
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Kenya Massacre Gunman Was Official's Son

Cops took 7 hours to send special unit in

(Newser) - One of the gunmen who slaughtered 148 people at a college in Kenya has been identified as the law-school-educated son of a Kenyan government official, underscoring the inroads Islamic extremists have made in recruiting young people to carry out attacks against their own country. Abdirahim Mohammed Abdullahi, who was killed...

Survivor Found 2 Days After Massacre in Kenya

She was still in her hiding spot on campus; 5 arrests so far

(Newser) - It's one bit of good news after this week's massacre at a college in Kenya: A 19-year-old woman was found hiding in a cupboard this morning two days after the attack. Cynthia Cheroitich initially refused to come out even as rescuers pleaded with her, reports AP . "How...

Kenya Attackers Separated Christians From Muslims

Attack on college that left 147 dead seemed well-planned

(Newser) - The details of yesterday's slaughter of 147 people, mostly students, at a college in Kenya are coming together, and they suggest that the attack by al-Shabab militants was well-planned. For one thing, the gunmen first went to a Christian prayer service at a lecture hall to begin their killing....

Nearly 150 Killed at University in Kenya

Witnesses say gunmen targeted non-Muslims

(Newser) - The siege at a college in northeast Kenya is finally over, but the death toll has risen to at least 147, reports Reuters . The vast majority of victims were believed to be students at Garissa University College. Authorities say that four gunmen, believed to belong to the al-Shabab extremist group...

US Ambassador Worked in Bathroom to Flout State Dept.

Scott Gration refused to use Nairobi embassy's IT, set up office in the can

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is under the microscope for conducting official State Department business from a personal email account . But she probably wasn't working out of her bathroom—unlike an ex-US ambassador to Kenya who did just that. Ars Technica resurfaces the 2012 story of Scott Gration, who balked at using...

Non-Muslims Singled Out, Massacred in Kenya

Suspected Islamic extremists from Somalia believed to be behind 36 deaths

(Newser) - At least 36 quarry workers were killed early today in northern Kenya by suspected Islamic extremists from Somalia, Kenyan police say. The killings happened in Mandera County near the border with Somalia and the attackers escaped, a local police chief says. The workers were ambushed at the quarry as they...

Gunmen Ambush Bus, Kill 28 Passengers in Kenya

Al-Shabab is blamed for attack

(Newser) - Suspected Islamic extremists from Somalia hijacked a bus in Kenya's north and killed 28 non-Muslims on board, police officials said today. The bus traveling to the capital Nairobi with 60 passengers was hijacked at dawn 30 miles from the town of Mandera near Kenya's border with Somalia. About...

Kenya Bans Travelers From Ebola-Hit Countries

Part of 'extraordinary measures' need to halt outbreak

(Newser) - The Kenyan government will bar passengers traveling from three West African countries hit by the Ebola outbreak , closing a debate in East Africa's economic powerhouse about whether the national airline was exposing the country to the deadly disease. The suspension is effective midnight Tuesday for all ports of entry...

Researchers: Yes, You Do Eat Too Much Salt

As two other studies counter: Salt? No big deal

(Newser) - Whether due to a love of processed food or soy sauce, almost every adult on the planet likes salt way too much—on average, we consume almost double the amount of sodium recommended by the World Health Organization, a new study finds. Think that's no big deal? Well, researchers...

Kenya Nabs Suspected Attack Ringleaders

Government insists al-Shabab wasn't to blame

(Newser) - Kenyan authorities say they've arrested several people in connection with the massacres that have hit coastal regions in recent days, including the suspected ringleaders and the owner and driver of one of the vehicles used in an attack, the BBC reports. Police also arrested someone suspected of operating social...

Extremists Attack Kenya for 2nd Night

9 killed in fresh al-Shabab raid

(Newser) - Extremists attacked a coastal area of Kenya for the second night in a row last night, killing at least nine people a day after the deaths of nearly 50, officials say. A police spokesman says al-Shabab militants attacked a village called Majembeni. The Somali militant group also claimed responsibility for...

Militants Kill Kenyan Men, Order Women to Watch

Somali group blamed for rampage in coastal town

(Newser) - Dozens of extremists wielding automatic weapons attacked a small Kenyan coastal town for hours, assaulting the police station, setting two hotels on fire, and spraying bullets into the street. At least 48 people were killed, officials said. The assault in Mpeketoni began around 8pm local time last night, as residents...

Elephants Can Recognize Different Human Languages

They protect themselves from groups seen as threat

(Newser) - Speak the wrong language in front of an African elephant, and she may not like you much. In a study at a Kenyan national park, researchers played recordings of different languages and voices for 47 elephant family groups, comprising hundreds of animals. The recordings included the voices of Maasai men,...

Dead Man Wakes Up, Startles Morgue Workers

Hospital jumped the gun a bit

(Newser) - Kenya adds to the fine tradition of dead-person-wakes-up stories—like this , this , this , and this , to name just a few—with this gem: Guy ingests insecticide, goes to the hospital, is declared dead by doctors, and gets sent to the morgue. Guy then wakes up and scares the bejeezus out...

Goat Faces Down Rapist in Court

Kenyan man gets 10 years for defiling animal

(Newser) - Weird enough is that a 28-year-old man in Kenya got hit with a 10-year jail sentence for bestiality after being caught having sex with a goat. (The Star has the details on how the goat's owner spotted his neighbor in the act.) But weirder still is that the...

US Responds to Kenya Mall Attack, Raids Leader's House

Navy SEALs raid stronghold of al-Shabab leader in Somalia

(Newser) - A team of Navy SEALs raided the house of a senior al-Shabab leader in Somalia today—a response to the group's deadly attack on a Nairobi shopping mall last month , according to US officials. Initial reports claimed the leader had been captured, but an official now says that he...

Nairobi Mall Victims Brutally Tortured: Reports

Doctors, investigators offer gruesome accounts

(Newser) - The al-Shabab militants who attacked a mall in Nairobi last weekend didn't just kill their victims, they tortured them and mutilated their bodies, according to accounts in Kenya's media rounded up by USA Today . It makes for rough reading. The stories quote doctors and investigators who describe gouged...

Interpol Issues Arrest Notice for 'White Widow'

Samantha Lewthwaite wanted by Kenya

(Newser) - Interpol has issued an arrest notice for Samantha Lewthwaite , the fugitive Briton whom news media have dubbed the "white widow." The international police agency says the notice was issued at the request of Kenya, where she is wanted on charges of possessing explosives and conspiracy to commit a...

NC Couple: We Escaped Kenya Mall

Asheville travelers guided out by gun-wielding Australian

(Newser) - In Kenya for a safari, an Asheville, NC, couple took a daytrip to a Nairobi mall—and ended up fleeing for their lives. Francis and Susan Strazzella, both 62, heard shots ring out as they browsed a store on the mall's fourth floor, the Asheville Citizen-Times reports. "We...

Kenya Mall Attack Rehearsed, 'Meticulously Planned'

Plus: Gunshots still ringing out

(Newser) - Some of the terrorists who attacked Kenya's Westgate Mall are said to have used G3 assault rifles, cumbersome guns carried by Kenyan security officers, and "you don't bring something like a crew-served weapon through the door," an American official tells the New York Times . "Those...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>