
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Trump to Germany: We're Pulling Out

The president is reducing US military presence in Germany

(Newser) - President Trump is ordering the Pentagon to pull thousands of troops from Germany—a move that drew criticism and some speculation that it's just a tit-for-tat with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Guardian reports. The order will remove almost 9,500 troops and reduce the US troop presence there...

Protests Reach Europe
Protests Reach Europe

Protests Reach Europe

Nations around the world monitor US chaos closely

(Newser) - Nations around the world have watched the civil unrest in the US that has followed the death of George Floyd. But they have not been surprised. Racism-tinged events no longer startle even America’s closest allies, the AP reports, though many have watched coverage of the protests with growing unease....

European Union Makes a Big Ask of Trump

EU wants president to reconsider cutting US funds to World Health Organization amid pandemic

(Newser) - The European Union on Saturday urged President Trump to rethink his decision to cut American funding for the World Health Organization amid global criticism of the move, as spiking infection rates in India and elsewhere served as a reminder the global pandemic is far from contained. European Commission President Ursula...

Airline Flies to Italy, Forgets to See if Airport Is Open

After 'sightseeing tour,' Eurowings took 2 passengers back to Germany

(Newser) - A plane carried passengers from Germany to Italy before turning around midair because its intended airport is closed until next month. A spokesperson for German airline Eurowings confirmed the Saturday mix-up, which played out over four hours, per CNN . Flight EW9844 set off from Düsseldorf, intending to make the...

Discovery Alters Notions About Early Humans&#39; Travel
Discovery Alters Notions
About Early Humans' Travel
new study

Discovery Alters Notions About Early Humans' Travel

It appears they reached Europe earlier than thought, hung out with Neanderthals

(Newser) - Human bones from a Bulgarian cave suggest our species arrived in Europe thousands of years earlier than previously thought and shared the continent longer than realized with Neanderthals, per the AP . Scientists found four bone fragments and a tooth that detailed radiocarbon and DNA tests show are from four Homo...

In Berlin, New May Holiday Sends 'Unmistakable Message'

City makes May 8 a public holiday to commemorate end of WWII, Nazi rule

(Newser) - The US and Britain recognize May 8 as a special date—and now Berlin is joining them, even going so far as to make it a public holiday. Victory in Europe Day commemorates May 8, 1945, the day when German troops surrendered to the Soviets, effectively ending World War II....

Ikea's Main Franchisee Prepares for Baby Boom

Ingka aims to reopen European stores in May

(Newser) - Ikea's main franchisee has reopened all but one of its stores in China, and next month it plans to welcome crowds back to its European stores, too. Ingka Group—the world's largest furniture retailer, operating 420 Ikea stores around the world—aims to reopen stores in Europe in...

'It Is a New World' as Children Return to Class

Denmark gently reopens schools for younger children

(Newser) - Denmark made headlines this week by reopening some of its schools—making it a laboratory for other countries that want to get things rolling again, the New York Times reports. So far, Denmark is allowing younger students back amid restrictions, like having desks six feet apart. "It is a...

Origin of Most New York Cases: Flights From Europe

Study traces source of coronavirus outbreak back to mid-February

(Newser) - Most of the coronavirus cases in the New York City area arrived via flights from Europe, say genome researchers. And it appears that COVID-19 was in circulation in the region in mid-February, about two weeks before the first confirmed case was in the books, report the New York Times and...

Pleasant Weather Prompts Warnings in Europe

London park shuts after crowds flocked there Saturday

(Newser) - As warm, sunny weather beckoned across Europe, leaders worried that people would be drawn outdoors Sunday and ignore social distancing rules. British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said sunbathing in public places was not allowed and the UK might even ban outdoor exercise if people "flout the rules,''...

Nation's President Mocks Virus 'Psychosis,' Soccer Goes On

Belarus' Premier League is carrying on as if there's no pandemic, and it's gaining fans

(Newser) - It's the "last league standing," per the Guardian , and that's no exaggeration. Like pro sports throughout much of the globe, professional soccer is virtually canceled across the EU due to the coronavirus —except for the Belarusian Premier League, which has bucked what other neighboring countries...

