Newser) - Health care legislation before Congress would allow a new government-sponsored insurance plan to cover abortions, a decision that would affect millions of women and recast federal policy on the divisive issue. Advocates on both sides are preparing for a renewed battle, which could jeopardize support for President Obama's health care...

Blue Dogs Aren't Centrists, They're Greedy

(Newser) - Blue Dog Democrats might represent more socially conservative constituencies than their liberal brethren, but that's no reason to take pro-corporate stances on everything from the mortgage market to health care reform. Thomas Frank has a simpler explanation: They're in it for the cash. The Blue Dogs are "champion fundraisers,...

On Shared Birthday, Obama Surprises Reporter Thomas

Veteran White House reporter asks for 'a real health care reform bill'

(Newser) - President Obama celebrated his own birthday today by leading the White House press corps in singing Happy Birthday to veteran reporter Helen Thomas. Obama is 48 today; Thomas turns 89.

A Digital Pill a Day May Keep the Doctor Away

Wireless monitoring aims to cut visits and billions in health costs

(Newser) - As Congress debates ways to save on health care, Silicon Valley has an idea of its own: cutting costs through wireless technology, the Wall Street Journal reports. One startup has built a tiny, edible chip that attaches to pills and keeps track of whether patients are taking their medication. Remote...

White House Fires Back at Drudge on Health Care

Responds to video showing Obama discussing 'eliminating' private insurance

(Newser) - The White House released a video response today to a Drudge Report posting labeled “Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance.” The communications director for the White House Office of Health Reform says the clip is taken “out of context”...

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