European Union

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Americans May Remain Banned After EU Reopens Borders

Infection rate is far too high for US to be on list of 'safe' countries

(Newser) - The European Union is preparing to open its borders to travelers from countries that have the pandemic under control—but the US is nowhere close to qualifying, according to draft lists seen by the New York Times . One list, with 47 countries, contains only countries with infection rates lower than...

European Union Makes a Big Ask of Trump

EU wants president to reconsider cutting US funds to World Health Organization amid pandemic

(Newser) - The European Union on Saturday urged President Trump to rethink his decision to cut American funding for the World Health Organization amid global criticism of the move, as spiking infection rates in India and elsewhere served as a reminder the global pandemic is far from contained. European Commission President Ursula...

Woman Must Delete Photos of Grandchildren on Facebook
Woman Must
Delete Photos
of Grandchildren
on Facebook
in case you missed it

Woman Must Delete Photos of Grandchildren on Facebook

Court in Netherlands rules GDPR covers case

(Newser) - A Dutch court has interpreted the General Data Protection Regulation to cover a woman's posting of photos of her grandchildren on Facebook. That means, in this case, she has to take the photos down, the BBC reports, because she lacks the parents' permission to post them. After a rift...

Nation's President Mocks Virus 'Psychosis,' Soccer Goes On

Belarus' Premier League is carrying on as if there's no pandemic, and it's gaining fans

(Newser) - It's the "last league standing," per the Guardian , and that's no exaggeration. Like pro sports throughout much of the globe, professional soccer is virtually canceled across the EU due to the coronavirus —except for the Belarusian Premier League, which has bucked what other neighboring countries...

EU to Migrants: Europe Is &#39;Closed&#39;
EU to Migrants:
Europe Is 'Closed'

EU to Migrants: Europe Is 'Closed'

As Cypriot police pepper-spray protesters

(Newser) - Cyprus riot police used pepper spray on Saturday to thwart Turkish Cypriot protesters trying to shove their way through a barricaded crossing point in the heart of the ethnically divided island nation's capital, the AP reports. Several dozen protesters tried to push their way through a cordon of riot...

Thousands of Refugees Mass at EU Border

They gather at Turkey's western border to enter Greece

(Newser) - Thousands of migrants and refugees massed at Turkey's western frontier Sunday, trying to enter Greece by land and sea after Turkey said its borders were open to those hoping to head to Europe, the AP reports. In Syria, Turkish troops shot down two Syrian warplanes after the Syrian military...

Britons Toast, or at Least Accept, Brexit Day
Brexit Day

Brexit Day Finally Arrives

Nation gives EU membership a low-key send-off

(Newser) - Britons counted down the hours Friday to their country’s departure from the European Union — some joyous, some sad, many just hopeful the divorce would mark the end of an anguished chapter in their country’s history. The 11pm London departure—6pm Washington time—comes 3½ years after the...

Iran Nuclear Deal Is Officially in Dispute
Iran Nuclear Deal's
Days May Be Numbered

Iran Nuclear Deal's Days May Be Numbered

Iran warns of 'strong response' amid heightened tensions

(Newser) - The 2015 Iran nuclear deal could be dead in its tracks with three signatories rejecting Iran's argument that it was able to lift restrictions on enriched uranium production owing to US sanctions. Britain, France, and Germany said Tuesday that they were triggering the "dispute mechanism" within the agreement,...

After Landmark Vote, 'Battle to Stop Brexit Is Over'

UK's House of Commons clears the way for exit from European Union

(Newser) - Britain took a big step toward the European Union exit door on Friday: Lawmakers gave preliminary approval to Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s EU divorce bill in a decisive vote that broke years of political deadlock over Brexit, per the AP . The House of Commons, with its Conservative ranks swollen...

High Court Warning: Poland May Be Forced Out of EU

Ruling party's judicial reform proposals could lead to issues with European Union law

(Newser) - Poland's ruling party is attempting to overhaul how its judiciary functions, but the country's supreme court is warning those reform proposals could force Poland out of the European Union. Per the BBC and Euronews , the reforms put forth by the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party would allow...

