
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Vatican Demands Holocaust Denier Recant

(Newser) - The Vatican has demanded that Bishop Richard Williamson, a Holocaust denier who was recently un-excommunicated, recant his views in order to serve in the Catholic Church, the BBC reports. Williamson was excommunicated 20 years ago for a separate transgression. The Church said the pope was unaware of his contrarian stance...

Cardinals Blast Pope on Holocaust Denier

Decision to re-instate bishop a 'disaster' says Germany's top cardinal

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XIV's reinstatement of a Holocaust-denying bishop has received some unusually harsh criticism from within the church, the Guardian reports. Germany's top-ranking cardinal has labeled the decision "a disaster" and called for the Pope to apologize. Cardinal Walter Kasper, who oversees the Vatican's relations with Judaism, says the...

French Priest Uncovers Holocaust's Beginning

Before gas chambers, Nazis used bullets, fire to kill Jews

(Newser) - Before the Nazis started shipping Jews to gas chambers, they marched across Eastern Europe, shooting more than 2 million above the mass graves they'd been forced to dig, or burning whole communities in bonfires. In an oft-forgotten and horrifying look at the Holocaust's beginnings, French priest Patrick Desbois traveled Eastern...

Israeli Rabbis Cut Off Vatican Over Holocaust Dispute

Pope attempts to smooth ties with conciliatory remarks

(Newser) - Israel’s senior rabbinical body has severed ties with the Vatican, saying Bishop Richard Williamson should recant his statements denying that millions of Jews were "deliberately gassed" during the Holocaust. The chief rabbinate expressed “sorrow and pain” at the decision, which follows worldwide outrage among Jews and progressive...

Jews Rip Pope for Reinstating Holocaust Denier

Pope's reinstatement of controversial leader threatens Jewish-Catholic relations

(Newser) - Jews across the globe are reacting with fury to Pope Benedict XVI's reinstatement of an excommunicated bishop who denies the Holocaust, the Guardian reports. Former British bishop Richard Williamson, excommunicated in 1988 for his membership in an extremist Catholic sect and defiance of church authority, claims that no Jews died...

Pope to Reinstate Bishop Who Denies Holocaust

Hardliner rejected Vatican reforms for being too tolerant of other faiths

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI is planning to welcome four rebel bishops excommunicated by his predecessor back to the Catholic Church, reports the Times of London. The ultra-conservative bishops reject the liberal reforms of the Second Vatican Council. One of them, Richard Williamson, openly endorses the anti-semitic tract Protocols of the Elders ...

Fake Holocaust Memoir May See Light as Novel

Henry Rosenblatt working to find outlet for disgraced story

(Newser) - Herman Rosenblat’s Holocaust memoir was exposed as fake, but that doesn’t mean no one can profit off it: A small New York press is considering publishing the work as fiction, Gawker reports. Rosenblat, who even fooled Oprah a la James Frey, spun a touching but debunked story about...

Publisher Yanks Kid Spinoff of Holocaust Fake

Refunds offered for picture book based on hoax love story

(Newser) - Publishers are now pulling a picture book inspired by a Holocaust love story revealed to be a fake, Publishers Weekly reports. Lerner Publishing has announced it will cancel reprints of Angel Girl and offer refunds for returned copies. Herman Rosenblat's memoir Angel on the Fence was canceled by another publisher...

How to Write a Hollywood Holocaust Film
How to Write a Hollywood Holocaust Film

How to Write a Hollywood Holocaust Film

(Newser) - New Holocaust movies arrive in time for the holidays and Academy voters every year, "but maybe new isn't quite the right word," writes Ben Crair, who sees five basic Holocaust plots. He lists them in Slate: 
  • Nice German: From Schindler's List (1993) to this year's Valkyrie,

US to Honor Nazis' Secret Soldier Slaves

350 survivors vowed to keep abuses secret

(Newser) - After 64 years, the US Army will finally honor 350 American soldiers who were tortured and enslaved during the Holocaust's final months, CNN reports. The Nazis beat, starved and forced the war prisoners to work in a section of the Buchenwald  concentration camp. Some 100 of them died, and survivors...

