United Nations

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>

Haitians Starving in Hanna Hell
 Haitians Starving in Hanna Hell

Haitians Starving in Hanna Hell

Survivors stranded on rooftops beyond reach of aid workers

(Newser) - Impoverished Haiti is reeling from the devastation of a series of tropical storms and hurricanes, with refugees starving on rooftops in flood-ravaged areas, reports the Guardian. Faced with washed-out roads and winds too strong for helicopters, UN aide workers are using inflatable boats to reach at least some survivors. The...

Suu Kyi Rejects Food Deliveries, Sparks Rumors of Hunger Strike

Burma leader frustrated with UN, aides say

(Newser) - Myanmar's detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has refused food deliveries to her house for two weeks, prompting speculation that she is on a hunger strike against the government, the AP reports. Supporters say she's grown increasingly frustrated with the UN's failure to intervene in the junta-ruled nation—the...

US-Led Strike Killed 90 Afghan Civilians: UN

Civilians, mostly children, killed

(Newser) - The UN has evidence that a coalition airstrike did indeed kill roughly 90 civilians, most of them children, in Afghanistan last week, Reuters reports. The US has been insisting that only 30 were killed in the strike, most of them Taliban militants, but the UN’s special mission to Afghanistan...

Russia Blocks UN Effort to End Georgia War

Moscow refuses call to withdraw troops to pre-conflict lines

(Newser) - Russia has rejected a draft Security Council resolution seeking to end the violence in Georgia, reports the BBC, by rejecting the UN body's call to return to its pre-conflict positions. Russia, which wants to keep its troops inside South Ossetia, said that the clause contradicts last week's ceasefire. Moscow holds...

US Tells Russia Not to Redraw Borders

Rice takes hard line at NATO meeting on Georgia invasion

(Newser) - Russia’s “strategic objective” won’t be met by its invasion of Georgia, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Moscow today during a NATO gathering, the Guardian reports. “This NATO which has come so far in a Europe that is whole, free, and at peace is not...

As Darfur Starves, Sudan Exports Staples

Exports crops to rich nations, still gets aid

(Newser) - As the UN trucks in food to millions of starving people in Darfur, Sudan is exporting important staple crops to other nations, the New York Times reports. Critics charge the government profits on big agribusiness while receiving more free food in aid than any other nation in the world. But...

Georgia Accuses Russia of Bombing Civilians
Georgia Accuses Russia
of Bombing Civilians

Georgia Accuses Russia of Bombing Civilians

President says his nation is defending against aggressors

(Newser) - Russian troops are targeting civilians in their assault on Georgia, President Mikhail Saakashvili told CNN today. “This is the worst nightmare one can encounter,” he said. “They've been bombing Georgia from numerous warplanes and specifically targeting (the) civilian population, and we have scores of wounded and dead....

Texas Defies UN, Executes Killer

World Court had ordered hearing

(Newser) - A Mexican national convicted of raping and murdering two girls was executed in Texas yesterday in defiance of an international court. Attorneys for Jose Medellin, 33, had argued that authorities violated an international treaty when Medellin was denied access to Mexican consular officials after his arrest, reports the Houston Chronicle....

Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights
Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights

Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights

President rejects deadline for halting uranium enrichment

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected an informal deadline from the UN Security Council to halt its uranium enrichment program, the AP reports. In talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Ahmadinejad refused to cede "a single iota of its nuclear rights" despite threats of more sanctions. Tehran maintains its nuclear program is...

AIDS Infection Rate Steady, But Deaths Decline

Better access to drugs, safe-sex efforts helping, UN report finds

(Newser) - Although global AIDS infection rates have remained constant, deaths from the disease dropped by 10% last year as more patients got access to drugs, the United Nations finds. The UN attributes the drop in deaths—from 2.7 million to 2 million—to better help for HIV-positive mothers, increased condom...

