gun control

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Ammo Supply Can't Keep Up With Demand

Fearing tighter laws under Obama, 12B rounds fly off shelves

(Newser) - Crime is down, gun control is on Obama's back burner, and Americans are buying more ammunition than factories can produce. While there are economic reasons—supply is off as the war effort eats up necessary materials—Americans have still managed to buy 12 billion rounds in the past year, up...

Gun Nuts Firing Blanks in Power Play

Depleted GOP no "paper tiger — it’s a paper muskrat"

(Newser) - Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn has some gall. The fact that he can defend gun nuts calling for blood to "water the tree of liberty" after terrorist Timothy McVeigh wore the same Thomas Jefferson quote on his shirt in the Oklahoma City bombing infuriates New York Times columnist Frank Rich....

NRA Shouldn't Tolerate Gun-Toting Protesters
NRA Shouldn't Tolerate Gun-Toting Protesters

NRA Shouldn't Tolerate Gun-Toting Protesters

It's just not a safe way to use a firearm

(Newser) - If the National Rifle Association is really, to quote its website “dedicated to the lawful, effective, responsible, and above all safe use of firearms,” then it should loudly discourage people from carrying those firearms to political rallies, writes Stephen Stromberg of the Washington Post. Politics aside, it’s...

DC Delegate: Ban Guns Near Obama
DC Delegate:
Ban Guns
Near Obama

DC Delegate: Ban Guns Near Obama

Says pistol-packers too close; Secret Service says not an issue

(Newser) - Washington DC's congressional delegate is watching gun-toting protesters outside venues where Barack Obama speaks, and she's not gonna take it anymore, reports The Hill. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton—whose constituency last year had its handgun ban tossed by the Supreme Court—wants guns banned in the president's vicinity, and is...

Anti-US Gov't Militias Are Awakening

(Newser) - Anti-government militia groups largely dormant during the Bush years are making a comeback and dozens of new ones are sprouting up, AP reports. Such groups, fueled by the poor economy and distrust of the Obama administration, are poised to grow rapidly, according to a report from the Southern Poverty Law...

Firefighters Drop In on Sotomayor
 Drop In on 

Firefighters Drop In on Sotomayor

(Newser) - The New Haven Fire Department arrived in uniform on Capitol Hill today to watch the third day of Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings, the New York Times reports. So far talk has swirled around abortion, with Sotomayor refuting reports that the Obama administration had given her a “litmus test”...

GOP to Target Sotomayor With Gun Questions

Ruling in favor of gun control laws could rankle red state Dems

(Newser) - Republicans, who've failed to get traction in opposing Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court, finally think they have an issue that might stick: gun control. When the high court struck down Washington’s tough gun control laws as unconstitutional, many wondered if the ruling applied to state laws as...

Meghan McCain: Don't Politicize, Take My Guns
Meghan McCain: Don't Politicize, Take My Guns

Meghan McCain: Don't Politicize, Take My Guns

2nd Amendment 'one issue where I’m red through-and-through'

(Newser) - She supports gay marriage and thinks the Republican Party is out of touch, but on guns, Meghan McCain is “red through-and-through,” she writes in the Daily Beast: “The right to bear arms, and specifically the idea of it being taken away from me, is one of my...

Forget the Flu: Guns Cause Far More Deaths
Forget the Flu: Guns Cause Far More Deaths

Forget the Flu: Guns Cause Far More Deaths

As Americans load up on Tamiflu, shootings draw little notice

(Newser) - In the US and Mexico, a plague much more widespread than swine flu continues to pick off its victims, regardless of age, health, or hometown. "While federal and state authorities are preoccupied with preventing a swine flu pandemic from overwhelming the United States, the epidemic of gun violence rages...

Today's Hot Investment: Guns
 Today's Hot Investment: Guns 

Today's Hot Investment: Guns

or: Fearing New Laws, Buyers Stock Up on Guns

(Newser) - Guns sales are booming as buyers, fearing an Obama administration crackdown on the sale of assault weapons, are looking to safeguard their homes—and their retirement, reports the Wall Street Journal. Some gun enthusiasts see semiautomatic weapons as a smart investment that’s sure to gain value if new restrictions...

