United Nations

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ISIS Reportedly Captures 3K Fleeing Iraqis

Several may have already been killed: UNHCR

(Newser) - The UN refugee agency says it has received reports that the Islamic State may have captured up to 3,000 Iraqis who were fleeing violence and that 12 of them may have been killed, reports AP . In a report published Thursday, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said the internally...

UN to Look Into Possible CIA-Backed Killing of Its Former Head

Dag Hammarskjold died in a plane crash in 1961 in Africa

(Newser) - The UN is on the verge of reopening the investigation into the death of former secretary-general Dag Hammarskjold, what Foreign Policy calls "the most notorious and perplexing cold case in the UN's history." Hammarskjold died in a plane crash during a 1961 peace mission in Africa. Since...

1 in 113 People Are Forced From Their Homes

UN Report: Conflict is the "main driver"

(Newser) - By the end of last year, more than 65 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced—enough to comprise the 21st-largest nation in the world, the UN Refugee Agency reports. According to CNN , it's more people than were forced from their homes in the aftermath of World War Two. The...

US Calls for UN to Unite on Gay Rights

Members urged to do more than just condemn killers

(Newser) - The United States on Monday called on all 193 members of the United Nations to not only condemn the terrorism that resulted in the mass killing of 49 people at a gay nightclub in Florida over the weekend, but also to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people from such...

A Child-Killer List Is Roiling the UN
 A Child-Killer List 
 Is Roiling the UN 
the rundown

A Child-Killer List Is Roiling the UN

Saudis accused of threatening to yank funds

(Newser) - Big controversy is afoot at the UN over an annual report that lists armed groups responsible for killing children. When it came out last week, the report included the Saudi-led military coalition in Yemen among the guilty parties. On Monday, however, the UN backtracked and removed the coalition from the...

Besieged Syrian Town Gets First Food Aid Since 2012

Nearly 500 food rations will feed about 2,400 individuals in Daraya for one month

(Newser) - The Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the UN have delivered food aid to the Damascus suburb of Daraya for the first time since it came under siege in November 2012, hours after the UN said the Syrian government had approved access to 15 of the 19 besieged areas in Syria,...

UN: Ireland's Abortion Ban Is 'Inhumane'

Committee finds woman's human rights were violated

(Newser) - The UN's human rights committee says Ireland's effective ban on abortion violated a woman's human rights and must be reformed in what the Guardian calls "a ground-breaking judgment that is expected to set an international precedent." The committee responded to the case of Amanda Mellet,...

UN Armies Use Troops Prone to Corruption

Alleged crimes described as 'sickening and odious'

(Newser) - Thirty countries that provide the most troops to UN peacekeeping armies are particularly prone to corruption, according to a new study . Transparency International, an organization that monitors corruption, says six of the most troop-contributing nations scored an F in an A-to-F grading system—Togo, Morocco, Chad, Egypt, Burkina Faso, and...

UN: Falklands Are Actually in Argentina

Territory ruling sparks concerns among islanders

(Newser) - Argentina's government celebrated on Monday a decision by a UN commission expanding its maritime territory in the South Atlantic Ocean by 35% to include the disputed Falkland Islands and beyond. The Argentine foreign ministry says its waters have increased by 0.66 million square miles and the decision will...

Ex-UN Chief Boutros Boutros-Ghali Dead at 93

He died in a Cairo hospital after suffering a broken pelvis

(Newser) - The first Arab and African to hold the UN's top position has died. Egyptian Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who served as the UN's secretary general from 1992 to 1996, died Tuesday at a Cairo hospital where he was admitted last week with a broken pelvis, Egypt's state news agency...

UN to N. Korea: 'Significant' Sanctions on the Way

'There can be no business as usual,' says US ambassador to UN

(Newser) - The UN Security Council has issued a statement strongly condemning North Korea's rocket launch and pledging to "expeditiously" adopt a new resolution with "significant" new sanctions. The statement approved by all 15 council members at an emergency meeting on Sunday underscored that launches using ballistic missile technology,...

UN to Britain: You Owe Assange Money Over His Detention

Panel cites his 'deprivation of liberty,' but London dismisses idea

(Newser) - A UN panel not only thinks Julian Assange is being unlawfully held in Britain, it wants the UK to set him free and pay him for his "deprivation of liberty." London thinks that's "ridiculous." Assange, meanwhile, said the ruling vindicates him—even though he'll...

UN: ISIS Has 3.5K Slaves in Iraq, Slaughtered Thousands More

Report documents 'staggering' death toll, murder of child soldiers

(Newser) - The United Nations released some disturbing numbers Tuesday related to ISIS activity in Iraq, noting that its actions may "amount to war crimes, crimes against humanity, and possibly genocide," CBS News reports. In the period from Jan. 1, 2014, to Oct. 31, 2015, more than 18,800 civilians...

UN Syria Plan Leaves Assad's Fate a Mystery

Security Council votes 15-0 to try to end conflict

(Newser) - After years of ruinous civil war, the United Nations Security Council has finally approved a peace deal for what's left of Syria—but it leaves the future of President Bashar Assad a mystery. The resolution adopted by a unanimous vote on Friday says Syria must hold elections within 18...

UN: North Korea Obtains Foreign Cash in Cruel Way

Forced labor is a human rights violation one UN official wants brought before ICC

(Newser) - North Korea is saddled with sanctions for its nuclear testing , but Pyongyang has found at least one way to buck the system, the UN now acknowledges: bring in foreign currency via forced labor outside the country , reports CNN . And it's no small chunk of change the nation is said...

US Confirms, Condemns Iranian Missile Test Launch

The missile is nuclear capable and can travel more than 1,000 miles

(Newser) - A US official confirmed Friday that Iran tested a missile capable of delivering a nuclear weapon earlier this month, Reuters reports. In a statement, US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power says the US is "deeply concerned" about the launch, which is a violation of the UN Security Council'...

Kickstarter Will Help You Help Refugees

Crowdfunding site teams up with White House

(Newser) - Kickstarter is crowdfunding for Syria, at the request of the White House, which asked if the crowdfunding website could find ways for the US public to help Syrian refugees, the Guardian reports. The result: this special Kickstarter page launched Tuesday, through which people can donate money that will go to...

Ex-UN Head Took $1M in Bribes: Prosecutors

Ex-General Assembly chief John Ashe accused of cashing in on Chinese mogul

(Newser) - A former UN General Assembly president was arrested Tuesday and charged with accepting over $1 million in bribes and a trip to New Orleans from a billionaire Chinese real estate mogul and other businesspeople to pave the way for lucrative investments. John Ashe, the UN ambassador from Antigua and Barbuda...

Palestinian Flag Flies for First Time at UN

Ban Ki-moon calls it a day of "pride" and "hope"

(Newser) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas raised the Palestinian flag at the United Nations for the first time on Wednesday with a promise that it will be raised soon in Jerusalem, "the capital of our Palestinian state." More than 300 ministers, diplomats, and well-wishers who crowded into the rose garden...

Obama at UN: Putin Needs to Get on Board With Assad Ouster

POTUS wants Assad out, says 'tyrant' isn't best choice to fight ISIS

(Newser) - "Dangerous currents" are creating a "darker world," President Obama told the UN General Assembly on Monday, touching on a slew of issues including the "apocalyptic cult" ISIS, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, and Syria's civil war, NBC News reports. Obama underscored the need to keep...

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