New Yorker magazine

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New Yorker's Pop Critic Leaves for Lyrics Startup

Sasha Frere-Jones joins annotating site Genius

(Newser) - After 11 years at the New Yorker, the magazine's pop music critic is departing to join a startup. Sasha Frere-Jones' new job is as executive editor for Genius , a startup that annotates lyrics and other material online, the New York Times reports; he will focus on annotating lyrics. Genius,...

You Must See the New Yorker's DOMA Cover

Bert and Ernie tableau makes headlines

(Newser) - Odds are you have, at some point in your life, made a joke about Bert and Ernie's sexuality. Well, a just-revealed New Yorker cover takes those jokes to the next level, making them downright sweet. Titled "Bert and Ernie's Moment of Joy," the image is intended,...

Time Suspends Fareed Zakaria for Plagiarism

He apologizes for lifting part of 'New Yorker' story on gun control

(Newser) - Time suspended columnist Fareed Zakaria for plagiarism today after he apologized for swiping parts of a New Yorker piece by Jill Lepore on gun control, reports the Huffington Post . "I made a terrible mistake," Zakaria wrote in a statement published at Atlantic Wire . "It is a serious...

New Yorker Writer Admits to Fabrication and Quits

Jonah Lehrer: I made up Bob Dylan quotes

(Newser) - A New Yorker staff writer has quit the magazine and confessed to attributing phony quotes to Bob Dylan, reports the New York Times' Media Decoder blog . Jonah Lehrer says he initially panicked when cornered by a reporter about the quotes in Lehrer's book, Imagine: How Creativity Works. "I...

'Lost' F. Scott Fitzgerald Story Published

'New Yorker' un-rejects smoking story

(Newser) - This week, the New Yorker is publishing a never-before-seen F. Scott Fitzgerald short story—that it initially rejected back in 1936. It's a charming, brief piece about a saleswoman desperate for a cigarette in a disapproving town. In an internal memo at the time, the magazine wrote that the...

Why a New Yorker Writer Stole From ... Himself
Why a New Yorker Writer
Stole From ... Himself

Why a New Yorker Writer Stole From ... Himself

Jonah Lehrer blog lifted full paragraphs from earlier pieces

(Newser) - A new staff writer at the New Yorker has already taken to plundering the work of others. Well, one other—himself. Three paragraphs in Jonah Lehrer's June 12 blog post appear in a Wall Street Journal piece he penned last year, media commentator Jim Romenesko revealed yesterday . Some of...

New Yorker Releasing Story in Tweets

Jennifer Egan's 'Black Box' serialized on Twitter

(Newser) - The latest story from a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer will appear in 140-character chunks. The New Yorker is publishing Jennifer Egan's "Black Box" in installments on Twitter, the New York Observer reports. The tweets, which began yesterday , will appear from 8pm to 9pm every day for nine days. They'...

Dragon Tattoo Producers Fume Over Good Review

New Yorker publishes piece early

(Newser) - The New Yorker has sparked the ire of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo producer Scott Rudin—with a positive review that calls the film "mesmerizing." Trouble is, the review came out early, a big no-no in an industry where timing is key. Filmmakers want their movies—especially big-ticket...

Applause as Perry Defends Death Penalty

But serious questions were raised about execution on Rick's watch

(Newser) - One thing Rick Perry doesn't lose sleep over are the executions in his state. Asked last night if he ever worried that Texas has put an innocent man to death, he answered confidently: "No, sir. I've never struggled with that at all." He praised the state'...

107 Tries Later, Ebert Wins New Yorker Caption Contest

Film critic had entered it more than 100 times

(Newser) - Roger Ebert has entered 107 of the New Yorker 's 281 cartoon caption contests, and this week, he finally won. The film critic opined two years ago on his blog that he had "done more writing for free for the New Yorker in the last five years than...

