health care reform

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Eric Cantor: We'll Repeal Health Care 'Right Away'
Eric Cantor: We'll Repeal Health Care 'Right Away'
gop agenda

Eric Cantor: We'll Repeal Health Care 'Right Away'

Calls it an 'abomination' that's 'too expensive'

(Newser) - Eric Cantor, who will most likely be the new House majority leader, says he intends to “put a repeal bill on the floor right away” to roll back the health care bill “because that’s what the American people want.” In an interview with Katie Couric on...

Health Reform Side Effect: Free Birth Control?

Does contraception count as preventative care?

(Newser) - Here's the next big dogfight over health care reform: Whether the federal government is obligated to provide free birth control to American women. A panel will next month decide what falls under preventative care, and if contraception is determined to fit the bill, under Obamacare the feds must foot the...

Dem Governor: ObamaCare Tempts Firms to Dump Plans

Tennessee's Bredesen foresees exodus to federally-subsidized insurance

(Newser) - If you crunch the numbers, President Obama’s health care plan is a great incentive for employers to stop providing coverage and put their workers in the hands of government-subsidized plans, meaning “much greater cost” for the US, writes Democratic Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen in the Wall Street Journal...

Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

Steve King, Louie Gohmert not far behind among fringe congressmen

(Newser) - A week after releasing its Senate Wingnut Index , the Daily Beast investigates wingnuttery in the House. Using a “semi-scientific” process to identify the most extreme members on both sides of the spectrum, the site ranks them:
  1. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): From calling the president “anti-American” to warning of tyranny,

On Health Care, Dems Are 'Alice in Wonderland': Judge

He allows part of lawsuit to continue

(Newser) - A federal judge gave a green light to parts of a lawsuit challenging the health care reform law, Politico reports. Judge Roger Vinson slammed Democrats and the administration for taking an "Alice-in-Wonderland tack" of calling the mandate to buy insurance either a "penalty" or a "tax,"...

Feds Handing Out Waivers to Health Insurers

Providers threaten to leave markets, stop offering coverage

(Newser) - The Obama administration has issued a host of waivers in recent weeks, exempting insurers and companies from new health care rules after they threatened to drop coverage, abandon markets, and refuse to sell various policies. So far, they’ve doled out one-year waivers to about 30 companies to allow them...

Doctors Need to Work Weekends

 Doctors Need to 
 Work Weekends 
Peter Orszag

Doctors Need to Work Weekends

Peter Orszag: No one wants to work Saturdays, but we need them to

(Newser) - If we're serious about raising the quality of health care while lowering its cost, doctors need to do two things: The first is suck it up and work weekends, writes Peter Orszag. There are plenty of compelling reasons: People who are hospitalized on Saturdays and Sundays don't fare so well,...

McD's: We'll Dump Worker Plans Over Health Reform

Chain wants waiver from 'mini-med' spending rules

(Newser) - McDonald's is threatening to drop employee health insurance because of new federal health care regulations requiring it to spend at least $4 out of every $5 its plan receives on health benefits. Mickey D's says that the requirement, meant to force companies to spend money on actual worker benefits rather...

Health Care Reform Law Kicks In Today

No more refusing to insure sick kids, limiting lifetime benefits

(Newser) - Some of the central provisions of the health care reform bill passed 6 months ago go into effect today, and despite the partisan rancor that’s surrounded the law, they’re sure to help hundreds of thousands of Americans. As of today, the New York Times explains, insurers will no...

Obama Blames Self for Not Selling Health Care Law

More parts kick in tomorrow at 6-month mark

(Newser) - Blaming himself for coolness to his health care overhaul, President Obama is seeking to reintroduce the law to voters who don't much like or understand it 6 months after he signed it. The White House today gathered patients from around the country who have benefited from the measure, and the...

What GOP Will Do With a House Majority

Republicans will cut off cash to key Dem initiatives

(Newser) - If Republicans win the House in November, they’ll highlight their differences with Democrats by starving signature policies—like health care—of cash, the Wall Street Journal reports. Although the GOP hopes to repeal the health care bill in the House, such a measure would likely fail in the Senate,...

Clinton: Whoops, I Thought Health Care Would Be Popular

Long Timeline and GOP Opposition Have Stifled Support

(Newser) - Bill Clinton thought that once it was signed into law, Barack Obama's health care reform bill would become amazingly popular. But the polls are in, and now Clinton admits he miscalculated, the Hill reports. "First of all, the benefits of the bill are spread out of three or four...

Record 50.7M Americans Have No Insurance

It's the first time the figure has risen above 50M

(Newser) - The number of Americans without health insurance topped 50 million for the first time last year, according to new Census Bureau data. (The poverty aspect of the report generated the most headlines.) The number of uninsured surged 16.7% to 50.7 million in 2009 as workers lost their...

Anti-AARP Group Launching
 Anti-AARP Group Launching  

Anti-AARP Group Launching

Alliance for Retirement Prosperity is against 'ObamaCare'

(Newser) - The American Association of Retired Persons ... sounds so non-threatening, right? Yet an anti-AARP group is coming out swinging against the nonprofit. Led by a longtime Republican adviser and head of the Social Security Institute, the Alliance for Retirement Prosperity will launch Wednesday with the goals of repealing the Obama administration's...

Barney Frank Pitted Against Town Hall Foe in Primary

Rachel Brown, who Frank famously shot down, running against him

(Newser) - When a town hall protester asked Barney Frank why he supported a “Nazi” health care plan last summer, Frank became YouTube-famous for replying, “On what planet do you spend most of your time?” Now, that town hall protester is spending her time running against Frank in the Democratic...

If Obama Could Do It All Over...
 If Obama Could 
 Do It All Over... 
David Brooks

If Obama Could Do It All Over...

He wouldn't have focused on stimulus, health care

(Newser) - Democrats appear headed for a big November defeat, but it didn’t have to be this way. In today’s New York Times , David Brooks imagines an alternate history, in which Obama took a wiser path. In December 2008, as his staff was clamoring to recreate the New Deal, “...

Health Insurance Execs Cash In, Jack Premiums

Those heading 5 biggest companies took home $200M

(Newser) - As their companies slammed policyholders with double-digit rate increases, top executives at the nation's five largest insurance companies gave themselves hefty raises last year, pulling in a total of almost $200 million. Of the heads of Cigna, Humana, UnitedHealth Group, WellPoint, and Aetna, only one took a paycut—Aetna's CEO...

Why My Company Isn't Hiring
 Why My Company Isn't Hiring 

Why My Company Isn't Hiring

Taxes are driving up unemployment

(Newser) - Why is unemployment so high? Blame the government, writes Michael Fleischer in the Wall Street Journal . Using the employee who has his company's median salary as an example, the head of Bogen Communications explains that though she makes $59,000 on paper, she actually takes home only $44,000 after...

Missouri Votes to Block Health Care Reform

State won't require people to buy insurance

(Newser) - Missouri residents have voted to block a portion of President Obama's health care reform. In a vote seen as largely symbolic, 73% of voters approved a state law saying Missouri can't penalize people for not having health insurance. The law is unlikely to have any practical effect because the relevant...

Judge OKs Health Care Reform Lawsuit

Says Virginia AG's position on law has merit

(Newser) - Virginia’s attempt to kill the health care reform law in court can go ahead, a judge ruled today. The lawsuit is one of several arguing that the law is unconstitutional. The government had moved to dismiss the suit as groundless, but a US District Court Judge said he couldn’...

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