European Union

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Belgium Seizes, Pours Out 'Champagne of Beers'

European Union rules clash with Miller High Life's slogan

(Newser) - The guardians of Champagne will let no one take the name of the bubbly beverage in vain, not even a US beer behemoth. For years, Miller High Life has used the "Champagne of Beers" slogan. This week, that appropriation became impossible to swallow. At the request of the trade...

In Croatia, 'Nothing Is the Same After This'

It'll now use the euro

(Newser) - "Nothing is the same after this," declared Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, per the Guardian . At the stroke of midnight on Saturday, Croatia switched to the shared European currency, the euro, and removed dozens of border checkpoints to join the world's largest passport-free travel area. It marked...

For Flyers in Europe, No More &#39;Airplane Mode&#39;
For Flyers in
Europe, No More
'Airplane Mode'

For Flyers in Europe, No More 'Airplane Mode'

European Union says air travelers will be able to use their phones as they wish in 2023

(Newser) - The modern era of "airplane mode" on flights is coming to an end—in Europe anyway. The European Union says air passengers there will be able to use their phones however they want (such as streaming video or, yes, making phone calls) as of June 2023, reports the BBC...

Cocaine 'Super Cartel' Is Busted in Europe

Ring controlled about one-third of the trade on the continent

(Newser) - Law enforcement authorities in six different countries have joined forces to take down a "super cartel" of drug traffickers who controlled about one third of the cocaine trade in Europe, Europol said on Monday. The European Union crime agency said 49 suspects have been arrested during the investigation, with...

'No Choice': Apple to Adopt USB-C Chargers

Greg Joswiak confirms company will comply with new laws, despite its opposition

(Newser) - Apple has "no choice" but to begin making iPhones with a USB-C port, rather than one to fit its Lightning cables, an official has confirmed. Greg Joswiak, Apple's senior vice president of worldwide marketing, tells the Wall Street Journal that "we'll have to comply" with new...

Europe Steps Up Efforts to Replace Russian Gas

Deals were signed Monday with Algeria, Azerbaijan, UAE

(Newser) - European leaders ramped up their push to secure alternative energy supplies Monday as fears escalate of a complete natural gas cutoff by Russia, with the leaders of Italy, France, and the European Union sealing deals with their counterparts in Algeria, Azerbaijan, and the United Arab Emirates. With his government's...

Divided Lawmakers Back Step Toward Joining EU

US endorses plan for North Macedonia to first meet demands by Bulgaria

(Newser) - After a three-day debate that included protests inside and outside parliament, North Macedonia lawmakers endorsed a plan on Saturday that could put it on a path toward joining the European Union. The compromise brokered by France first would settle a dispute with Bulgaria, which has blocked membership for North Macedonia,...

For the First Time in 20 Years, 1 Euro Is Worth $1

Drop signals trouble ahead for eurozone economies

(Newser) - In good news for anybody planning a European vacation but bad news for American exporters, the euro has sunk to its lowest level in almost 20 years. The exchange rate is now hovering around $1 to 1 euro. The rate, last seen in December 2002, follows a rapid decline for...

EU Quickly Gives Ukraine Candidate Status

Actually becoming part of the European bloc, however, could take years

(Newser) - The European Union has agreed to make Ukraine a candidate for EU membership, setting in motion a potentially yearslong process that could pull the embattled country further away from Russia's influence and bind it more closely to the West. Ukraine applied for EU membership less than a week after...

Putin: Western World Order 'Is Finished'

Major speech rips Americans for declaring themselves 'God's own representatives on Earth'

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a change in the world order on Friday in a scathing attack on the US and its leadership of the West. "When they won the Cold War, the US declared themselves God's own representatives on Earth, people who have no responsibilities—only interests,...

Apple Won't Like New EU Rule on Charging Cords

USB-C cable will be required for devices, from phones to headphones to GPS units, from 2024

(Newser) - Forget rummaging through the junk drawer. Soon, Europeans will need to reach for just one cable to charge their smartphones and other devices, the AP reports. European Union officials said they inked a provisional agreement Tuesday that will require a uniform charging cord in the 27-nation bloc. The new rules,...