Murdoch Nabs New Yorker Critic for iPad 'Newspaper'

News Corp. beefs up roster of coming Daily

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch has added New Yorker music critic Sasha Frere-Jones to the roster of his upcoming iPad "newspaper," reports David Carr in the New York Times . Frere-Jones has been hired as the culture editor of the Daily, which Murdoch's News Corp. is currently developing for the Apple tablet....

Boehner Fist Bump Hits New Yorker Cover

Mag reprises controversial cover

(Newser) - The New Yorker has reprised the "terrorist fist bump" cover that irked Obama in 2008 —this time with House Speaker-in-waiting John Boehner standing in for Michelle. The cover, by artist Barry Blitt, features the president offering his hand to Boehner and being offered a fist in return, the...

Jason Schwartzman Strips for iPad Ad

Video for 'New Yorker' app is appropriately quirky

(Newser) - Jason Schwartzman capitalizes on his quirkiness in a new YouTube advertisement for the New Yorker. Demonstrating the magazine’s new iPad app, Schwartzman scrolls across the screen by licking it and using his feet, among other things. But the most entertaining moment comes when he strips down (for the...

Courtney Love Is Writing New Yorker a Pretty Story
Courtney Love Is Writing
New Yorker a Pretty Story

Courtney Love Is Writing New Yorker a Pretty Story

Proud of her literary talents

(Newser) - Listen up, New Yorker editors: Courtney Love is preparing a story for the mag. She's always wanted to be a writer, she tells New York Magazine . She's quite proud of the literary heft of her song lyrics and never, ever writes things like "CU later" in her lengthy text...

Gawker Zings New Yorker's 'Racist' Caption

'You chose this as contest finalist?'

(Newser) - Gawker is slamming a New Yorker cartoon that's part of the magazine's weekly caption contest as "pretty racist." The cartoon shows an apparent executive in a cowboy-like hat talking on the phone and crouched behind his desk as he's being fired at with arrows. The winning caption? "...

Tumblr Raises Its Social Media Profile

Blogging site hires journalist to woo big media outlets

(Newser) - Is Tumblr the Next Big Thing in social media? The New York Times seems to think so, giving it a feature in today’s paper—and you might see more such coverage soon, because the small blogging site is specifically trying to reach out to the media. It hired former...

WikiLeaks Founder Shares His Secret Past

Paranoid Julian Assange says he grew up on the run from cult

(Newser) - Julian Assange is a paranoid man. The WikiLeaks founder believes he is constantly under surveillance, and that his site has enemies in governments around the world. Several members of his team are known by initials only, and the site's complex server system is “vastly more secure than any banking...

How to Be Oh-So-Sensitive to Jews at Christmas
How to Be Oh-So-Sensitive
to Jews at Christmas

How to Be Oh-So-Sensitive to Jews at Christmas

If you watch White Christmas , be considerate: also watch Munich

(Newser) - "Just because anyone with half a brain celebrates Christmas," Paul Rudnick writes in that bastion of traditional Christianity, the New Yorker , that's no reason to alienate your yarmulke-wearing friends. Some tips:
  • Calling Jesus "Our Savior" might seem gauche. Just call him "the Jew that got away.

Publishers Forming 'Magazine iTunes'

Online newsstand to combat slumping sales

(Newser) - The latest bid to save magazine publishing may soon have readers browsing the online racks of an iTunes-style newsstand. Major magazine publishers including Time Inc. and Conde Nast hope to exert some control over digital readership with a joint venture enabling readers to buy copies of the New Yorker, Sports ...

8 Days That Shook the Financial World
8 Days That Shook the Financial World

8 Days That Shook the Financial World

James Stewart on the week that Lehman failed, and meltdown loomed

(Newser) - James Stewart’s reconstruction of the 8 nail-biting days, a year ago, in which the federal government stepped in to stop the collapse of the world financial system—published in the New Yorker this week, just as Fed chief Ben Bernanke was declaring the recession officially over—makes riveting, tense...

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