health care reform

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7M Americans Eligible for Free ObamaCare Policies

But it's not all good news

(Newser) - Finally, some (mostly) positive news about ObamaCare: Independent estimates by Wall Street analysts and consultants find that as many as 7 million people could qualify for free or nearly free healthcare plans, the New York Times reports. Federal subsidies would cover the cost of these plans, most of which are...

No, You Don't Deserve to Keep Your Insurance Plan

Jonathan Chait explains the moral calculus of ObamaCare

(Newser) - OK, yes, Barack Obama lied , and that's provoked some "justifiable scrutiny," Jonathan Chait at New York allows. But the people losing their health insurance plans aren't getting a raw deal, he argues. For one thing, many are blissfully unaware that their old, seemingly affordable plans contained...

Health Exchanges Pretty Lousy for Rural Customers

Competition is low, and prices are high

(Newser) - ObamaCare's technical difficulties are well-documented—the House is dragging four contractors in to talk about them today—but it has one problem no web developer can solve: It's pretty lousy in rural areas. The theory behind the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplace is that forcing insurers...

ObamaCare Penalty Delayed —but Not Due to Website

WH says it's just eliminating confusion

(Newser) - Good news for procrastinators: Americans will now have an extra month and a half to get health insurance before facing a penalty under ObamaCare, meaning they won't face a fine if they sign up for a plan by March 31. The six-week delay (a change of tune for the...

Why Jon Stewart Is a Big Problem for ObamaCare
Why Jon Stewart Is a Big Problem for ObamaCare

Why Jon Stewart Is a Big Problem for ObamaCare

Left-wing darling might turn vital young people against the service: Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - ObamaCare's most dangerous critic right now "isn't John Boehner or Mitch McConnell or even Ted Cruz. It's Jon Stewart," argues Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post . Stewart dedicated three full segments on Monday night's show to mocking ObamaCare's ugly web debut, and put...

Sorry, Obama, Spin Won't Help Health Site Debacle

President's sales pitch fails to reassure, and might make things worse, say pundits

(Newser) - Barack Obama's speech yesterday defending and apologizing for the ObamaCare rollout has pundits talking—and more or less agreeing unanimously that it was a feeble attempt to save face. Here's what they're saying:

Woman Faints During Obama Speech
 Woman Faints 
 During Obama Speech 

Woman Faints During Obama Speech

President reaches back to steady her

(Newser) - President Obama took a break in the middle of his speech on ObamaCare's less-than-sterling web debut to steady a woman who appeared to be fainting directly behind him. The moment, captured by Mediaite , is a brief one; the woman stumbles only a bit before being steadied by both the...

Shutdown or No, ObamaCare Exchanges 'Ready to Go'

But president says to expect months of 'glitches'

(Newser) - The government may have shut down , but ObamaCare's health insurance exchanges are launching today as scheduled, the Hill reports. "The Affordable Care Act is moving forward. That funding is already in place. You can’t shut it down," President Obama said yesterday. Added Kathleen Sebelius, "Shutdown...

'Pacemaker Tax' at Heart of Shutdown Battle

Unpopular tax may be dropped as part of deal

(Newser) - A tax on medical devices has taken center stage in the Washington shutdown battle , Politico finds. The 2.3% tax that critics have dubbed the "pacemaker tax" is opposed even by many Democrats, and House Republicans say they would consider a deal that would drop the delay to ObamaCare...

What Did Ted Cruz&#39;s Non-Filibuster Accomplish?
What Did Ted Cruz's Non-Filibuster Accomplish?

What Did Ted Cruz's Non-Filibuster Accomplish?

Some pundits think it helped only Cruz himself

(Newser) - Ted Cruz's 21-hour talk-a-thon is over , and while it may not have blocked a vote on the continuing resolution, it certainly succeeded in getting people talking. Here's what they're saying:
  • Cruz's fellow Republicans "staged an intervention" beforehand, warning him that it might hurt the party,

ObamaCare Software Glitching as Launch Nears

It can't reliably tell people how much they have to pay

(Newser) - The health-insurance exchanges that are at the heart of the Affordable Care Act reforms are supposed to go online in less than two weeks, but there's a pretty big problem: They don't work. The software the federal government is planning on using frequently miscalculates how much people need...

GOP Needs to Get a Grip on Its ObamaCare Obsession

Even Karl Rove thinks Boehner's plan is bad politics

(Newser) - House Republicans announced yesterday that they'd only vote to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling if they could repeal or delay ObamaCare with the same votes. That's got pundits talking today, and pretty much none of those people think it's a good strategy. Here's...

Walgreen Moving Employees to Health Insurance Exchange

Will be called the 'Living Well Benefits Store'

(Newser) - Drugstore giant Walgreen is joining IBM and a growing number of other companies sending their employees shopping for health insurance on a private health insurance exchange. Walgreen, the parent company of eponymous drug store chain Walgreens, will continue to pay the same contribution it always has, but some 120,000...

ObamaCare Rollout Hits Another Big Bump

Cap on out-of-pocket expenses will be delayed a year

(Newser) - The first year of the Affordable Care Act may not be too affordable for some. The New York Times reports that another key part of ObamaCare—this time, a cap on out-of-pocket expenses for patients—will be delayed by a year. The law was supposed to guarantee that individuals would...

Stop Blaming GOP for Tripping Up ObamaCare

Law is doing fine a job of that on its own: Jonah Goldberg

(Newser) - ObamaCare isn't exactly humming along seamlessly toward full implementation, and Republicans bent on derailing it are getting much of the blame. Sorry, writes Jonah Goldberg at USA Today , but it's the clumsy law itself at fault. Yes, House Republicans have voted against it dozens of times, but to...

Howard Dean: ObamaCare's Price-Fixing Is Doomed

Independent Payment Advisory Board ought to face bipartisan scrutiny

(Newser) - Howard Dean isn't toeing the party line when it comes to the Affordable Care Act. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Dean praises parts of the law, but takes aim at one of its key provisions: "the so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board," that will determine what rates...

Big Part of ObamaCare Postponed One Year

Employers won't be required to provide coverage until 2015

(Newser) - ObamaCare is still going into effect in 2014, but one key component of it is being temporarily shelved. The White House today postponed by one year a rule requiring employers to either provide coverage to employees or face hefty fines, reports the Wall Street Journal . The rule will take effect...

In Some States, Poorest Out of Luck on Health Care Reform

Governors didn't expand Medicaid

(Newser) - As the full rollout of ObamaCare draws near, the New York Times reports that millions of the nation's poorest citizens will remain ineligible for help getting insurance even when the new laws go into effect. It all depends on where they live: More than two dozens states—including Rick...

Companies Fume Over Unnoticed ObamaCare Fee

New fund will cost employers $63 per worker they insure

(Newser) - Firms are lashing out against a fee they will face next year under the new health law: Most big employers will owe $63 for every person they insure, with the money going into a $25 billion fund, reports the Wall Street Journal . That fund, built up over three years, will...

Senate Dems Blow Off Obama's Budget Wish List

Leadership struggling to pass spending bill

(Newser) - As they rush to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government, one might imagine that Senate Democrats would heed President Obama's requests for funds for health care or Wall Street reform, but that's not exactly the case. Republicans didn't include those things in the House budget,...

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