Publisher Cancels 'Fake' Holocaust Memoir

Rosenblat ordered to return payment

(Newser) - A publisher has canceled a Holocaust memoir attacked by experts as a fake, reports Publishers Weekly. Angel at the Fence, which was promoted by Oprah Winfrey, purported to tell the story of Holocaust survivor Henry Rosenblat, who claimed he was saved by food tossed over a concentration camp fence by...

Winslet on Reader Role: It's 'Blown My Mind'

(Newser) - Even for a seasoned actress like Kate Winslet, the role of Nazi guard Hannah Schmitz in The Reader was a game-changer, writes Brad Balfour in the Huffington Post. “I sort of walked away like some car crash victim who somehow hadn't been hurt on the outside,” Winslet said....

Ahmadinejad: Jesus Is On Our Side
Jesus Is On
Our Side

Ahmadinejad: Jesus Is On Our Side

British TV will air Christmas address from Iran's leader

(Newser) - Iran's ever-controversial president will deliver a Christmas address on British television tomorrow in which he will argue that if Jesus were alive today, he would "fight against the tyrannical policies of prevailing global economic and political systems, as he did in his lifetime." Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's address is billed...

Oprah-Endorsed Holocaust Memoir Attacked as Fake

Experts say author's Buchenwald love story couldn't have happened

(Newser) - The Oprah-hyped author of an amazing memoir of love and Holocaust survival is being labeled the latest publishing fake by some researchers, the New Republic reports. Herman Rosenblat tells a poignant story of how a young girl saved him when he was a child prisoner at Buchenwald by giving him...

Fight Over Holocaust Victims' Assets Rocks Israel

Mission to trace assets of murdered Jews facing resistance from Israeli government, businesses

(Newser) - The quest to return assets of Holocaust victims to their heirs, instigated by the Israeli parliament, is now focusing on Israel itself, the Wall Street Journal reports, and it's meeting as much resistance at home as it did in Europe. Many European Jews invested in what was then Palestine during...

Ohio Autoworker Faces Nazi War Crimes Trial

Nazi hunter seeks extradition of 88-year-old accused of wartime atrocities

(Newser) - Germany's top Nazi hunter is seeking the extradition of a retired Ohio autoworker accused of war crimes, the Times of London reports. The investigator says he finally has conclusive evidence that Ukrainian-born former SS trooper John Demjanjuk, 88, was the man know as Ivan the Terrible, responsible for the deaths...

GOP Email Compares Obama to Nazis

Message to 75,000 Jews unauthorized, Pa. party says

(Newser) - The Pennsylvania GOP has disavowed an email that went out last week to 75,000 Jewish voters comparing a vote for Barack Obama to support for the Third Reich. The message, sent out by a consultant charged with securing the Jewish vote, warns that "Jewish Americans cannot afford to...

Kristallnacht Remnants Found Near Berlin

Journalist uncovers wreckage dumped after Nazi assault on Jews in Nov. 1938

(Newser) - Weeks before Jews mark the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht, wreckage from the Nazi pogrom against Jews across Germany and Austria has been uncovered. Acting on a tip from a local, an Israeli journalist bills as a “historic discovery” a dump site the size of four football fields near Berlin....

'Hitler's Pope' Closer to Sainthood

Benedict XVI prepares to beatify controversial Pius XII

(Newser) - The most controversial pope of modern times may soon be a step closer to sainthood, reports Der Spiegel. Pius XII—known by many as "Hitler's Pope" because of his lack of action during the Holocaust or criticism of the Nazis—is about to be beatified, despite decades of dispute....

Iran's President Has No Problem With Israelis...

...but Ahmadinejad adds that Israel is illegitimate

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday that he harbors no hostility to Israelis themselves even as he refuses to recognize Israel as a legitimate state, the New York Times reports. "We have no problem with people and nations,” said the Iranian president, whose comments caused at least some analysts to...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>