United Nations

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Deal Breaks Grain Impasse
Russia, Ukraine Sign Grain Deal

Russia, Ukraine Sign Grain Deal

UN calls wartime agreement unprecedented as Kyiv government expresses doubts

(Newser) - Russia and Ukraine signed separate agreements Friday with Turkey and the United Nations clearing the way for the export of millions of tons of desperately needed Ukrainian grain—as well as some Russian grain and fertilizer—across the Black Sea. The long-sought deal ends a wartime standoff that has threatened...

The Wedding May Save a Family. But the Bride Is 8

Experts warn of child marriage, for some an alternative to starvation, amid catastrophe

(Newser) - Nyekuoth Manyuan dreamed of becoming a doctor. Instead, at 14, she was taken from her village of Kueryiek in South Sudan and wed to a 25-year-old man in exchange for 60 cattle. "I know I'm young," Nyekuoth told CBS News foreign correspondent Debora Patta. "But the...

Vetoes Block US Bid to Add Sanctions for North Korea

China, Russia oppose resolution, the first major UN Security Council split over the issue

(Newser) - A US effort to impose new sanctions on North Korea over its series of intercontinental ballistic missile launches was blocked Thursday in the United Nations. China and Russia vetoed the resolution, making the Security Council vote 13-2. It was the first major split among the five nations with vetoes on...

UN Wanted Affordable Housing, Got a Pop Song Instead

In some corners of the UN, bad ideas have too much room to grow

(Newser) - Officials at a UN agency squandered millions of dollars through a demonstrably poor series of decisions, according to a recent New York Times investigation. It was born of good intentions: to build affordable housing in needy areas around the world, along with renewable energy projects. The project gained legs in...

Mariupol Plant Holds 600 Wounded
Mariupol Plant Holds
600 Wounded

Mariupol Plant Holds 600 Wounded

UN tries to arrange civilian evacuations

(Newser) - Ukrainian forces fought village by village Saturday to hold back a Russian advance through the country's east, while the UN worked to broker a civilian evacuation from the last defensive stronghold in the bombed-out ruins of the port city of Mariupol. An estimated 100,000 civilians remain in the...

Another Day, Another Dire Report on the Planet

Up to 40% of planet's land is now degraded and we need to address it to alleviate climate change

(Newser) - A new report from the United Nations says land degradation is already affecting half of the Earth's population, because there's a whole lot of land involved. According to the UN's second edition of its "Global Land Outlook" analysis, between 20% and 40% of the planet's...

UN Chief Tours Towns Near Kyiv, Says 'War Is Evil'

But Antonio Guterres didn't directly criticize Russia

(Newser) - United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has toured devastated areas outside the Ukrainian capital that were occupied by Russian troops. Speaking to journalists on Thursday at several points, Guterres urged Russia to cooperate with the International Criminal Court, the AP reports. That’s after the bodies of civilians were found in...

Plans Set for World's First Floating City

Construction to begin next year in Busan, South Korea

(Newser) - South Korea's second-largest city will reportedly play host to the world’s first "floating city." The major port city of Busan has partnered with the United Nations' Human Settlements Program and sustainable design startup Oceanix to develop a 15.5-acre floating city made up of three connected...

UN Warns 350K Children Could Die in Drought by June

In Somalia, some 1.4M under age 5 are malnourished

(Newser) - "The situation cannot be more dire," said Adam Abdelmoula , a UN humanitarian official. Unless something is done quickly about the drought in Somalia, Adam Abdelmoula said, "350,000 of the 1.4 million severely malnourished children in the country will perish." The drought is Somalia's...

UN Delivers Rare Rebuke to Russia
UN Delivers Rare 
Rebuke to Russia

UN Delivers Rare Rebuke to Russia

World body suspends nation from Human Rights Council, only the second such penalty ever

(Newser) - The UN General Assembly voted Thursday to suspend Russia from the organization’s leading human rights body over allegations of horrific rights violations by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. The vote was 93-24 with 58 abstentions, and the AP notes that the number of anti-Russia votes was significantly lower than in...

At First Emergency UN Session in Decades, a Vote

141 of 193 member states voted for resolution condemning invasion, calling for withdrawal

(Newser) - Most of the world lined up against Moscow in the United Nations on Wednesday: The UN General Assembly voted to demand that Russia stop its offensive and immediately withdraw all troops from Ukraine, with world powers and tiny island states alike condemning Moscow. The vote was 141 to 5, with...

US Asks 12 Russian Diplomats to Leave

UN ambassador finds explanation inadequate

(Newser) - US officials accused 12 Russian diplomats at the United Nations of "espionage activities" on Monday and asked them to leave the country. The US said the expulsions had been in the works for months, long before Russia invaded Ukraine, CNN reports. But Vassily Nebenzia, Russian ambassador to the UN,...

Russia Casts Veto at UN, but US Isn't Finished

Measure condemning attack on Ukraine could go to full General Assembly next

(Newser) - Russia exercised its veto power Friday to block a UN Security Council resolution condemning the invasion of Ukraine, but US officials say that's not the end of the matter. The veto, granted to the Security Council's five permanent members, was anticipated; 11 nations supported the resolution, while China,...

Russia's UN Ambassador: US Is Egging Ukraine on

Emergency meeting of UN Security Council was held Monday night

(Newser) - Russia’s UN ambassador has accused the United States and its Western allies of egging Ukraine toward “an armed provocation.” Speaking at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Monday night, Vassily Nebenzia accused Ukraine of sharply increasing shelling in residential areas of the separatist Luhansk...

UN: After Taliban Takeover, a Grim Number

Report says 100-plus ex-Afghan, international forces killed since Taliban took over in August

(Newser) - The United Nations has received "credible allegations" that more than 100 former members of the Afghan government, its security forces, and those who worked with international troops have been killed since the Taliban took over the country Aug. 15, according to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. In a report obtained Sunday...

Elon Musk Answers UN Challenge on Hunger Donation

Tesla founder questions whether $6B will solve the problem

(Newser) - Challenged by a United Nations official to donate enough money to help solve world hunger, Elon Musk responded with a challenge of his own. David Beasley, director of the World Food Program, had called on Musk, Jeff Bezos, and others among the world's wealthiest people to make a one-time...

Key Lines From Biden's Speech to UN General Assembly

'We are not seeking a new Cold War'

(Newser) - President Biden used his first address before the UN General Assembly on Tuesday to declare that the world stands at an "inflection point in history" and must move quickly to address the issues of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and human rights abuses. Some highlights, via the AP and...

K-Pop Stars Address UN General Assembly

BTS members spoke at sustainability event

(Newser) - It was a United Nations speech that got attention like few others—a plug for vaccines, young people, and the earth's well-being from superstar K-pop band BTS. Addressing the stage for a sustainability event, the seven-member musical juggernaut appeared before the renowned green-marbled backdrop in the General Assembly hall...

UN Climate Report: 'We Simply Have No More Time to Spare'

Carbon emissions on track to rise 16% by 2030, but they need to fall 45% to curb climate change

(Newser) - A new report shows the world is on a “catastrophic pathway” toward a hotter future unless governments make more ambitious pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the head of the UN said Friday. The UN report, reviewing all the national commitments submitted by signatories of the Paris climate accord...

Taliban Shut Girls Out of Reopening High Schools

Announcement says boys are going back to class but makes no mention of female students

(Newser) - School will resume Saturday in Afghanistan for grades seven through 12, the Taliban announced Friday in a statement. The message of the next sentence was clear: "All male teachers and students should attend their educational institutions." Girls and the women who teach them apparently are left out, making...

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