gays in the military

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Bid to Repeal 'Don't Ask' Fails in Senate
Repeal of 'Don't Ask'
Fails in Senate
breaking news

Repeal of 'Don't Ask' Fails in Senate

Democrats can't get needed 60 votes to open debate

(Newser) - Republicans blocked a last-ditch effort in the Senate today to lift the military's ban on openly gay troops, rejecting another project pushed vigorously by President Obama. The 57-40 vote fell three short of the 60 needed to overcome procedural hurdles to repeal "don't ask, don't tell." (Update: Two...

Reid Delays DADT Vote, Can't Sway Susan Collins

Measure to repeal ban on gays in military is in limbo

(Newser) - A proposal by Senate Democrats to repeal the military's 17-year-old ban on openly gay troops stalled today after a key Republican refused to sign on and Democrats feared a critical test vote would fail. Harry Reid continued to talk with Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine about how he could...

Senate Will Consider 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Tonight

It's likely make-or-break time for repeal this year

(Newser) - Tonight will be a pivotal night in determining whether Don't Ask, Don't Tell will be repealed this year. Harry Reid plans to introduce a defense spending bill that includes repeal of the ban on gays in the military, though it remains unclear even now whether he's got the necessary 60...

DADT Repeal or No, Military Discharges Drop Off

Top-level approval required under Obama

(Newser) - Despite the continued reign of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the military has lately been discharging far fewer people under the rule, the Los Angeles Times reports. Thanks largely to changes in enforcement under President Obama, the number of discharges has fallen off this year after a continuous decline...

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT
 McCain, Your 
 Family's Right: 
 Dump DADT 
maureen dowd

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT

Looks like Dems have missed their chance again

(Newser) - This week’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell hearings were typical of Washington lately: “The Democrats waited too long to close the deal, the president showed no leadership, and a campaign promise that was seen as a fait accompli now seems a casualty,” writes Maureen Dowd in...

Top Service Generals Challenge DADT Repeal

Army, Marines, Air Force leaders warn of 'disruption' among troops

(Newser) - Top generals of the Army, Marines, and Air Force testified today that a quick repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell could cause “stress” and “disruption”—despite a Pentagon study that found a repeal posed little risk, the Hill reports. “Assimilating” openly gay troops could...

Senate GOP to Dems: We'll Block All Bills
Senate GOP to Dems: We'll Block All Bills

Senate GOP to Dems: We'll Block All Bills

All 42 say they won't budge til tax cuts, gov't funding addressed

(Newser) - All 42 Senate Republicans have signed a letter pledging to block all legislation during the lame-duck session until the Senate addresses the Bush-era tax cuts and funding the government—the latter of which must pass in order to prevent a shutdown of the government, MSNBC reports. This could spell disaster...

Foes of 'Don't Ask' Repeal in Trouble Now
Foes of 'Don't Ask' Repeal
in Trouble Now

Foes of 'Don't Ask' Repeal in Trouble Now

Analysis: Survey undercuts arguments of keeping gay ban in place

(Newser) - We knew the broad strokes of the Pentagon's review of Don't Ask, Don't Tell before today's official release , but the details also tell an important story, writes Greg Sargent at the Plum Line blog . "The upshot: It will leave GOP moderates with no reasons left to oppose repeal."...

Pentagon Review: Troops Don't Care About DADT

... and they don't need separate bathrooms

(Newser) - All those leaked reports were right: The Pentagon's 10-month review on Don't Ask, Don't Tell is officially out, and it concludes that most troops don't consider it a big deal to serve with fellow service members who are gay, reports the Washington Post . "The risk of repeal of Don't...

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Here to Stay: Graham

Lame duck session will sit on the issue, says senator

(Newser) - The military's controversial "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays isn't going away anytime soon, predicts South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. "There is no groundswell of opposition coming from our military. I don’t think there’s anywhere near the votes to repeal DADT on the Republican side,...

Gay Officer Dismissed Under DADT Will Rejoin Air Force

US appeals ruling, but does not ask for stay

(Newser) - An openly gay Air Force officer who was dismissed in 2006 under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will rejoin the military, the Washington Post reports. A federal judge ordered Maj. Margaret Witt’s reinstatement in September; the Obama administration appealed that decision as expected, but did not ask for...

Pentagon: Hurry Up on DADT
 Pentagon: Hurry Up on DADT 

Pentagon: Hurry Up on DADT

Better for Congress, not courts, to repeal it: Gates

(Newser) - Top military brass are calling on Congress to quickly repeal "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell"—before the courts overturn the policy, potentially ordering changes that military leaders consider too fast or poorly thought-out. “If this law is going to change, it's better to be changed by...

Cindy McCain OK With 'Don't Ask' After All

She tweets support of husband's stance on gay ban

(Newser) - Well this is confusing. Cindy McCain made headlines this week for appearing in anti-bullying ad in which she criticized "political leaders" for telling gay teens "they can't serve our country openly." It was seen as a clear indictment of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, which a certain senator...

Supreme Court Allows 'Don't Ask'—for Now

Can stay in place while it winds through lower courts

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today allowed the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to remain in place while a federal appeals court considers the issue. The court did not comment in denying a request from the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay rights group, to step into...

Cindy McCain Slams DADT
 Cindy McCain 
 Slams DADT 

Cindy McCain Slams DADT

...while her husband fights for it in Washington

(Newser) - Cindy McCain blasts “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in a celebrity-studded anti-bullying video—while her husband works to keep the measure alive in Congress. “Our political and religious leaders tell LGBT youth that they have no future,” she says in the spot. “They can’t...

Pentagon: It's Safe to Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell

More than 70% of troops surveyed are fine with it

(Newser) - The Pentagon’s report on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will conclude that there is little to no risk in repealing the policy during wartime, sources tell the Washington Post . More than 70% of the troops surveyed said lifting the ban would have a positive, mixed, or nonexistent impact,...

John McCain Blocking 'Don't Ask' Repeal

As he promised to do in his primary

(Newser) - There are two things that could prevent Congress from repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: The dwindling congressional calendar, and John McCain. Though historically open to repeal, McCain promised to preserve the law during his primary battle with JD Hayworth, the New York Times explains. Since then, he’s...

Gates: Repeal 'Don't Ask' ASAP

...Before Republicans take over

(Newser) - Robert Gates wants Congress to repeal the law preventing gays from openly serving in the military as quickly as possible—before Republicans take over in January and prevent it from happening at all. “I would like to see the repeal of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,...

Appeals Court Extends Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Policy to stay in place while government appeals

(Newser) - The law barring gay men and women from serving openly in the military will remain in place until at least next spring, a federal appeals court has decided. The three-judge panel voted 2-1 in favor of continuing to block a decision from a lower court which banned the Pentagon from...

Most Troops OK With Gays in Uniform
Most Troops
OK With Gays
in Uniform

Most Troops OK With Gays in Uniform

Pentagon review finds that most think it's no big deal

(Newser) - A Pentagon report on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell shows that a majority of troops aren’t opposed to gays serving in the military, reports the Wonk Room blog at Think Progress. "The number one answer was. ‘I don’t care,'” NBC's Richard Engel, who got...

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