gay rights

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Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues
Rudy Tries Candor On
Tough Issues

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues

'I should honestly tell you the things I can evolve on, and the things I can’t'

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani chose Houston Baptist College to debut his new, more candid campaign today, telling a conservative crowd that he supports abortion rights, some restrictions on gun ownership, and gay civil unions, though not same-sex marraige. Giuliani appealed to the audience to be open to a GOP candidate who may...

Tabloid Paid BP Chief's Gay Lover
Tabloid Paid
BP Chief's
Gay Lover

Tabloid Paid BP Chief's Gay Lover

$80,000 primed tell-all that led to Lord Browne's resgination

(Newser) - There is growing sympathy in London's financial community for Lord Browne, the CEO of energy giant BP who resigned Monday after being caught lying to a court about how he met his gay lover. The Guardian reports that the British tabloid, Mail on Sunday, paid Browne's lover Jeff Chevalier, about...

Nigerian Lesbians Take Forbidden Love on the Run

(Newser) - Five Nigerian lesbians are running for their love after a weekend wedding put them in direct violation of the local Islamic law. Police have issued arrest warrants against Aunty Maiduguri and her four wives, charging them with violating the Sharia law that governs much of northern Nigeria.

Giuliani Wants It Both Ways On Gays
Giuliani Wants
It Both Ways
On Gays

Giuliani Wants It Both Ways On Gays

Pro–civil union pol denounces NH bill as too close to marriage

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is trying to tone down the gay-friendly stance he took as mayor of New York, criticizing New Hampshire's new civil unions bill because it "goes too far" toward gay marriage, which he opposes. As mayor, Giuliani signed a landmark domestic partnerships bill; on the campaign trail, he...

New Hampshire Says "We Do" To Gay Unions

State's gay bishop welcomes same-sex civil unions

(Newser) - New Hampshire is about to become the fourth state to offer civil unions for gays—and one of the first couples in line may be the state’s gay Episcopal bishop and a senior state bureaucrat. “My partner and I look forward to taking full advantage of the new...

Spitzer to Introduce Gay Marriage Bill

Faces uphill battle in New York legislature

(Newser) - Eliot Spitzer will introduce a bill this spring to legalize gay marriage in New York state, the Times reports, fulfilling one of his earliest campaign pledges. The measure would make New York the second state to recognize same-sex marriages.

The Kingdom's Got a Big Closet
The Kingdom's Got a Big Closet

The Kingdom's Got a Big Closet

Why gay life flourishes in Saudi Arabia, even though it's a capital crime

(Newser) - Sodomy is a capital crime in Saudia Arabia, but that hasn't stopped a gay scene from flourishing there. Quite the contrary, writes Nadya Labi in the Atlantic. Men and women are so zealously separated that homosexual encounters are easier to pull off. One Syrian who moved to Riyadh seven years...

NH to OK Civil Unions
NH to OK
Civil Unions

NH to OK Civil Unions

Governor says he will sign bill to "prevent discrimination"; opposes gay marriage

(Newser) - With the stroke of a pen rather than a protracted legal battle, New Hampshire will become the fourth state to allow same-sex civil unions. Gov. John Lynch, who had not previously taken a position on the issue, said today that he will sign the legislation after the state senate votes...

Late to The Ball, But Gays Will Wed

With a sweep of a wand, Disney welcomes same-sex couples for "Fairy Tale" ceremonies

(Newser) - Same-sex couples can now exchange rings in the shadows of Sleeping Beauty's castle and have Mickey and Minnie as witnesses. Walt Disney opened its "Fairy Tale Wedding" package to gay partners yesterday, after a gay website accused the company of discrimination for barring same-sex couples from the $8,000-and-up...

Elton John: Gay Victims "Could Have Been Me"

Recently wed star discusses gay rights and persecution in British mag

(Newser) - Pop icon Elton John attacks the bullying of gays around the world and discusses his recent marriage. Under his own byline in the British magazine The New Statesman, the 60-year-old musician says he was afraid crowds would jeer at him following his London marriage to partner David Furnish 15 months...

Pace: Homosexuality Is &quot;Immoral&quot;
Pace: Homosexuality Is "Immoral"

Pace: Homosexuality Is "Immoral"

(Newser) - "Don't ask, don't tell" works fine for Gen. Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because "homosexual acts are immoral" and should not be condoned any more than adultery within the ranks. Pace defended the Pentagon's current policy on gays to the Chicago Tribune, opposing proposed...

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