gun control

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Gun-Control Plan? That Got Shelved

Proposal could fortify FBI background-check system

(Newser) - The Justice Department developed a new gun-control initiative after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting last year but shelved it in the heat of a presidential election campaign, the New York Times reports. Whether President Obama will revive it in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting is unknown. But the basic...

&#39;Gun Rights&#39; Advocates May Be Winning War of Words
Rhetoric Shifts From 'Gun Control' to 'Gun Rights'
nate silver

Rhetoric Shifts From 'Gun Control' to 'Gun Rights'

Nate Silver: Change in semantics seems to be helping the gun lobby

(Newser) - Nate Silver applies his number-crunching ways to the debate over guns and finds that opponents of stricter laws might be winning with the help of semantics. His analysis of newspaper articles finds that the phrase "gun control" is being used much less than it was in the 1980s and...

Obama Weekly Address: Time for Solidarity

Repeats call for 'meaningful action'

(Newser) - President Obama devoted his weekly radio address today to the Connecticut school shooting , asking Americans to pray for the victims and their families. "Most of those who died were just young children with their whole lives ahead of them," he said, echoing yesterday's news conference . "And...

Huckabee: Gun Laws Wouldn&#39;t Help
Gun Laws
Wouldn't Help

Huckabee: Gun Laws Wouldn't Help

Democrat McCarthy says 'gloves are off' on legislation

(Newser) - The debate on gun laws is already under way in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting :
  • Mike Huckabee: "People want to pass new laws ... but this is a heart issue," he said on Fox News. "Laws don't change this kind of thing." He added:

Bob Costas Was Right About Gun Control
Bob Costas Was Right
About Gun Control

Bob Costas Was Right About Gun Control

'Pathologies' of gun violence, domestic violence need addressing

(Newser) - Bob Costas has been heavily criticized for responding to Jovan Belcher's murder-suicide with a call for better gun control during halftime of Sunday's Eagles-Cowboys game. But in a culture awash in gun violence, Costas was clearly in the right, writes Amy Davidson in the New Yorker . She debunks...

Costas&#39; Gun Control Call Stirs Hornet Nest

 Costas' Gun  
 Control Call  
 Stirs Hornet Nest 

Costas' Gun Control Call Stirs Hornet Nest

Halftime speech draws fierce criticism

(Newser) - Bob Costas' response to Jovan Belcher's murder-suicide ruffled a lot of feathers yesterday. Costas used his commentary segment during halftime of yesterday's Cowboys-Eagles game to call for increased gun control, quoting extensively from a column from Kansas City native and Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock. "Our current...

One Debate Obama and Romney Will Never Have
The One Debate We Won't Hear: Gun Control
Gail Collins

The One Debate We Won't Hear: Gun Control

Obama, Romney want to avoid this hot potato: Gail Collins

(Newser) - Benghazi? Check. Unemployment? Check. Health care? Well, of course. Yet despite the 43 multiple shootings in America over the last year, Mitt Romney and President Obama simply aren't debating gun control in the 2012 election, writes Gail Collins at the New York Times . She gives "a cheer" for...

Aurora Survivor to Voters: 'Demand a Gun Control Plan'

Puts issue on the table for debates

(Newser) - A survivor of the Aurora movie theater shootings is taking his case against gun violence to the people: In a new ad for a gun control group founded by Michael Bloomberg, Stephen Barton urges voters to "demand a plan" from the presidential candidates. It's airing on local TV...

Bloomberg Fighting to Counter Gun Lobby

Lawmakers need to lose fear of NRA, he says

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg has stepped up his calls for tighter gun laws in the wake of last month's Colorado massacre, but to his frustration, not many people seem to be listening—especially not President Obama and Mitt Romney. The argument that gun carnage can be stopped with existing laws—as...

Dems Unveil Bill That Would Ban Online Ammo Sales

Bill would require a photo ID to buy ammo

(Newser) - A pair of Democrats say they plan to introduce a bill that would effectively ban online ammunition sales by requiring buyers to show a photo ID when buying ammo, the LA Times reports. "It's one thing to buy a pair of shoes online, but it should take more...

