
Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

Broad-Faced Guys Are Better at Baseball

 Guys Are Better 
 at Baseball 
Study Says

Broad-Faced Guys Are Better at Baseball

Japanese study finds correlation between face size, home run totals

(Newser) - If baseball players actually looked like their bobbleheads, they'd be amazing. Or at least, that's what a new study suggests. Researchers at Goldsmiths, University of London studied the facial dimensions of all Japanese players to log more than 10 games over the past two seasons, and found that...

Not Having Kids Might Kill You
 Not Having Kids 
 Might Kill You 
study says

Not Having Kids Might Kill You

Being childless increases risk of premature death, researchers say

(Newser) - You might swear that your kids are taking years off your life, but a new study suggests they're actually doing the opposite. Parents are a lot less likely to die a premature death than people who don't have kids, a team of Danish researchers has concluded. Childless men...

Is Facebook Better Than Sex?
 Is Facebook Better Than Sex? 
new study wonders

Is Facebook Better Than Sex?

Not tonight, dear, I have to check my computer

(Newser) - It might not be better than sex, but Facebook—along with checking email and surfing the web—is apparently more irresistible, a new study has found. The smartphone-based survey of mostly college-aged respondents tracked their most irresistible desires several times a day. While most reported that sex was a stronger...

Beluga Whale Tells Diver: Get 'Out'

A whale's song sounds eerily human, study says

(Newser) - It could be the muffled sound of singing in the shower or that sing-songy indecipherable voice from the Muppets' Swedish Chef. But scientists say it was a whale imitating people. In fact, the whale song sounded so eerily human that divers initially mistook it for a human voice. In a...

Five-Second Rule Pretty Much Bogus

 Five-Second Rule 
 Pretty Much Bogus 
Study Says

Five-Second Rule Pretty Much Bogus

Study indicates that germs are faster than that

(Newser) - If you were laboring under the delusion that the "five-second rule" had any basis in scientific fact, well, keep dreaming. Germs latch onto food a lot faster than that, according to a new San Diego State University study co-funded by the cleanly folks at Clorox. Researchers dropped baby carrots...

&#39;Awe Therapy&#39; Can Ease Our Hurried Minds
 'Awe Therapy' 
 Can Ease Our 
 Hurried Minds 
study says

'Awe Therapy' Can Ease Our Hurried Minds

The Northern Lights or Grand Canyon can 'make us nicer'

(Newser) - Awwwesome. Say it enough, and your health improves—at least according to those who believe in "awe therapy." Researchers at Stanford University say that people who have "awesome" experiences, like seeing the Grand Canyon or the Northern Lights, get fixed on the present moment and feel time...

First Americans Arrived Via Land Bridge in 3 Waves
First Americans Arrived Via Land Bridge in 3 Waves

First Americans Arrived Via Land Bridge in 3 Waves

But those waves may have intermingled

(Newser) - The Americas weren't initially populated in one sweeping migration across the land bridge from Siberia, but in three distinct waves, according to a new DNA study. By comparing genetic markers on 52 modern day Native American populations and 17 Siberian ones, they've concluded that while the Americas were...

What Makes Music Scary?
 What Makes Music Scary? 

What Makes Music Scary?

An evolutionary biologist thinks it's nonlinear noises

(Newser) - Why exactly does the Jaws theme send a chill down our spine? What makes Darth Vader's entrance music so unsettling? In short, why does certain music freak us out? Evolutionary biologist Daniel Blumstein thinks he has the answer. Blumstein hit on the idea while observing baby marmots, who would...

It&#39;s Never Too Late to Quit Smoking
 It's Never Too Late 
 to Quit Smoking 
new study

It's Never Too Late to Quit Smoking

Even those over 60 saw risk of death reduced

(Newser) - If you're a decades-long smoker who has ever thought, "Well, no use quitting after all this time, the damage has been done," a new study is here to tell you you're wrong. Experts from the Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany, examined 17 smoking studies covering...

Men Have More Bacteria in Their Offices: Study

Though it could just be because they're bigger

(Newser) - If you're a guy, chances are your office is swarming with microbial coworkers. OK, it's actually probably true for women as well, but a new study has found that on average, men have 10% to 20% more bacteria in their offices, the New York Times reports. "It...