EU: Embargo Will Cut 90% of Russia Oil Exports

Latest round of sanctions will also make Russian oil shipments hard to insure

(Newser) - The European Union on Friday formally approved an embargo on Russian oil and other sanctions targeting major banks and broadcasters over Moscow’s war on Ukraine. EU headquarters says Russian crude oil will be phased out over six months, and other refined petroleum products over eight months, the AP reports....

EU Adds Partial Oil Embargo
EU Adds Partial Oil Embargo

EU Adds Partial Oil Embargo

Zelensky pressed council to increase pressure on Putin

(Newser) - European Union leaders reached a compromise Monday to impose a partial oil embargo on Russia at a summit focused on helping Ukraine with a long-delayed package of sanctions that was blocked by Hungary. The watered-down embargo covers only Russian oil brought in by sea, allowing a temporary exemption for imports...

Inside the EU&#39;s Proposed Ban on Russian Oil Imports
Inside the EU's Proposed Ban
on Russian Oil Imports
the rundown

Inside the EU's Proposed Ban on Russian Oil Imports

'Let us be clear: it will not be easy,' says Ursula von der Leyen

(Newser) - Some 25% of all oil imports to the EU came from Russia last year. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is ready to take that figure down to zero. Von der Leyen on Wednesday proposed a total ban on Russian imports to the EU as part of a sixth...

US, EU Promise Ukraine Aid Topping $1B

Russian atrocities prompt more Western contributions

(Newser) - The US and EU promised on Wednesday to send Ukraine more military equipment, a commitment totaling more than $1 billion. President Biden said he told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that he approved $800 million in weapons, ammunition, and other security assistance, the Washington Post reports. And the EU's European...

Johnson, Zelensky Meet in Kyiv
Boris Johnson Goes to Kyiv

Boris Johnson Goes to Kyiv

Austrian chancellor also visited, as allies promise more aid and support

(Newser) - In what he called "a show of our unwavering support for the people of Ukraine," UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson made an unannounced trip to Kyiv on Saturday to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky. While there, Johnson announced a new package of financial and military aid to help...

Latest Crackdown on Russia: $46M Worth of Art

Customs officials in Finland seize paintings, sculptures, antiquities

(Newser) - Some $46 million worth of art on loan from Russian galleries to museums in Japan and Italy has been seized on the return trip. Customs officials in Finland seized the paintings, sculptures, and antiquities in three shipments at the Vaalimaa crossing of the Finland-Russia border on Friday and Saturday, in...

US, EU Announce Massive Energy Deal
US, EU Announce
Massive Energy Deal

US, EU Announce Massive Energy Deal

Bloc is trying to cut reliance on Russia

(Newser) - Some of the hit to Russian exports from its invasion of Ukraine is going to become permanent. The US and the European Union have reached a deal that will reduce Europe's long-term reliance on Russian energy, the BBC reports. The EU currently gets around 40% of its liquefied natural...

No, Johnson Critics Say, the War Isn't Like Brexit

Both are about freedom, prime minister argues

(Newser) - "I know that it’s the instinct of the people of this country, like the people of Ukraine, to choose freedom every time," UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a speech Saturday. "I can give you a couple of famous recent examples." One of those...

This Russian Oligarch Just Lost His Superyacht
Superyacht Seized as It
Prepared 'to Sail Off Urgently'
in case you missed it

Superyacht Seized as It Prepared 'to Sail Off Urgently'

France seizes $120M yacht linked to Putin's friend and ally Igor Sechin

(Newser) - Two days after he was sanctioned by the European Union, Russian oligarch Igor Sechin lost his superyacht. France on Wednesday seized the 280-foot yacht Amore Vero ("True Love"), with a reported price tag of $120 million, reports CNN . The ship, reportedly owned by an entity of which Sechin...

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