United Nations

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UN Pleads for Help Amid 'Devastating' Locust Invasion

Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya all overtaken; UN says locust numbers could grow 500 times by June

(Newser) - Last month, the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization reported on the plague of locusts that had overtaken Somalia and Ethiopia, and now a new East African nation is being beleaguered by the bugs. The FAO says Kenya is also dealing with an "unprecedented" and "devastating" number of...

UN Peacekeepers Fathered Hundreds of Kids in Haiti
UN Peacekeepers 'Drop
a Baby in You' for Money
new study

UN Peacekeepers 'Drop a Baby in You' for Money

New study paints a dark picture of exploitation

(Newser) - A heartbreaking new study links UN peacekeepers to hundreds of children fathered in Haiti and abandoned to struggle in poverty, the New York Times reports. The peacekeepers—from over a dozen countries, but mostly Brazil and Uruguay—often gave food or money in exchange for sex, the study says, and...

Gambia's Big Move Against Myanmar a 'Clear Message'

Nation files case at ICJ to 'stop Myanmar's genocidal conduct' against Rohingya Muslims

(Newser) - Gambia filed a case Monday at the United Nations' highest court accusing Myanmar of genocide in its campaign against its Rohingya Muslim minority and asking the International Court of Justice to urgently order measures "to stop Myanmar's genocidal conduct immediately." Gambia filed the case on behalf of...

UN Chief: We're Almost Out of Money

Antonio Guterres says organization might run out of cash by end of the month

(Newser) - The UN has a serious money problem, says Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. As in, it might run out of it by Halloween. In a letter to UN employees obtained by CBS News , Guterres revealed that the organization is running a deficit of $230 million. As a result, "we run the...

Battered Bahamas Makes Desperate Plea

Prime Minister Hubert Minnis asks world leaders to tackle climate change

(Newser) - As the Bahamas strives to recover from Hurricane Dorian, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis appealed to world leaders Friday to tackle climate change—and encouraged travelers to visit to help the country rebuild, the AP reports. Telling the UN General Assembly the storm was "a generational tragedy" for his country,...

A Selfie, Then the UN Speech
Holds Up
UN Speech

Selfie Holds Up UN Speech

Salvadoran president talks technology after a demonstration

(Newser) - For the 38-year-old president of El Salvador, his first speech to the UN was a big deal. Nayib Bukele's wife, Gabriela, was there to hear it, as was their infant daughter, Layla. So Bukele pulled out his smartphone, asked the world's diplomats to hold on for a second,...

Boris Johnson's Inaugural UN Speech Was a Doozy

'Terrifying limbless chickens,' 'pink-eyed Terminators' covered in dystopian address

(Newser) - If anyone was expecting Boris Johnson to speak substantially on Brexit on Tuesday night in his inaugural United Nations General Assembly speech as prime minister, they would've been disappointed. But Johnson delivered in other ways, just hours after the UK's highest court ruled his suspension of Parliament was...

UN Report: Sea-Level Rise Worse Than We Thought

It could climb 3.6 feet by 2100: IPCC report

(Newser) - The words of Greta Thunberg were still echoing at the UN Climate Action Summit as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its latest report, describing evidence of climate change from one pole to the other, in ocean depths and mountain peaks. If carbon emissions continue to increase, sea level...

UN Summit's Results Disappoint Activists

Nations commit to incremental steps

(Newser) - After being shamed in worldwide protests Friday and Greta Thunberg's speech Monday, the nations of the world ended the UN Climate Summit with, essentially, promises to do better. Referring to "this largely disappointing set of outcomes," the Verge reports, OxFam International said, "We cannot keep pushing...

For Trump, UN Building Is Real Estate Deal That Got Away

'I offered to rebuild it at a tiny fraction of what they were going to build it for'

(Newser) - As President Trump visits the United Nations building in New York this week, he won't be focused only on the global challenges facing the world body—he's still reliving the real estate deal there that got away. More than a decade later, Trump vividly recalls the overtures he...

Afghanistan Civilians See Grim, New Low

July has worst civilian casualties since 2017

(Newser) - July saw the highest number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan in a single month since 2017, the UN mission said Saturday, per the AP . Its preliminary findings indicate more than 1,500 civilians were killed or wounded, mainly due to a spike in casualties from insurgent attacks. It did not...

Ronald Reagan&#39;s Racist Line Now Released
Ronald Reagan's
Racist Line Now

Ronald Reagan's Racist Line Now Released

The then-California governor called Africans at UN 'monkeys' in 1971 call with Nixon

(Newser) - A racist statement made by Ronald Reagan in October 1971 is now grabbing headlines thanks to a piece for the Atlantic written by Tim Naftali, and the words are explosive: "To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they're still uncomfortable wearing shoes!" Reagan...

UN Assesses Toll on Children From Fighting in Yemen

Official calls the suffering 'simply appalling'

(Newser) - More than 7,500 children have been killed or wounded in Yemen in the last 5½ years as a result of airstrikes, shelling, fighting, suicide attacks, mines and other unexploded ordnance, according to a UN report released Friday. The report by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the killings and injuries were...

20% of Asylum Seekers Come From a Single Country

UN calls economic crisis there a 'war of survival'

(Newser) - When Johan Álvarez was unable to provide more than one meal a day for his young family he knew it was time to leave Venezuela. With his wife and infant son, the 25-year-old embarked on a lengthy journey by bus through three nations to reach Peru earlier this year....

Khashoggi Audio, per UN Report: 'We Are Coming to Get You'

Report from special rapporteur says Saudi crown prince should be investigated

(Newser) - Eleven Saudis are on trial in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi . Now, however, a UN human rights expert says those further up the ladder, including Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, should be investigated for the "extrajudicial" killing that Saudi Arabia itself should bear responsibility for. Per the Washington ...

UN Expert: Risk of Nuclear War Is Real, Mostly Ignored

Risk of weapons use at highest in 75 years: Renata Dwan

(Newser) - The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons may have pushed 122 countries to sign the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons treaty, but a top UN security expert says "the risks of nuclear war are particularly high now, and the risks of the use of nuclear weapons … are higher now...

US Threatened to Veto UN Resolution on Sexual Violence

References to sexual health were removed

(Newser) - A United Nations resolution on ending the use of rape as a weapon in war was watered down Tuesday after the US threatened to veto it. References to sexual and reproductive health were dropped because the US felt it implied support for abortion, the BBC reports. The removed passage urged...

From Bad to Worse for 'Butcher of Bosnia'

Radovan Karadzic's sentence for genocide, war crimes increased on appeal

(Newser) - The "Butcher of Bosnia" might be kicking himself over his go at an appeal. UN appeals judges on Wednesday upheld the convictions of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, and increased his sentence from 40 years to life imprisonment, reports the...

UN Environment Report Names Our 2 Most Pressing Problems

Report uses word 'risk' 561 times in 740 pages

(Newser) - Earth is sick with multiple and worsening environmental ills killing millions of people yearly, a new UN report says. Climate change, a global major extinction of animals and plants, a human population soaring toward 10 billion, degraded land, polluted air, and plastics, pesticides, and hormone-changing chemicals in the water are...

Meet Trump's Pick for Next US Ambassador to UN

Kelly Craft had been the US ambassador to Canada

(Newser) - President Trump announced Friday that he has selected Kelly Craft, the US ambassador to Canada, as his nominee to serve as the next US ambassador to the United Nations. Trump said in a pair of tweets that Craft "has done an outstanding job representing our Nation" and he has...

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