Bush Expands Zimbabwe Sanctions
Bush Expands
Zimbabwe Sanctions 

Bush Expands Zimbabwe Sanctions

Thwarted at UN, president follows EU in trying to clamp down on Mugabe regime

(Newser) - President Bush is expanding US sanctions against Zimbabwe, the New York Times reports, two weeks after Russia and China vetoed his call for UN action. “No regime should ignore the will of its own people and calls from the international community without consequences,” Bush said today.

Sudanese Leader Shows 'Soft' Side in Darfur

Bashir, charged with genocide, holds rally at scene of crimes

(Newser) - Omar al-Bashir, the Sudanese president allegedly behind one of the world's worst campaigns of genocide and rape, traveled to Darfur yesterday to begin an uncharacteristic charm offensive. "We are with you, Darfur!", the president said, as he danced at a rally packed with thousands who appeared to have...

Cambodia, Thailand on Brink of War

Tensions escalate at disputed temple in border region

(Newser) - Cambodia has appealed to the UN to help defuse an "imminent state of war" with Thailand, the Daily Telegraph reports. Some 1,500 troops armed with heavy artillery are in a standoff at an ancient temple in a disputed frontier area. Cambodian officials are accusing Thailand of aggression and...

Serbia Collars Karadzic for War Crimes

Former Bosnian Serb leader faces UN genocide charges

(Newser) - Serbian forces arrested Radovan Karadzic today after hunting the war crimes fugitive for 12 years, the AP reports. The former Bosnian Serb president, collared with other suspected war criminals, will likely be sent to the UN war crimes court in the Hague. The tribunal has indicted him twice, once for...

Ahmadinejad Upbeat Despite Sanction Threats

Deadlocked nuke talks a 'step forward,' insists Iranian prez

(Newser) - After nuclear talks in Geneva ended in a deadlock yesterday, major powers gave Iran a two-week deadline to halt uranium enrichment or face tougher EU and UN sanctions, Reuters reports. But Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today presented an upbeat analysis of the discussions. "Any negotiation that takes place is...

Gene Raises AIDS Risk in Africa
 Gene Raises AIDS Risk in Africa 

Gene Raises AIDS Risk in Africa

Africans 40% more likely to contract HIV

(Newser) - A gene extremely common among Africans but almost unknown other ethnic groups may be rendering people of sub-Saharan Africa more susceptible to HIV and AIDS, the Times of London reports. The gene variant—common because it provides malaria protection—makes carriers 40% more likely to contract HIV and could be...

So-Called 'New Powers' Are Acting Spineless
So-Called 'New Powers' Are Acting Spineless

So-Called 'New Powers' Are Acting Spineless

Time to show some leadership and stop coddling Mugabe

(Newser) - Critics of unchecked and amoral American power should be wary of prospective new world hegemons—especially China, Russia, and South Africa, Thomas Friedman warns in the New York Times. America's international popularity has plummeted under President Bush, but it's the more popular countries that have been acting unconscionably on the...

Sudan President Accused of War Crimes

Court could arrest al-Bashir over Darfur genocide

(Newser) - Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was officially accused of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity today in International Criminal Court, the BBC reports. The court must now decide whether to issue a warrant for Bashir’s arrest. If it does, Sudan’s government says it will disrupt the peace process...

Russia, China Nix UN Embargo on Zimbabwe

US-led resolution would have imposed sanctions, restrictions on Mugabe

(Newser) - Russia and China today threw out a UN resolution to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe for its violent presidential election, Reuters reports. Nine countries supported the US-backed sanctions, which would levied an arms embargo and restricted the travel and finances of officials, including President Mugabe. But five nations voted against it,...

Sudan's President to Face Genocide Charge

Some fear move out of the Hague could fuel instability in region

(Newser) - The International Criminals Court will charge Sudan leader Omar Hassan al-Bashir with genocide Monday in the wake of a five-year campaign of violence that has left hundreds of thousands dead, the Washington Post reports. It will be the first time the court has charged a sitting head of state. But...

Stories 701 - 720 | << Prev   Next >>