health care reform

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Baucus Bill Gives Obama a Route to Compromise
Baucus Bill Gives Obama
a Route to Compromise

Baucus Bill Gives Obama a Route to Compromise

White House serene amidst complaints

(Newser) - It may not look like anyone’s happy with Max Baucus’ health care bill, but it has some very important backers: the health care industries it seeks to reform. Influential players who long ago struck a bargain with the Obama administration “found elements to dislike,” writes Ceci Connolly...

Student Loan Bill a No-Brainer That Actually Might Pass

But issue of rising tuition remains

(Newser) - For health reform watchers despairing that lawmakers "will never be able to do anything, ever," it's time to turn an eye on the no-brainer student loan reform in the House, Gail Collins writes in the New York Times. Right now, the government gives banks money, pays them to...

Obama Story Turns Out to Be (Partially) False

Patient was dropped by insurer, but fought back, and got treatment

(Newser) - One of the most poignant passages from Barack Obama's recent address to Congress concerned an Illinois cancer patient who died, the president said, because his insurer dropped him after discovering an unreported gallstone. In fact, reports the Wall Street Journal, Otto Raddatz did have his coverage rescinded in 2005—but...

Michelle Will Join Health Debate

First lady's no Hillary, but she'll help president will soft sell

(Newser) - Michelle Obama will be joining the push to pass a health reform bill, but the first lady won't be entering into the booby-trapped terrain that Hillary Clinton braved 16 years ago. Instead, Obama will focus on what Politico calls "the soft, soccer-mom sell," focusing on nutrition, exercise,...

Kennedy Successor May Come Soon
Kennedy Successor May Come Soon

Kennedy Successor May Come Soon

Massachusetts Dems say they've got the votes in both houses

(Newser) - It's possible that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick will be able to name a senator to fill Ted Kennedy's seat sometime next week, the Boston Globe reports. Proponents of the plan say they've now got enough votes, barely, in both state chambers to pull it off. The situation is diciest in...

Silver: Ignore Poll Showing Docs Opposed to Reform

(Newser) - A new Investors’ Business Daily poll showing doctors opposed to President Obama’s health care reform is generating some buzz today, but it's so flawed that Nate Silver has only this advice: “Completely ignore” it, he writes on FiveThirtyEight. Here’s why:
  • It's conducted by mail: Hardly anyone does

Obama Disagrees With Carter on Racism Charge

(Newser) - Sorry, Jimmy Carter: The White House doesn't think hostility toward President Obama is motivated by race, the Washington Post reports. “The president does not believe that the criticism comes based on the color of his skin,” said Robert Gibbs. Carter started a firestorm by asserting just that—the...

Keillor Faces Mortality as 'Nice 67 y.o. Man'

Author Garrison Keillor's stroke leads to realization that it's time for change

(Newser) - Garrison Keillor got “bitten in the butt” by mortality when he suffered a stroke earlier this month, realizing that he is now—as one doctor wrote in her report—a “nice 67 y.o. male,” he writes for Salon. “I never wanted to be a nice...

Baucus Unveils Health Care Bill
 Baucus Unveils Health Care Bill 

Baucus Unveils Health Care Bill

Compromise legislation would cost $856 million over 10 years

(Newser) - Max Baucus has officially unveiled his 223-page, $856 billion health care bill, intended to be a blueprint for a bipartisan compromise on reform, though GOP backing has evaporated, the Wall Street Journal reports. That $856 billion price tag is a surprise, lower than the $1 trillion-plus cost estimates of earlier...

Baucus Touts His Bipartisan Bill—Alone

(Newser) - Max Baucus took to the Wall Street Journal opinion page today to make the case for the health care reform bill he’s unveiling this morning. “Our plan would lower costs and would not add to the federal deficit,” he declares in the first of many statements about...

40% of Employers to Hike Health Plan Costs Next Year

Another 8% to drop coverage entirely, survey reveals

(Newser) - Many Americans are happy with their employer-sponsored health care plans and eager to keep them, but they won't be keeping them at the current price, the Washington Post reports. In a survey released yesterday, some 40% of employers said they expect to increase the amount their employees paid for health...

Young Adults Will Pay Steep Price for Health Reform

Insurance will be cheaper, but not cheap, and they'll be forced to buy it

(Newser) - Young adults are the demographic most firmly behind President Obama and health care reform, but they may also end up funding a disproportionate share of it, the Washington Post reports. Requiring young adults to sign up for health insurance is a key part of reform plans, as it will ensure...

Rockefeller: 'No Way' I'll Vote for Baucus Health Bill

Finance Committee Dems remain at odds

(Newser) - Sen. Jay Rockefeller said today he doesn’t support the health-reform bill being crafted by Sen. Max Baucus, a fellow Democrat who chairs the body’s Finance Committee. “There is no way in its present form that I will vote for it,” Rockefeller tells the Hill. The West...

Carter: Wilson's Heckling of Obama 'Based on Racism'

(Newser) - Former President Jimmy Carter says Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech last week was an act "based on racism." Carter says Wilson's comment was part of an "inherent feeling" of some that a black man should not be president. In responding to a question at...

Obama Visits Dave Monday
 Obama Visits Dave Monday 

Obama Visits Dave Monday

President will wrap up media blitz with late-night stop

(Newser) - After making the rounds of no fewer than five morning talk shows on Sunday, President Obama will be David Letterman's sole guest on Monday, the Wrap reports. Obama, pushing his health care reform, will make his first appearance with Letterman since the campaign and his sixth overall. He will be...

Obama Rallies Labor to Back Reform

President rallies for support at AFL-CIO rally, Ohio GM plant

(Newser) - President Obama returned to friendly territory at an AFL-CIO rally in Pittsburgh and a GM plant in Ohio today to rally support for his health care reform plans, the Wall Street Journal reports. Noting that the issue had been talked “to death,” Obama asked the audience of AFL-CIO...

Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear
Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear

Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear

(Newser) - The hallmark diversity of the United States is the biggest obstacle to a “federal social insurance system”—health care included, writes Michael Lind on Slate. The greatest strides toward a European-style safety net were made between World War I and the 1970s “when the foreign-born percentage of...

Ron Paul Fans Return, as Tea Partiers
 Ron Paul Fans Return, 
 as Tea Partiers 

Ron Paul Fans Return, as Tea Partiers

(Newser) - If you polled the protesters at Saturday’s tea party protest on who they voted for in the Republican primaries, Tom Schaller of has a sneaking suspicion they’d reply, “Ron Paul.” The protesters focus on libertarian complaints and rhetoric, and bear that familiar Paulite intensity....

Wilson's Outburst May Put Dukakis in Kennedy's Seat

Anger at lawmaker's 'you lie!' could prompt change in Mass. law

(Newser) - Anger at Joe Wilson’s “You lie!” attack may have provided the spark Massachusetts’ Democratic lawmakers needed to honor Ted Kennedy’s wish: that the state’s governor be given the power to appoint a temporary replacement for Kennedy, writes Dan Payne for the Daily Beast. The top...

Wife-Beating Branded a 'Pre-Existing Condition'

Eight states allow insurance firms to deny coverage to abused spouses

(Newser) - It is legal in eight states and in DC for insurers to reject victims of domestic violence because being beaten up by your spouse qualifies as "a pre-existing health condition" the Huffington Post reports. If you're in a marriage where it's happened once, the logic goes, you're more likely...

Stories 841 - 860 | << Prev   Next >>