gay rights

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Gay Marriage Now Legal All Over Northeast

Judge declares ban in Pennsylvania unconstitutional, but state expected to appeal

(Newser) - A day after Oregon became the 18th state to recognize same-sex marriage, a federal judge made Pennsylvania the 19th, at least for now. The judge declared the state's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . “By virtue of this ruling, same-sex couples who seek to marry...

Gay Couples Marry Within Hour of Oregon's Decision

Dozens wed; state attorney general refuses to appeal

(Newser) - It was pretty easy to predict that US District Judge Michael McShane was going to overturn Oregon's gay marriage ban yesterday. So easy that gay couples were lined up for licenses beforehand, refreshing their smartphones as they awaited the news, the Oregonian reports. Oregon's attorney general had refused...

Gay Marriage Halted in Arkansas

Clerks still banned from issuing licenses, court says

(Newser) - Gay couples in Arkansas who didn't get marriage licenses in the past week won't be able to when county offices open today, after the state Supreme Court noted that the judge who struck down a same-sex marriage ban last week failed to also overturn relevant aspects of a...

Idaho Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down

Yet another state's law declared unconstitutional

(Newser) - Same-sex couples in Idaho could get married as soon as Friday morning after a federal judge struck down the state's gay marriage ban, saying it is unconstitutional and wrongly relegates same-sex couples to second-class citizen status. The judge said the state must start issuing same-sex marriage licenses beginning at...

Straight People Need to See More Gay Kisses

Mark Joseph Stern on the reaction to Michael Sam's smooch

(Newser) - There was a distinct outpouring of disgust when Michael Sam kissed his boyfriend after being drafted on Saturday night. Some of it was just outright bigotry, but Mark Joseph Stern at Slate was interested to see many people saying they supported Sam in theory, but were nonetheless uncomfortable with the...

Nintendo&#39;s Way Behind on Gay Rights
 Way Behind 
 on Gay Rights 

Nintendo's Way Behind on Gay Rights

Critics weigh in as company apologizes for game's straight-only relationships

(Newser) - A Nintendo game's failure to allow gay relationships is prompting a hard look at the video game industry, which critics say is stuck in the past. Studies show that players can form powerful bonds with their in-game avatars, and these virtual relationships are tied to self-esteem, writes Mark Griffiths...

Rams Draft Michael Sam, First Openly Gay Player

College star came out in February

(Newser) - The St. Louis Rams and Michael Sam made a little NFL history this evening, and in the nick of time. The Rams selected the star defensive end with the 249th overall pick in the NFL draft—out of 256 players—making him the first openly gay player ever drafted to...

Straight Dad Seeks Same Benefit Given to Gays

Canada's Alexander Angus didn't receive parental-leave benefits

(Newser) - A Canadian man has filed a human rights complaint because he, as a heterosexual dad, couldn't receive parental-leave benefits available to mothers and same-sex parents, the National Post reports. Alexander Angus, who works for the city of Victoria, BC, wasn't eligible for leave benefits "because of a)...

Louisiana Not Alone: 11 More States Still Ban Sodomy

Despite anti-sodomy laws being unconstitutional

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled sodomy bans unconstitutional 10 years ago, yet Louisiana voted to uphold its anti-sodomy law last week—and it's not the only state that still has such a law on the books. As the AP reports, Montana and Virginia were the only two of 14 states...

Louisiana Upholds Its Unconstitutional Sodomy Ban

Law voided in 2003 by Supreme Court can't be used as grounds for arrest

(Newser) - Louisiana voted resoundingly yesterday to keep its symbolic sodomy ban on the books—a ban made toothless more than a decade ago when the Supreme Court ruled that anti-sodomy laws can't be enforced. The bill that would have rid the state of the measure failed in the state's...

India Recognizes a Third Gender

Transgender recognition a 'human rights issue': high court

(Newser) - In a major Supreme Court decision today, India is changing the way it defines gender. Transgender people are now officially considered a third gender, along with male and female, the Washington Post reports. "Recognition of transgenders as a third gender is not a social or medical issue but a...

Supreme Court Rejects Early NSA Challenge
Cases the Supreme Court Avoided Today

Cases the Supreme Court Avoided Today

Justices duck rulings on NSA, gay rights, campaign finance

(Newser) - The Supreme Court quietly made a bunch of headlines today, mainly by rejecting potentially explosive cases. Here's a roundup of the day's (in)action:
  • Gay rights: The court announced that it would not take up the highly charged case that began when a New Mexico wedding photographer refused to

Ohio to Recognize Gay Marriages From Other States

But state's own ban expected to stand

(Newser) - Gay rights advocates are poised to win at least a partial victory in Ohio. A federal judge in Cincinnati says he will issue an order by April 14 that the state must recognize gay marriages performed in other states, reports the AP . But Judge Timothy Black is not expected to...

Ousting Mozilla CEO Is the Left's 'McCarthyism'

...Or so Andrew Sullivan argues; Will Oremus disagrees

(Newser) - Andrew Sullivan is often an ally to America's left, but he's definitely not cheering over the ouster of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich over his opposition to gay marriage. "This is McCarthyism applied by civil actors. This is the definition of intolerance," The Dish maestro writes in...

Mozilla CEO Resigns Over Stance Against Gay Marriage

Brendan Eich is out after Prop 8 backlash

(Newser) - The CEO of Mozilla has resigned after only about a week on the job over his opposition to gay marriage, reports MarketWatch . Brendan Eich decided to step down "for Mozilla and our community," the company said today in a blog post . Eich's appointment as CEO began generating...

OKCupid Blocks Firefox in Gay Rights Stand

New Mozilla CEO was gay marriage opponent

(Newser) - New Mozilla CEO Brandon Eich's support of California's Proposition 8 against gay marriage has come back to haunt him. Dating site OKCupid is trying to steer Firefox users to other browsers, calling Eich "an opponent of equal rights for gay couples" for donating $1,000 to the...

Catholic Group: Stop Drinking Guinness

 Catholic Group: 
 Stop Drinking 
in case you missed it

Catholic Group: Stop Drinking Guinness

Catholic League clamors for boycott after parade pull-out

(Newser) - The St. Patrick's Day parades are certainly over, but the controversy is still brewing—just like the stout at least one Catholic group wants the faithful to stop drinking. After Guinness, Sam Adams, and Heineken withdrew from parades that barred marchers from carrying pro-gay signs in New York City...

Michigan Sees First Gay Weddings

Couples get hitched day after judge's ruling

(Newser) - Gay couples in Michigan wasted little time taking advantage of yesterday's court ruling that cleared the way for same-sex marriages in the state. The honors for Michigan's first went to Glenna DeJong, 53, and Marsha Caspar, 52, a Lansing couple who were wed just after 8am by the...

Judge Scraps Michigan's Ban on Gay Marriage

Lesbian partners win right to wed, adopt each others' kids

(Newser) - A big court ruling this afternoon sets up Michigan to become the 18th state to allow gay marriage. A federal court judge struck down the state's 2004 ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional, reports the Detroit Free Press . The judge sided with lesbian plaintiffs April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse,...

Judge to Lesbian Couple: No, You Can't Divorce

Judge says Alabama couple can't legally split

(Newser) - A lesbian couple is caught in a weird vortex of differing laws on gay marriage: They want to divorce but can't do so legally. Michelle Richmond and Kirsten Allysse Richmond got married in Iowa in 2012 but later moved to Alabama, which doesn't recognize same-sex marriage. Yesterday, a...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>