United Nations

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UN: Syria Ceasefire in Place by April 12

Syrian troops have reportedly started withdrawing

(Newser) - Fierce clashes continue to erupt in Syria, even as the UN's deadline for a ceasefire looms a week from today. Kofi Annan's peace plan requires Syrian troops to withdraw from towns and cities by April 10 , and the UN expects both sides to stop fighting within two days...

Mali's 'Very Existence' Threatened by Coup

Fears of food, gas shortages as refugees flee

(Newser) - Since we last checked in, the situation in Mali following a soldiers' coup has spiraled, with rising concerns over food and gas shortages, violence, and indeed the country's "very existence," according to Le Monde . An update:
  • The coup has driven more than 200,000 people from their

Syria Agrees to Annan's Peace Plan

Plan to be implemented April 10, in theory

(Newser) - Bashar al-Assad's regime has agreed to begin implementing Kofi Annan's UN- and Arab League-backed peace plan by April 10, and to cease hostilities entirely 48 hours later, diplomats told reporters today. Syrian officials confirmed as much for al-Jazeera , but said the deal would fall through if Annan couldn'...

How Bickering Aid Workers Brought Cholera to Haiti

United Nations, NGOs fought over water and vaccinations

(Newser) - A deadly cholera outbreak in Haiti has killed thousands and triggered protests outside a UN peacekeeping base that first leaked the disease into local water supplies. Now the New York Times looks inside the UN mission, its refusal to accept blame for the outbreak, and the internal bickering that stymied...

John Oliver Visits Africa for &#39;Epic&#39; UNESCO Segment
 John Oliver Visits Africa for 
 'Epic' UNESCO Segment 
The Daily Show

John Oliver Visits Africa for 'Epic' UNESCO Segment

He ridicules US decision to cut off funds

(Newser) - The Daily Show made the rare decision to forego a guest last night in favor of a John Oliver piece that, according to Jon Stewart, was "so epic that it could not be contained." Oliver looked into the US move to cut off funding to UNESCO , the UN'...

NAACP Takes Outrage Over Voter ID Laws to the UN

Benjamin Jealous wants human rights council to 'shame them'

(Newser) - The NAACP is taking its battle against new US voting laws all the way to Geneva, McClatchy reports. The venerable civil rights organization plans to argue next week before a United Nations panel that a recent crop of voting laws violate civil and human rights. Members of the United Nations...

UN Humanitarian Chief Tours Homs

As Syrian regime tries to scrub shattered city

(Newser) - UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos arrived in Damascus to begin her tour of Syria today, and is now touring the flashpoints of Homs and Baba Amr, the BBC reports. The Assad regime was moving desperately to clean up evidence of the recent shelling assault on the city ahead of her...

Iran to Let UN Into Suspected Nuke Site

Nuclear inspectors believed weapon work was occurring there

(Newser) - Iran has agreed to let UN inspectors into its Parchin military installation, after denying them access for the past two months, according to the country's semi-official INSA news agency. Western officials have long suspected that nuclear weapon work is under way at Parchin, and just yesterday International Atomic Energy...

Syrian Opposition Forms Military Bureau

Rebels say they have so far kept the government out of Homs

(Newser) - Syria's main political opposition group today announced that it was forming a "military bureau" to unify and coordinate the Free Syrian army and other armed opposition groups opposing Bashar al-Assad. Speaking in Paris, the Syrian National Council's leader said they had originally hoped for a nonviolent revolt,...

UN: Syrian Snipers Targeting Children

Regime leaders accused of crimes against humanity

(Newser) - Syrian army snipers are deliberately targeting women and small children, and its security forces are dragging wounded people out of hospitals to be tortured, according to a United Nations report accusing the regime of crimes against humanity. Fragmentation mortar bombs have been fired into densely populated neighborhoods, and the orders...

UN Arrives in Iran for Tense Talks

Nuclear inspectors hope to meet scientists, visit military complex

(Newser) - UN nuclear inspectors starting a two-day visit to Tehran today sought to meet Iranian nuclear scientists and visit a key military facility as they try to gauge allegations that Iran is pushing toward making an atomic weapon. The trip is the second in less than a month by the International...

UN to Syria President: Time to Go

Russia, China vote against General Assembly resolution

(Newser) - The UN General Assembly has voted to support an Arab League call for Syria's Bashar al-Assad to quit as president. The assembly voted 137-12 for the resolution, which isn't legally binding but is a barometer of international opinion, the AP notes. Seventeen countries abstained from voting, while Russia...

Iran to EU: We're Ready for Nuclear Talks

Country reveals latest nuclear advancements

(Newser) - Following yesterday's display of its nuclear prowess , Iran says it's ready to resume talks over its nuclear program. In a letter to the European Union obtained by CNN , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proposed re-starting the talks as soon as possible. Yesterday, the country showed off new centrifuges, with the president...

Trapped Syrians Communicate With Pigeons

Activists in Homs resort to age-old method

(Newser) - Syrian activists have resorted to using carrier pigeons to send out messages for help. The protesters are trapped in the central city of Homs, where government forces have laid siege. With no access to telecommunications or electricity, the isolated protesters in various neighborhoods have been communicating with each other by...

Syria Continues Assault on Homs

23 reported killed yesterday as Arab League seeks peacekeepers

(Newser) - Syrian tanks have relaunched their assault on Homs, shelling the beleaguered city for a 10th day today after the government's rejection of the Arab League's attempts to launch a UN peacekeeping mission in the country. The League's push was today also rejected by Russia, which said a...

Arab League Wants UN Peacekeepers in Syria

Saudi minister: 'Bloodshed is a disgrace for us as Muslims and Arabs'

(Newser) - The Arab League called today for the UN Security Council to create a joint peacekeeping force for Syria and urged Arab states to sever all diplomatic contact with President Bashar Assad's regime, the League's latest effort to bring an end to the violence that has killed more than...

Syrian Tanks Surround Homs

 Syrian Tanks Surround Homs 

Syrian Tanks Surround Homs

Plus: Blasts kill 25 in Aleppo

(Newser) - Time is running out for Syrian civilians as tanks surround Homs and the UN continues to fiddle for answers. Food, water, and medicine are running out, and sealed roads are preventing the evacuation of children and the wounded, witnesses tell the Guardian . "Communications have been completely cut off,"...

Arab League, UN Struggle to Respond to 'War on Syrians'

Even worse is yet to come, fears Ban Ki-Moon

(Newser) - As Syrian forces continue to bombard civilians in Homs , a desperate Arab League is considering reviving a monitoring mission with the help of the United Nations in a bid to stem the violence. UN chief Ban Ki-Moon said the "disastrous" failure to agree on a UN resolution on Syria...

Russia, China Veto UN Resolution on Syria

It called on Bashar al-Assad to step down

(Newser) - Russia and China vetoed a UN Security Council resolution backing calls for Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down, despite international outrage today over a devastating bombardment of the city of Homs by his regime's forces. Activists said more than 200 were killed in the bloodiest episode of the...

Clinton: UN Must Send 'Clear Message' to Syria

She rejects comparisons to Libya as 'false analogy'

(Newser) - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told the Security Council today that UN action to end the violence in Syria would be different from the NATO-led efforts in Libya that resulted in the ouster of Moammar Gadhafi. "I know that some members here may be concerned that the Security...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>