Buying Organic: Turns You Into a Big Jerk

 Buying Organic 
 Turns You Into 
 a Jerk 
study says

Buying Organic Turns You Into a Jerk

Organic food lovers feel too good about themselves: study

(Newser) - Ever encountered a snotty attitude at an organic food stand? It makes sense psychologically, according to a new study that analyzed how people reacted after looking at different kinds of foods, MSNBC reports. "There's something about being exposed to organic food that made them feel better about themselves,...

Key to Weight Loss: Stop Eating at Night

Study suggests nighttime fasting is effective

(Newser) - Want to lose weight, but can't bear to give up french fries? Well, there might be a "diet" of sorts that lets you indulge—provided you do it early. A new study has found that eating early, and then fasting at night, could be a powerful weight-loss strategy,...

Left Side of Your Face Looks a Lot Better

 Left Side of Your 
 Face Looks a 
 Lot Better 
in case you missed it

Left Side of Your Face Looks a Lot Better

Someone aiming an iPhone at you? Turn to your right, study says

(Newser) - Your left profile is the hot one, apparently. Researchers at Wake Forest University devoted time to the issue by asking 37 college students to rate 20 faces in photos, and found they preferred those showing their left sides, Huffington Post reports. "Our results suggest that posers' left cheeks tend...

Which Country Believes in God Most?

The Philippines, but the US is high on the list

(Newser) - If religion were a contest, the Philippines would be winning. A whopping 94% of people in the Philippines believe in God, making it the most faithful country on the planet, or at least, among the 30 countries included in a new University of Chicago study. But almost all the nations...

Living Together No Longer Jinxes Marriage

Also: Half of first marriages end in divorce

(Newser) - Living together before getting hitched no longer spells doom for married couples, says a new government study. In the late '60s, a mere 10% of American couples shared a place before marriage, and their divorce rates were higher, writes AP . Now, around 60% of couples move in together before...

Study Finds Arsenic in Baby Formula, Cereal Bars

Organic brown rice syrup appears to be the common link

(Newser) - A new study has found troubling levels of a kind of arsenic known to cause cancer in infant formulas and cereal bars that contain organic brown rice syrup. Arsenic is often found in rice, because rice absorbs the toxin from the soil, the LA Times explains. The study tested 17...

Malaria Kills Twice as Many as We Thought: Study

Health officials have been undercounting adult victims, researchers argue

(Newser) - Health officials have been vastly underestimating the number of people who die of malaria every year, because they've largely ignored its adult victims, according to a new report published in the Lancet . The actual death toll for 2010, according to its estimate, was 1.24 million, nearly twice the...

Stradivarius Violin's Powers Just a Musical Myth
Stradivarius' Powers
Just a Musical Myth
Study says

Stradivarius' Powers Just a Musical Myth

Researchers show that even pro musicians can't tell the difference

(Newser) - They’re famed far and wide as the finest violins on the planet (one recently sold for $16 million) , but do Stradivarius violins actually sound better? A study suggests they don’t, NPR reports. Researchers assembled a group of six violins—two Stradivariuses, a Guarneri, and three modern violins—and...

Biblical Angels Were Just 'Lucid Dreams': Sleep Study
 Biblical Angels 
 Were Just 
 'Lucid Dreams' 
says sleep study

Biblical Angels Were Just 'Lucid Dreams'

Most dreamers in study had Elijah-like experience

(Newser) - What if Biblical characters who saw angels were all simply dreaming? Researchers in Los Angeles tested that theory by asking participants to re-enact the experience of Elijah, the prophet who was awakened by an angel carrying much-needed bread and water. Following instructions, volunteers at the Out-of-Body Experience Research Center tried...

'Here and Now' Personality Trait Makes Drunks Meaner: Study

 Character Trait 
 Makes for a 
 Mean Drunk 
study says

Character Trait Makes for a Mean Drunk

Drunks who focus on the moment likely to get meaner

(Newser) - Ah, Christmas: good cheer, festive dinners, and people who drink enough to say what they really think of you. Clearly some personality types should hold off on that third drink. Scientists recently studied the subject and found that people who focus on the here and now—rather than on repercussions—...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>