Mexican Cartels Have Little Trouble Getting US Guns

Lax laws, difficult tracing system make smuggling easy

(Newser) - Thanks to lax gun laws that vary from state to state, smugglers providing arms to Mexican drug cartels can move vast quantities of weapons over the border for years without sparking suspicion. The subject may come up when President Obama visits Mexico tomorrow, but the political will to change US ...

Shootings Fail to Ignite Gun Control Efforts

Poll shows support for handgun ban at its lowest level ever

(Newser) - The recent spate of mass shooting has done little to inspire gun control efforts despite the fact that almost all the shooters held licenses, the AP reports. Lawmakers—including Democrats—say there is no appetite for a divisive fight over guns when the country is in economic crisis. Recent efforts...

NRA Wins a Round on Gun Control
NRA Wins
a Round on
Gun Control

NRA Wins a Round on Gun Control

Holder backs off on assault-rifle ban despite Mexico pleas

(Newser) - Attorney General Eric Holder has backed off calls to once again ban assault weapons after a strong blowback from the gun lobby, Newsweek reports. Mexico is pressuring the US to reinstate such a ban, since US assault rifles make up 90% of drug-cartel arsenals. But when Holder floated the idea...

Gillibrand Moves Twin Rifles From Under Her Bed

'Security' prompts senator to relocate guns after reports

(Newser) - After admitting in an interview that she and her husband kept a pair of rifles under her bed—to protect their upstate home—New York's new senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, has moved the weapons, Newsday reports. “Given that the location of the guns has been disclosed, they have been moved...

Gillibrand Too Gun-Happy for NY, Rival Says

Long Island Rep. McCarthy threatens challenge in 2010

(Newser) - Citing her support of guns, Long Island Rep. Carolyn McCarthy is threatening a 2010 primary challenge to reported Senate appointee Kirsten Gillibrand, Newsday reports. McCarthy, a gun-control advocate, lost her husband in a 1993 shooting spree. “I’m not going to let New York state get represented by someone...

Obama Blocks Bush 'Midnight Orders'
Obama Blocks
Bush 'Midnight Orders'

Obama Blocks Bush 'Midnight Orders'

Weapons, anti-abortion regulations halted

(Newser) - One of President Barack Obama's first acts from the Oval Office was to block the last orders of his predecessor executed in his final days of power, Reuters reports. The White House sent a memo to every federal agency yesterday putting a stop to dozens of so-called "midnight regulations"...

Guns OK'd in National Parks
 Guns OK'd in National Parks 

Guns OK'd in National Parks

Campers will be allowed to pack heat in all but 3 of America's national parks

(Newser) - Visitors will be allowed to carry concealed and loaded weapons in all but three of America's 391 national parks under a new Bush administration policy, the Washington Times reports. The move, widely seen as a parting gift to the NRA from the president, reverses a 25-year-old Interior Department policy and...

Score Card on Late White House Rules Changes

Bush administration pushes through midnight regulations

(Newser) - With the  Bush White House pushing through a raft of last-minute rules, the nonprofit journalism group ProPublica offers a running list, with the status of each:
  • Business-friendly safety regulations would loosen restrictions on exposure to toxic chemicals in the workplace.
  • Local police would get increased surveillance ability.
  • Loaded guns would

White Obama Support Defies Doubters
 White Obama Support 
 Defies Doubters 


White Obama Support Defies Doubters

44% of white voters swing to Obama

(Newser) - A minority of white voters—44%—are now supporting Barack Obama, but he trails by less than previous Democratic presidential candidates, reports the New York Times, including Bill Clinton. Both the impact of racial attitudes and the proportion of white voters in the electorate have diminished, analysts say. In a...

Finnish Shooter Also Burned His Victims, Mainly Women

'He really went out with the intention of killing,' official says

(Newser) - Eight of the 10 victims in yesterday's shooting at a Finnish catering and tourism college were women, but it may take investigators weeks to identify the bodies—which Matti Saari charred with gasoline bombs after shooting, the Times of London reports. A college official described Saari as a “silent...

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