Harry Reid: We Don't Have Time for Gun Control

Meanwhile, lawmakers decide to punt on budget

(Newser) - Don't expect Congress to tackle gun control in the wake of the Aurora shooting; Harry Reid told reporters today that the Senate's schedule was simply too packed to take on the issue, according to the AP . Reid said he agreed with President Obama's remarks last night, but...

Bloomberg Endorses Scott Brown

NYC mayor hosting fundraiser for Mass. senator

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg holds a number of left-leaning views, but technically the New York City mayor is a political independent—and he’s definitely leaning to the right when it comes to the Massachusetts Senate race. Politico reports that Bloomberg is hosting an Aug. 15 fundraiser for incumbent Scott Brown, who...

Carrying Guns Everywhere Won&#39;t Protect Us
Carrying Guns Everywhere Won't Protect Us

Carrying Guns Everywhere Won't Protect Us

It's time for a ban on semiautomatic weapons: Andrew Jensen

(Newser) - Andrew Jensen joined the military after students from nearby Columbine High transferred to his Littleton, Colo., school after the 1999 massacre. At the time, he wanted to help protect his family and friends. Yet he wasn’t in Aurora, Colo.—where his dad and brother now live—when James...

Obama: AK-47s Are for Soldiers, Not Crooks

President delves deeper into issue after 'Dark Knight' massacre

(Newser) - In the wake of the Aurora shootings , President Obama yesterday went further into the issue of gun control than he ever has, Politico reports. Speaking in New Orleans, Obama promised there would be a national conversation on the issue. Specifically, he declared support for background checks on gun buyers and...

Colorado Gun Sales Way Up After Dark Knight Shooting

Background checks for permits up more than 41%

(Newser) - The Dark Knight massacre at an Aurora theater has had an "insane" effect on gun sales in Colorado, says an employee of one gun store, where 15 to 20 people were waiting outside when it opened Friday morning after the shooting. Background checks for people attempting to purchase firearms...

Romney: New Gun Laws Wouldn't Matter

But he backed assault weapons ban as governor

(Newser) - Here's Mitt Romney's assessment of the Dark Knight massacre that claimed 12 lives: Different gun laws would not have made any difference. Even though the candidate has supported stricter gun controls in the past, he said on CNBC yesterday : "I still believe that the Second Amendment is...

Jason Alexander Stirs the Pot on Gun Rights

Offers lengthy post on 2nd Amendment

(Newser) - George Costanza's political stature just keeps growing. Former Seinfeld actor Jason Alexander has taken to Twitter to voice his stance on gun control, noting that the weapon on the Dark Knight massacre was "a military weapon. Why should it be in non-mil hands?" After that prompted online debate,...

Obama Won't Push New Gun Laws

Romney banned assault rifle in question in Massachusetts

(Newser) - The Dark Knight shooting certainly has people talking about gun control again. The AP and New York Times are both running reports on the largely unregulated nature of Internet gun sales; James Holmes was able to order 3,000 rounds of assault rifle ammunition and 3,000 rounds of handgun...

Cue the Debate on Gun Control
 Cue the Debate on Gun Control 

Cue the Debate on Gun Control

Colorado massacre dominates Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - The Dark Knight massacre ripped through the Sunday talk shows today, echoing the resurgent national conversation about gun control in the wake of the tragedy. The players and their thoughts, as per Politico :
  • Colo. Gov. John Hickenlooper : “This guy is a terrorist. He wasn’t a terrorist in the

Colorado Gun Laws Still Lax 13 Years After Columbine

Skeptics don't expect much to change after nearby Aurora massacre

(Newser) - Thirteen years after the Columbine High School shootings, gun laws remain little-different in Colorado, reports the New York Times , as James Holmes over the past two months was able to legally buy an assault rifle, a shotgun, and two handguns. Colorado has enacted a few minor restrictions on guns since...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>