Why Our Public Transit Sucks
Why Our Public Transit
Is Such a Nightmare

Why Our Public Transit Is Such a Nightmare

Aaron Gordon weighs in at Vice

(Newser) - "American cities are facing a transportation crisis." That's how Aaron Gordon kicks off a lengthy Vice article about America's half-hearted commitment to public transit. Gordon argues that the US lags far behind Europe's tram and metro lines, and China's high-speed rail lines, which makes...

EU to Migrants: Europe Is &#39;Closed&#39;
EU to Migrants:
Europe Is 'Closed'

EU to Migrants: Europe Is 'Closed'

As Cypriot police pepper-spray protesters

(Newser) - Cyprus riot police used pepper spray on Saturday to thwart Turkish Cypriot protesters trying to shove their way through a barricaded crossing point in the heart of the ethnically divided island nation's capital, the AP reports. Several dozen protesters tried to push their way through a cordon of riot...

Coronavirus Death Toll Moves Out of Asia

A Chinese tourist has died in France

(Newser) - The coronavirus death toll has made its way to a new region. Per the BBC and New York Times , France's health minister has announced that an 80-year-old man from China's Hubei province who was visiting France died Friday of a lung infection caused by the coronavirus. The tourist,...

Coronavirus Reaches Europe
Reaches Europe

Coronavirus Reaches Europe

France confirms 3 cases of Wuhan virus

(Newser) - On the same day the US confirmed its second case of the Wuhan coronavirus, France announced it has three cases—the first three to be confirmed in Europe, France24 reports. One of the patients recently returned from a trip to China during which he stopped in Wuhan. "He's...

&#39;Habsburg Jaw&#39; Was a Sign Their Days Were Numbered
Royal Family's
Doom Could
Be Seen in
Their Faces
new study

Royal Family's Doom Could Be Seen in Their Faces

The Habsburgs' big jaws are linked to inbreeding

(Newser) - Ever notice the "Habsburg jaw"? The distinct protrusion may have been caused by inbreeding—or so says a new study that revisits the topic of how the ruling family went extinct, LiveScience reports. "The Habsburg dynasty was one of the most influential in Europe, but became renowned...

Scientists Piece Together Hints of a Lost Continent
Scientists Piece Together
Hints of a Lost Continent
in case you missed it

Scientists Piece Together Hints of a Lost Continent

'Greater Adria' disappeared beneath Europe eons ago

(Newser) - A lost continent isn't quite as lost as it used to be. Scientists have painstakingly fit together clues spread across Europe to unravel the story of Greater Adria, reports Live Science . This continent was about the size of Greenland when it rammed into what's now southern Europe about...

Temperature in Paris Climbs to a Record 108

As heat records are broken all across Europe

(Newser) - All-time heat records are being set across Europe as the continent deals with its second summer heat wave . Paris hit a record high of 108.7 degrees Fahrenheit Thursday, as tourists streamed to any body of water they could find to escape the heat, USA Today reports. All-time records were...

Bad News for Notre Dame? Europe's Record-Breaking Heat

Historical architect worries that soaked stone walls could dry too quickly, collapse

(Newser) - Europe is sweltering amid a heat wave that's overheating bodies and breaking records, with the AP reporting that people were cooling off in any handy body of water including public fountains and the sea. The Guardian reports that the Netherlands and Belgium both broke all-time heat records in what...

These Little Insects Are Europe&#39;s New Plague
Millions of Insects Are
Spreading Toxin-Filled Hairs
in case you missed it

Millions of Insects Are Spreading Toxin-Filled Hairs

And European officials are trying to cope

(Newser) - First came the heat . Now Europeans are battling a nasty caterpillar infestation that spreads everything from allergic reactions to rashes to asthma attacks. Millions of the little creatures have made life harder for people in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark, thanks to the insects' toxin-filled hairs—which can ride...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>