gun control

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Right to Bear Arms Secure, Gun Lobby Goes to Extremes

It's pushing for unnecessarily dangerous measures: Adam Cohen

(Newser) - Bravo to the federal court that blocked a Florida law restricting a doctor’s right to ask patients whether they own guns, writes Adam Cohen in Time . The court’s move wasn't just a free-speech victory: It was a "rare setback" for gun-rights advocates who, these days, "...

Gun Rights Debate Shifts to California

Bill on governor's desk would make it illegal to openly carry firearms

(Newser) - The gun-control debate faces a California test: A bill on Gov. Jerry Brown's desk would make it illegal for residents to openly carry a gun. If Brown signs it, California would be the first state since 1987 to ban the practice, notes the Los Angeles Times . Brown is a...

Downside to Pistol-Packing: Man Shoots Own Penis

Gun tucked into his waistband accidentally discharges

(Newser) - Here's one more argument for stricter gun control: A pistol-packer can shoot his own penis. A Phoenix shopper found that out the extremely painful way when he tucked his girlfriend's pink pistol into his waistband and it accidentally discharged in a grocery store parking lot—sending a bullet...

Obama Orders Gun Dealers to Report Multiple Rifle Sales

Order covers border states

(Newser) - The Obama administration is ordering gun dealers in southwestern border states to report the sale of multiple semiautomatic weapons to federal authorities, in a bid to stem the flow of weapons to Mexican drug gangs. The new regulation will require the roughly 8,500 dealers in California, Arizona, New Mexico,...

Arizona Senator Aims Loaded Pink Gun at Reporter

Lori Klein later claims he stepped in front of laser sight

(Newser) - Arizona state Sen. Lori Klein has been taking some heat after pointing a loaded gun at a reporter with the safety off. The incident was related in a Sunday Arizona Republic article about Klein’s decision to carry a gun onto the Senate floor in the aftermath of the Gabrielle...

Wisconsin Passes Concealed Gun Law

Illinois to become only state banning concealed weapons

(Newser) - Wisconsin is about to become the 49th state to allow residents to carry concealed weapons in public. The law, which will require permit holders to undergo background checks and training, passed the state's Republic-controlled assembly and is about to be signed by Gov. Scott Walker, reports the Milwaukee Journal ...

70% of Guns Seized in Mexico Come From US

Numbers are actually down from 2009

(Newser) - A whopping 70% of guns seized in Mexico in 2009 and 2010 came from the United States, according to figures from the ATF. Of the 29,284 firearms recovered by authorities during that time, 15,131 were made in the US and another 5,373 were foreign guns that moved...

247 on Terror Watch List Bought Guns in 2010

They passed the background check and everything

(Newser) - Guns were legally sold to 247 people on the government's terror watch list last year—and that's after all of them passed a background check, according to FBI figures. That's because it's not illegal to sell guns to people on the terror watch list, the AP...

Fla. to Ban Doctors From Asking About Guns

'Docs vs Glocks' bill passes state senate

(Newser) - Doctors in Florida will be restricted from asking patients about gun ownership under a bill headed for Gov. Rick Scott's desk. The so-called "Docs versus Glocks" bill passed by the state Senate yesterday was introduced after a woman complained that her pediatrician told her to find another doctor...

Guns Now Allowed on Arizona Campuses

But bill was watered down to keep guns out of university buildings

(Newser) - Arizona's House yesterday approved a bill allowing people to have guns while walking or driving through state university and community college campuses, sending the measure to Jan Brewer for her signature. The Senate had already passed the controversial bill, but not before watering it down a bit, changing it to...

Sarah Brady: 30 Years After Reagan Shooting, It's Still Too Easy to Get Guns
 30 Years Later, Guns 
 Are Still Too Easy to Get 
Sarah Brady

30 Years Later, Guns Are Still Too Easy to Get

Sarah Brady: On anniversary of Reagan shooting, she holds out hope

(Newser) - Thirty years after John Hinckley fired a bullet into her husband's brain in an attempt to kill Ronald Reagan, Sarah Brady can't understand why gun reform is still so hard to pass. In her Washington Post op-ed, she criticizes Republicans in particular, especially those who claim to revere Reagan but...

NRA Refuses White House Meeting on Gun Rules

Democrats are out to kill Second Amendment, says group

(Newser) - The Obama administration is trying to bring together both sides in the debate over gun control for a series of meetings, but the NRA sees it as a waste of time. “Why should I or the NRA go sit down with a group of people that have spent a...

President Barack Obama on Gun Control: It's Time for the American People to Find Common Ground
 It's Time to 
 Come Together 
 on Gun Control 
Barack Obama

It's Time to Come Together on Gun Control

Obama has faith the American people can find common ground

(Newser) - In the months since the Tucson shootings, 2,405 people have been shot dead , a fact President Obama laments in the Arizona Daily Star . How, he writes, was “a man our Army rejected as unfit for service; a man one of our colleges deemed too unstable for studies; a...

Swiss Reservists May Have to Give Up Guns

Referendum would change tradition of keeping weapons at home

(Newser) - Switzerland's gun laws are closer to America's than those of most other European countries, but a referendum this weekend may curb the centuries-old tradition of armed households. Most Swiss males under 50 are military reservists and usually take their military-issue rifles home with them, but the initiative being voted on...

Even After People Lose Gun Rights, Guns Remain

Loophole in taking firearms from those who've lost privilege

(Newser) - Roy Perez shot his mother, a neighbor, and a 4-year-old girl one day with a gun he never should have had—yet bought quite legally. The New York Times takes a look at another loophole in the nation's gun laws, one that fails to take guns away from people who've...

Texas Bill Would Put Guns on Campus

Seven other states pursuing similar legislation

(Newser) - Will arming students prevent school shootings? A group of Texas Republicans think so—they’re pushing a bill that would remove college campuses from the list of gun-free zones, NPR reports. “Right now, so-called gun-free zones, I think, ought to be renamed Victims Zones,” one state senator says....

US Gun Laws Hand AK-47s to Mexican Drug Lords

Loophole lets Romanian assault weapons into the country

(Newser) - It’s supposedly illegal to import semiautomatic weapons that don’t have a “sporting purpose” into the US. Yet Mexican drug cartels are buying hundreds of Romanian AK-47s legally here in the US of A, a Center for Public Integrity investigation finds. Mexico’s strict gun control laws have...

Palin Still Urging Backers to 'Reload'

She's still shooting from the lip, insists spokeswoman

(Newser) - Not so fast, pardner. Sarah Palin is not backing off on her admonition to Tea Partiers to "reload" as they take on political battles—even though she came in for a fusillade of criticism for her word choice after the attack on Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Instead of urging...

Nebraska Politician Promotes Arming Teachers

Schools should set own gun policies, state senator argues

(Newser) - Nebraska schools would be safer places if teachers were allowed to carry concealed weapons, claims a state politician. State Sen. Mark Christensen has introduced legislation in the wake of this month's Omaha school shooting that would allow school districts to set their own gun policy subject to a vote from...

Don't Expect Any Gun Control Bills to Pass: Lawmakers

NRA not expecting a fight, say advocates

(Newser) - The Tucson shooting has prompted the drafting of a number of gun-control bills—but lawmakers don’t expect any major legislation to pass. In fact, insiders said, Congress is looking less likely than ever to step up regulation, reports New York Times , which notes that many members of Congress own...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>