Looks Like Businessman Paid $500K to Kill Journo

The Daphne Caruana Galizia case is heating up in Malta

(Newser) - A probe into the killing of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has led investigators all the way to the halls of power in Malta, the Guardian reports. Last week, prominent Maltese businessman Yorgen Fenech was arrested after trying to flee the country on his yacht, and told authorities that Keith Schembri—...

A New Brexit Word: &#39;Flextension&#39;
EU Agrees to Delay Brexit

EU Agrees to Delay Brexit

UK asked for a 'flextension' to Jan. 31

(Newser) - Looks like no Brexit this year: The European Union agreed Monday to delay Brexit until Jan. 31—making the concession just three days before Britain was due to become the first country ever to leave the 28-nation bloc. After a short meeting of diplomats in Brussels, European Council President Donald...

Boris Follows Parliament's Orders. And Breaks Them.

Britain's prime minister asks, and doesn't ask, for a Brexit extension

(Newser) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson grudgingly asked the European Union late Saturday to delay Brexit after the British Parliament postponed a decision on whether to back his divorce deal, the AP reports. But the defiant Johnson also made clear that he personally opposed delaying the UK's exit, scheduled for Oct....

White House Adviser Thought US Envoy Was Clueless—and a Risk

Fiona Hill testified that she warned about Gordon Sondland

(Newser) - Fiona Hill, a former high-ranking White House foreign affairs adviser, told House impeachment investigators that the US ambassador to the EU was so unprepared and inexperienced that she thought he was a security risk. Gordon Sondland told foreign officials they could drop by the White House any time, she said,...

Trump Plans to Slap Tariffs on $7.5B in European Goods

Tariffs will hit EU cheese, wine, aircraft

(Newser) - The Trump administration plans to impose tariffs on $7.5 billion worth of European imports—from gouda cheese to single-malt whiskey to large aircraft—beginning Oct. 18 to retaliate against illegal European Union subsidies for aviation giant Airbus. The latest escalation in the administration’s tariffs will open a new...

From Boris: a Final Brexit Offer, a Line on Kangaroo Testicles

PM gives conference speech to Conservative Party members

(Newser) - The UK will offer the EU a proposed Brexit deal on Wednesday that represents a compromise for both sides, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a speech to Conservative Party members at their annual conference that had been billed by his office as a take-it-or-leave-it "final offer" to...

Iran, 5 World Powers Discuss Nuclear Deal

Germany, France, and Britain are among those who met in Vienna

(Newser) - Diplomats from Iran and five world powers recommitted Sunday to salvaging a major nuclear deal amid mounting tensions between the West and Tehran since the US withdrew from the accord and reimposed sanctions, the AP reports. Representatives of Iran, Germany, France, Britain, China, Russia, and the European Union met in...

Protesters Storm Open-Pit Mine
Hundreds Storm Open-Pit Mine

Hundreds Storm Open-Pit Mine

Thousands took part in the protest, activist group says

(Newser) - Hundreds of climate change activists broke through a police cordon and stormed into one of Germany's biggest lignite coal mines Saturday, two days after European Union leaders disagreed on a plan to make the bloc carbon neutral by 2050, the AP reports. Police ordered protesters to leave the vast,...

After Milkshake Dousing, a Big Win for Brexit Party Leader

Early results show party nabbing a third of votes in EU election

(Newser) - Veteran euroskeptic Nigel Farage said Britain should get set to leave the European Union without a divorce deal, after an election across the bloc saw his Brexit Party and pro-EU forces carve up the votes at the expense of the long-dominant larger parties. The UK's governing Conservative Party was...

US Warns Europe: You're Blocking Us Out

Washington complains about the EU's new defense plan

(Newser) - America is warning Europe to drop a project that would boost military cooperation between EU nations, the Financial Times reports. In a letter to Brussels, US Under Secretary of Defense Ellen Lord says the plan—which involves creating new military equipment, military hospitals, and a spy school—would "produce...

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